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Game(s): Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Download: [640x480 (161.99k)]
Comment: The question over whether submitting wallpaper for the movie sequel to a game truly qualifies as a legitimate submission aside, I figured I'd get in on the bandwagon as early as possible and get in the obligatory post-E3 Tifa wallpaper. In a way, I pity your Inbox.
Game(s): Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Download: [1024x768 (262.19k)], [1280x1024 (370.7k)]
Comment: Sure FF7:AC ain't a game, but I don't think anyone'll mind. People are gonna scrutenize every frame they can get their hands on so here's the 'official' three with a good helping of Photoshop goodness.
Game(s): Final Fantasy X-2
Wallpaper Featured Submission
Download: [1024x768 (193.62k)], [1280x1024 (290.03k)]
Comment: Filters fix everything! Bahamut, prepared and served in desktop dimensions.
Game(s): Kingdom Hearts
Download: [1024x768 (115.69k)]
Comment: The ending of Final Fantasy VII and Kingdom Heart's [deep dive] have been two of the most debated movies in video game history. Here's a wallpaper depicting one of those, and it's theory neutral.


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