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Final Fantasy III
Submitter(s): Aaron Scott
Download: [800x600 (94.31k)]
Comment: Amano's paintings can make good wallpapers, non?
Submitter(s): CaptainN
Download: [800x600 (476.28k)]
Comment: A tribute to the bosses of Final Fantasy.
Submitter(s): DeathByFireorIce
Wallpaper Featured Submission
Download: [1024x768 (339.63k)]
Comment: Trying to find my own little format for wallpaper, this is what I came up with.
Submitter(s): DeathByFireorIce
Wallpaper Featured Submission
Download: [1024x768 (369.99k)]
Comment: Trying to find my own little format for wallpaper, this is what I came up with.
Submitter(s): DeathByFireorIce
Wallpaper Featured Submission
Download: [1024x768 (360.94k)]
Comment: Trying to find my own little format for wallpaper, this is what I came up with.
Submitter(s): Joenz
Download: [1024x768 (141.26k)]
Comment: Here's a wallpaper I created that you may find interesting, I use it as a checklist.
Submitter(s): Oracle
Download: [680x440 (46.16k)], [1280x1024 (116.55k)]
Comment: Someone posted a similar image in the Square-Enix message forum that has been deleted, but since FF13 is in the works, and since Final Fantasy III now has a logo like the others, I felt it was time to make a new, updated FF wallpaper. All images were drawn by Yoshitaka Amano and other Square Artists I can't find the names of... "Where Fantasy Becomes Reality" is, I believe, a slogan of FF Tactics Advance...
Submitter(s): Orkybash
Wallpaper Featured Submission
Download: [1024x768 (108.1k)]
Comment: A background based on the upcoming Project Majestic Mix. Features the cover art for the silver edition (wish I knew the artist!), the logo that's been floating around the PMM site, and the names of all the musicians (to my knowledge, at least) who worked on the project. Web site for PMM is, in case you were wondering. BTW, I don't read katakana, but I'm told that it just translates to "Project Majestic Mix" over and over - again, in case you were wondering.
Submitter(s): Sakuracon 2003
Download: [402x640 (71.7k)]
Comment: No Comment
Submitter(s): Sakuracon 2003
Download: [575x900 (107.2k)]
Comment: No Comment


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