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Matt Foster
Sheet Music Game(s): Final Fantasy
Download: [Download (191.44k)]
Comment: While I've not had a chance to play through the newest Final Fantasy, my friend told me an ugly rumor that my favorite piece of FF music was omitted, that being the fanfare. So, to keep it alive in my heart, I wrote out a little version of it for piano. Simple enough for a total piano novice like myself to play, I hope everyone enjoys it.
Eternal Rachel
Classical Game(s): Final Fantasy VI
Download: [Download (4021.43k)]
Comment: No Comment
Tavern Solo
Piano Game(s): World of Warcraft
Download: [Download (2.42k)]
Comment: I wanted to remix something from World of Warcraft, and it struck me as odd that the tavern music is the same for every inn throughout the game, regardless of race. I thought that was a bit fishy. So I began work on some alterations. I have more planned for this piece but I thought a piano wasn't a bad way to go with it first.
Sunken Temple
New Age Game(s): Zelda II: Adventure of Link
Download: [Download (369.44k)]
Comment: I started working on a remix from Zelda: The Adventures of Link quite some time ago. All I knew about the mix was that I wanted to use the temple theme. So, as always, unsure of the direction I want to take with this piece, I started with a straight transcription of the temple theme. While my work has progressed further, I decided that I would take the transcription and make a nifty little ring tone out of it. The sounds are a default patch in Reason, and I liked the submerged/drowning sound that it gave the theme.


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