
If you haven't seen Chapter 8, click here


Fahrenheit is approaching Hamarl. Taicho is standing behind a window.

"At last ... I've come back to Hamarl. Is everyone all right? I'll never forget the day, NEVER! The day I left Hamarl."


Imperial soldiers is surronding the Palace. The soldiers are led by Restatto.

"Hi Hi Hi! (The symbolic laughing sound of Restatto, like that of Kefka.)" Restatto says, "To me, Restatto, Hamarl is just a piece of cake." Then he casts magic and causes earthquake. "Hey! Come out, the Hamarl soldiers! Come out, Taicho the Captain!"

Inside the palace, the soldiers and Taicho were talking about the situation.

"Taicho," says Gunsol (he's inside Matelight's squad), "Hamarl will be fallen into the Empire's hands. The question now is just when!"

"No matter how we do, Hamarl will be fallen." says another soldier.

"Taicho, please give your command."

Taicho thinks of a while. "I'll fight with Restatto 1-on-1. Please backup for me."

"That's too dangerous, Taicho! You'll soon die on Restatto's hands!"

"You should wait for a better chance, Taicho. We'll fight with Restatto first. When there's a chance, Taicho ..."

Taicho is thinking, and then says, "STOP! Who commands you? It's ME! Taicho the Captain of Hamarl Army."

"But ..."

"STOP! I'm also a soldier. I'm here to guard Hamarl and its people. When they're in danger, I won't hesistant to lose my life for them."

"But ..."

"Keep quiet! It's my command!" says Taicho.

Celine then appears. She's Taicho's wife.

"I also agree with what the soldiers said." says Celine.

"What are you saying?" says Taicho, "If I'm not going to defend Hamarl, who is going to do so?"

"You simply can't win over Restatto." says Celine.

"I agree, Celine." says Gunsol.

Taicho is angry. "SHUT UP! Is there any warrior is Hamarl who is tougher than me? NO! I'm the No.1 warrior in Hamarl. To protect this honor, I'm prepared to face any challenge and lose my life."

Taicho wants to go out. "I'm sorry, my husband." says Celine. She casts Sleeping Magic onto Taicho. Taicho falls down.

"Dear soldiers," says Celine to the soldiers. "Hamarl will definitely be fallen into the Empire's hands. But ... don't worry. There'll be one day when Hamarl will be liberated! Taicho, please stay alive and wait for that day for us! We ... We're now fighting with Restatto."

"Yes!" say all soldiers.

"Gunsol!" says Celine. "This is my last wish. Leave Hamarl with Taicho, tell him to stay alive and liberate Hamarl for us." then Celine leaves with the soldiers.

Celine is now inside the battlefield. "Come on, Restatto!" She casts magic onto Restatto, but Restatto isn't hurt.

"Hi Hi Hi. You can't fight with me like that." says Restatto, "Where's Taicho? Where's the No.1 fighter of Hamarl?"

He casts magic onto the Hamarl soldiers. All of them die.

"Where's Taicho! Are you afraid of ME and run away, the No.1 warrior? Hi Hi Hi!"

"No!" says Celine, "My husband is not that kind of man."

"He IS!" says Restatto. He casts magic on Celine. Celine also dies.


"I couldn't ... I couldn't protect anything." Taicho is weeping, "My homeland, my Palace, my soldiers, and ... my loving wife. I couldn't protect any of them! I'm too useless!"

Then Taicho turns to you. "Byuu, do you have a lover?"

I say yes (I think it doesn't matter how you answer). "You're very lucky, Byuu." says Taicho, "Being together with your lover is the most lucky thing in a man's life. You should take care of her. When ... you lose her, it's the saddest thing in a man's life. If this thing happens, Byuu, you'll also be a useless guy like me."

Fahrenheit is approaching Hamarl. It's a Continent of waters. It's raining outside Fahrenheit, where the dragons rest. All soldiers gather outside.

"At last we've reached Hamarl." says Matelight.

"Let's land on Hamarl quickly!" says Taicho.

"Hey," says Sendack. "Wait until we've all ready."

"Forgive Taicho, Sendack," says Matelight, "Hamarl is also conquered by the Empire, like our Kahna. Taicho is Hamarl's No.1 warrior, and I'm No.1 in Kahna. We share the same honor, and the same bitter."

"I see." says Sendack, "Let's get ready, Byuu."

You're now free to move. You can't get into Fahrenheit, but you can still buy some stuff from the Merchant. When you've ready, tell Sendack and the battle starts.

The Game

Objective : to kill Restatto.

Before the battle starts, Tulus recommends a strategy.

"There's a dam over the mountain. Beat the monsters there, and open the dam. Then water will fall down to where the Imperial soldiers stand. It's an easy way, isn't it?"

Yes, it is, but remember not to let them attack you before you open the dam. Also don't let your soldiers or dragons stand at the dried river (or the water will cost you HP). Also there're two enemy squads with red magicians. They're good at reliefing HPs so deal with them first. There're some Vega-like soldiers in enemy's squad. They have different attributes, so check their attributes before attacking.

Restatto is very easy to deal with. He can only "stone" you. Once your whole squad isn't "stoned", you may relief the "stoned" soldiers. His HP is 6500. Use Matelight and Byuu's squad to deal with him in one turn.

After the battle, Taicho stands in front of his wife's tomb.

"Celine ... when I know I can't protect Hamarl and you, I thought I'm too useless. But thing couldn't be changed. Today I've fulfilled your wish. Hamarl is liberated from the Empire. When I have this thought, I feel I've become stronger.

"Celine ... I believe I shouldn't have lost you. I'm too shameful to be a soldier. Will you forgive me for being such useless?"

Chapter 10: Rainbow Bridge
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Last Updated on 5/14/96.

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