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Game(s): Final Fantasy X-2
Download: [1024x768 (129.85k)]
Comment: Okay well I REALLY am anxious for FFX-2 and I was browsing the internet and found the picture of the kick a...ermmm butt Celsius...and I thought what a sweet wallpaper I could make out of it... And's my finished work...hope ya enjoy it...It's the first wallpaper I've made...ever...(I love
Game(s): Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
Download: [1024x768 (177.77k)]
Comment: Okay...I just made this ff:cc wallpaper today to keep me from goin into final fantasy really wanted to add more detail but there are only so many hours in the day...I mean I can only play games while I'm not sleeping, eating, or at school, so ya know how it goes... Hope ya guyz like it... E-mail me if ya do, and if ya don't tell me how I can improve...Just no flames cause I have a low self esteem and I don't need people I don't know bashin' my pics...
Game(s): Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
Download: [1024x768 (179.36k)]
Comment: Okay...I just made this ff:cc wallpaper today to keep me from goin into final fantasy really wanted to add more detail but there are only so many hours in the day...I mean I can only play games while I'm not sleeping, eating, or at school, so ya know how it goes... Hope ya guyz like it... E-mail me if ya do, and if ya don't tell me how I can improve...Just no flames cause I have a low self esteem and I don't need people I don't know bashin' my pics...


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