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   Winamp Tuesday   

Today shall hereby be known as "Winamp Tuesday". I know "Winamp Wednesday" sounds better, but the higher ups were getting a bit edgy. This week I had a unique problem: too many files submitted. Therefore, all the stuff that didn't fit in this update will be saved for next update. I'd like to thank everyone who sent in stuff for making my job a pleasant one, because it's much better to have too many submissions, than too few, as had been the case many other updates. Honestly, you guys are great. Without you, MC wouldn't exist. Anyway, I've been rather busy lately. You'll be able to see why either later tonight or early tomorrow, depending on how long my choir practice takes.
Also, several people sent in the list I requested last week. However, the first was Justin Harwood, who got it into me within 3 hours of my update. This is either impressive, or frightening. I'll see what I can do in the way of prizes.

- Susan Emplit

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Featured Submission
Leen on me
Leen skin
Feature Focus
Name: Your Secret Admirer
Tools Used: I used Paint to make the templates

"This is a skin of *spoiler*Feena's sister*spoiler* Leen "

User Files
Chrono Cross Kid Skin [W] Your Secret Admirer
"Kid is one of my favorite characters in a game so I had to make her a skin"
Chrono Trigger Frog Skin [W] Maria
"Frog winamp skin. He is my sister's favorite CT character and there aren't that many Chrono skins available. Never seen a Frog skin so... here we have one."
Grandia Feena and Sue Skin [W] Your Secret Admirer
"I got bored so I decided to make a couple of skins"
Grandia Feena, Justin and Sue Skin [W] Your Secret Admirer
"Made this after I finally completed Grandia"
Grandia Feena and Justin skin [W] Your Secret Admirer
"I got bored so I decided to make a couple of skins "
Thousand Arms Meis skin [W] Your Secret Admirer
"Meis is THE man"
Thousand Arms Sodina skin [W] Your Secret Admirer
"I personally think this one sucks"
Xenogears Elly Skin [W] Your Secret Admirer
"I got bored so I decided to make a couple of skins"
Xenogears Elly Skin [W] Your Secret Admirer
"I got bored so I decided to make a couple of skins"
Xenogears Elly Skin [W] Your Secret Admirer
"I got bored so I decided to make a couple of skins"
Xenogears Elly Skin [W] Your Secret Admirer
"Never drink and make skins "

Cut And Paste Guidelines
Cut and Paste Submission Form (inspired by fanart)

Name: (Your online alias. Make sure that you always use the same name!)
Home Page: (the URL and name of your home page)
Game: (Fairly self-explanatory. What game or games your submission is based on)
File Type: (Is it a background? a skin? If so, for what program?)
Description: (Describe your submission. Any comments you'd like to make if your work is chosen for Feature Focus)
Tools Used: (How you made your submission, what programs you used, etc)

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