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Final Fantasy IV
Another Moon
New Age Submitter(s): Beneficii
Download: [Download (80.6k)]
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Celtic Moon Review
Sheet Music Submitter(s): Carlisle
Download: [Download (21.81k)]
Comment: Celtic Moon is one of the first successful game music arrangement albums. What made it so successful? Did it deserve these merits? Here's one good way to find out.
Variations on a Chocobo
Classical Submitter(s): Ezekiel Morgano
Download: [Download (9.45k)]
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The Journey Begins
Classical Submitter(s): Ezekiel Morgano
Download: [Download (3798.08k)]
Comment: I've been trying to get this in since sometime in the middle of the last competition, but somehow it keeps falling through the cracks...
This piece portrays the journey of Cecil and Kain as they set out on a mission to deliver a package for the King. They travel into a dark a mysterious - not to mention misty - cave where they meet a young girl. After much travail they finally reach their destination only to find that the package was not what they believed it to be. The themes used were The Redwings, Into the Darkness and Rydia's Theme. I added a few elements from other themes. See if you can pick them out. Enjoy.
Piano Submitter(s): Francis "Fermat's Last Theorem" Gayon
Download: [Download (3790.83k)]
Comment: Major spoiler alert, people! If, for some reason, you haven't played the wonderful game from which this piece borrows its themes (perhaps having been comatose for the better part of a couple of decades), you may want to skip the next paragraphs and go straight to downloading.
The inspiration for this composition? The idea just came as I was browsing the shows on TV and came across a rerun of "Brothers & Sisters" on a local channel. I know, I compose for the most inane reasons. Just wait a couple of weeks or so and you'll see another example.
The piece basically summarizes the interaction between the Cecil and Golbez. After the introduction of both themes, it goes directly into a battle-theme-like segment in 7/4—something unusual for good ol'-fashioned me. The themes slowly meld until the two "come to terms" at 2:25 with the two being played simultaneously. As for the ending, I'm sure those who have played the game will understand why The Red Wings lingers with low notes while Golbez, Clad in Darkness (now played in the parallel major which also happens to be the tonic) "soars" above it in terms of pitch while slowly fading away...
Composed using Sibelius 4 and rendered by Kouen using SONAR 6 Producer Edition.
Cry in Sorrow
Tabs Submitter(s): Gianpiero
Download: [Download (8.09k)]
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Melody of Lute
Tabs Submitter(s): Gianpiero
Download: [Download (5.97k)]
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Cry Out in Sorrow
Piano Submitter(s): Jeffrey Osmon
Download: [Download (2.04k)]
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Ring of Bomb
Metal Submitter(s): Kain Vinosec
Download: [Download (1215.87k)]
Comment: This is the third part of The Final Fantasy IV Tribute EP that I made last year. Kind of an odd song to choose but I love the bass in the original version and I really wanted to make it stand out here. The chords that are normally played over this are split in half in the beginning with each rhythm guitar playing half of the chord. The same happens when the lead guitar and organ start playing. The rhythm guitars then switch to backup the bass and make it sound a bit more powerful, but clearly the bass guitar shines through and can be felt as well as heard. Not really a lot to say about the drums here. They're pretty standard. The latter half of this song is a bit different from the OSV. There is a bit more going on, but not enough to detract from the original distress and emotion behind this piece. In fact it might even amp it up a bit. Definitely my favorite track on the EP. Should've made it longer though...
The Big Whale
Metal Submitter(s): Kain Vinosec
Download: [Download (1551.99k)]
Comment: This is the fourth and final part of The Final Fantasy IV Tribute EP that I made last year. By far the most grand and epic track choice I could've made. The first thing noticeable is the snare. Resembling a machine gun more than an instrument - it very, very prominently leads this piece. The lead guitar and organ are almost overshadowed by the smooth harmonies of the rhythm guitars in the second half of the track, but every aspect of this song comes together to make it shine in the same way the original did. I dare you to listen only once.
That brings the FFIV Tribute EP to a close. Stay tuned for the FFV Tribute EP coming sometime in the very distant future. I hope.
Metal Submitter(s): Kain Vinosec
Download: [Download (2129.32k)]
Comment: This is the second part of The Final Fantasy IV Tribute EP that I made last year. The organ part was a pain to do because I had to find a way to play it this fast and accurately. I'm not a pianist so playing keys like this is not really my usual thing. Still I managed to pull it off and the sound is exactly what I wanted. The drums really shine in this. I was nervous about incorporating the double bass drumming into this track (especially in the intro) but in the end I think it worked out really well for the most part. The intro section which is supposed to sound like bends, couldn't be done the way I wanted to play the track, so I substitute sliding up/down the strings with a hit-pause-slide kind of method to give a variation on the original track's feeling. This one (much like the other two tracks left on this EP) is very short, but powerful. This song hits hard.
Red Wings
Metal Submitter(s): Kain Vinosec
Download: [Download (2980.35k)]
Comment: This is the first part of The Final Fantasy IV Tribute EP that I made last year. Each track uses the same live instrument composition: two rhythm guitars, a lead guitar, a lead organ, and a bass guitar. I used a couple of different midi programs to do the drums; Anvil Studio and SynthFont. Then I mixed the drums, recorded the rest of the instruments, and did minor editing in Audacity. After which I mastered it with Leon's Simple Audio Mastering Program (LSAMP). All of these programs are freeware. For this mix I wanted to really amp up the drums, but keep the main feel of the song the same. Length and order are virtually identical to the version found on the OSV which definitely gives it the same nostalgic feeling, but in a much more hardcore manner. The rhythm guitars do a little bit of harmony but not overly so. The lead guitar and organ play simultaneously which gives a great color to the tone that I use continuously throughout the rest of the EP. When all is said and done it's just a hardcore version of Red Wings.
The Lunar Frequency
Classical Submitter(s): Lontas
Download: [Download (4644.12k)]
Comment: Well, I have been lurking at RPGamer ever since it first existed and I can't believe the last time I submitted a piece of music was...nine years ago!? Whoa. (The piece in question is the Black Omen MIDI sequence in the Chrono Trigger section.) Now I am finally back with this ambient arrangement of Nobuo Uematsu's "The Lunarians", one of my all-time favorite works of his. My aim was not to re-create the piece entirely but to enhance it; therefore this remix is somewhat conservative. Still, that didn't stop me from applying some electronic tricks, adding a middle section, and emphasizing the pulsating pedal tone in an attempt to maximize the potential contained within the composition.
Rydia's Theme
Classical Submitter(s): Matt1plus1
Download: [Download (2146.71k)]
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Theme of Love
Classical Submitter(s): Matt1plus1
Download: [Download (2252.79k)]
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Polonaise mistienne
Piano Submitter(s): Patrick Waters
MP3 Splendid Performance Final Round
Download: [Download (6762.41k)]
Comment: Started and completed in only a matter of days, 'Polonaise mistienne' is a Chopin-esque spin on Rydia's theme. Principally, only a short part of the theme is used and developed through a series of variations on its opening motif, however the Trio section finally presents the theme in its entirety over a running bass line based on the 'Prelude' arpeggiation. Other themes from 'Final Fantasy IV' make subtle and brief appearances in similarly transformed guises (most notably 'Golbez, Clad in the Dark' and 'Troian Beauty').
Final Fantasy Wedding Processional
Classical Submitter(s): Patrick Waters
Download: [Download (15084k)]
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Absolution in White
Piano Submitter(s): Rexy
Download: [Download (5426k)]
Comment: This is actually a request that I worked on-and-off for Arek the Absolute at the OverClocked Remix boards (hence the title). He wanted me to cover FFIV's "Toroian Beauty", requesting specifically that the waltz feel of the source tune remains intact. What I also found out was that he was one of those people that loved my Mana medley, which left me to craft a version initially written for four pianos, but having got commentary based on the general execution this was soon toned down to two performers sharing a single piano. Arek really appreciated what I did with this one; even prior to this event, he's one of the most distinctive members of OCR you would ever get to speak to. Thanks for listening :)
Wings of Steel
Rock Submitter(s): The Black Antonio
MP3 The Grand Audition 2009 - Final Round (A Malevolent Masterpiece) Winner
Download: [Download (7028.64k)]
Comment: This remix opens with a composite of the Theme of Sorrow and Red Wings theme (the melody is Theme of Sorrow, while the insistent hammering rhythm comes from the Red Wings theme), which gives way to a solo, fugal exposition for the organ, using a quieter, more introspective stop. This leads to a classic rock section (1:55) which centres on the Theme of Sorrow, and contains a virtuosic solo for the organ across the chords of the theme. The original theme only makes its appearance near the four-minute mark, on the quiet, introspective tone. The Red Wings rhythm returns again at 4:54 in an intense extreme metal style, with the Crystal theme making a brief appearance as a screaming siren. Red Wings is only heard in its entirety at the six-minute mark, whereupon the remix ends on a reprise of the opening.
Done using Sibelius 4, and mastered using GarageBand and Audacity.
Processional March No. 2
Piano Submitter(s): Yura
Download: [Download (8734k)]
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