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School is evil. In fact, I don't have time to do a nice little intro because I have class right this moment... I'll add the ramble in when I have a moment.

Well, it is now 1:44 AM, Sunday morning, and I am finally getting around to writing the little intro blurb to this update. I apologize for the delay, but (as you probably gathered), I was a bit busy. The past couple of days have been spent running from one class to another, moving furniture, and trying to keep from going absolutely insane. You're probably wondering why I was moving furniture. Well, quite simply, it is a major part of my weekend routine, wether I want it to be or not. My mother works full time for charity, and is constantly getting the rest of the family involved, in ways varying from making us move stuff, to donating our posessions without asking. But such is life. In this update, there are a whole slew of wallpapers, and some other neato stuff. So, my faithful readers, read on!

In addition, I've just recently passed my sixth month at RPGamer! Prepare for a banner or something later to comemorate this event.

- Susan Emplit

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Featured Submission
Mmmmmm... a nice zip of Java...script
Chrono Cross Clock Javascript Puzzle
Feature Focus
Name: Jason79
Tools Used: Visual Studio, long sleepless nights. Javascript for all puzzles courtesy of Cut 'N Paste Javascript
A javascript-enabled web browser

A Javascript jigsaw puzzle for your browser. Unzip all files into one directory, open the .htm file in your browser, and have fun!

This Update
Chrono Cross Box Art Java Puzzle [L][M][W] Jason79
Chrono Cross Javascript Crossword Puzzle 1 | 2 [L][M][W] Jason79
Chrono Trigger Collage Wallpaper 1024x768 | 800x600 [L][M][W] Red Skull
I guess you could say "Chrono Cross" has renewed my interest in the original game. Just a big collage of scenes from "Chrono Trigger"'s manual and from the cut scenes in the remake.
Final Fantasy IV Javascript Crossword Puzzle [L][M][W] Jason79
Final Fantasy Tactics Wallpaper [L][M][W] MagusX
Just a quick background made by slapping a few bits of stock art together on top of a tiled background.
Rhapsody Myau Wallpaper [L][M][W] Celes Chere
I loved Rhapsody so much when I played it ^_^. I don't think the english version is getting the recognition it deserves, so I decided to make this wallpaper. I put Myao on it because I thought her outfit was always the coolest. It's pink just for extra cuteness.
Secret of Evermore GIF Sprite Animations [L][M][W] Pin Point Pelle
I'm not even sure you keep content like this, but I made these animated sprites a while back and decided not to let them go to waste so easily. Since the Secret of Evermore section is very lacking in content, they're for the taking if you want them.
Tales of Destiny Wallpaper [L][M][W] Celes Chere
Um, nothing really special about this one. I just LOVE the pic of Philia ^_^. I wanted to make it look soft and bubbley.

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