
If you haven't seen Chapter 5, click here


You're inside the bridge. Everyone inside are talking about Yoyo. She hasn't waken up yet. You go to Yoyo's room, which is just downstair to the bridge.

As soon as you approach to the door, Sola rushes out and hits you.

"Yoyo's waken up! Yoyo's waken up!"

All people rush into Yoyo's room. You're the last one to enter. You approach to Yoyo's bed.

"It's Byuu, Sendack, and Matelight," says Yoyo. "Where is here?"

"It's Fahrenheit. You're now inside your own room." says Sendack.

"You've finally come back." says Lash.

"You're now safe." says Tulus.

"Princess, this is Matelight."

"And I'm Taicho, from the former Hamarl Cavaliers."

"It's not a dream." says Yoyo.

"Yes, it's the real world." says Sendack.

"What have you seen in your dream? Isn't it bad?" asked Matelight.

"No, not exactly." says Yoyo.

"Then what's inside your dream?" asked Sendack.

Sola appears. "Okay, okay! Our Princess is very tired. Why shouldn't you all let her take a break?"

Tulus and Lash leave the room. "Let's go, Byuu." Sendack says.

Just before you leave the room, Yoyo says, "Wait! I'll tell you what's inside my dream.

"What's inside?" asked Matelight.

"I've heard some words inside the dream. I don't really know what the dream means. Can you help me?"

"Listening to your words is my greatest pleasure." says Matelight.

"The Holy Dragon. It's about Valitra the Holy Dragon."

Sendack is surprised. "WHAT! the Holy Dragon!"

"Yes. It tells me `If I gather the power of the Holy Dragons, I ...... I'll become Dragnar!"

"What!" says Matelight. "Yoyo becomes Dragnar?"

"So what's Dragnar?" asked Taicho.

"Dragnar's heart links with Dragons. Dragnar can freely control the enormous power of the Dragons. The dead King of Kahna also had this power, this enormous power."

"Wow! Enormous power!" says Taicho.

"Now the Holy Dragon is on our side. Maybe Valitra wants to help us fight with Emperor Zauzer. Now Granbelos is just ants. After defeating Granbelos, Kahna will revive. Taicho, let's tell everybody about that!" then Taicho and Matelight leave the room.

"Wait!" says Yoyo, "It's just a dream."

"Princess," says Sendack, "I'm afraid that it's not a dream. You're really talking with Valitra. There's no difference whether you've really talking with it or doing so in your dream. The King of Kahna had told me about that."

"So ...... I'm really talking with Valitra." Yoyo is very scared. "May ...... Maybe I ha ...... haven't waken up yet. Please ...... Please leave me alone."

Suddenly Sola appears and snaps Yoyo's face.

"I've heard what you've said. I really hate about your such attitude. Do you know what pains we have taken to save you from Granbelos? We do our best because of YOU! Scared of Valitra? Scared of the dream? Scared of the real world? Princess, wake up and be strong! Once your heartbeat continutes, the whole crew will be on your side. Please look forward, Princess."

Sola then leaves. Yoyo also rushes out. You follow Sendack to the bridge, and finds Yoyo.

"I'm really sorry, Sendack." says Yoyo, "Hornet, can you please fly slowly above Campbell Continent? I wanna know what's happening on the lagoon."

"Aye, Princess." says Hornet.

"Byuu, please follow me to the cabin." says Yoyo, and she enters the cabin.

"Princess," says Sendack. "Byuu is the captain of the Dragon Squad. He's got a lot of things to do. Don't abuse his time."

"Byuu!" says Yoyo. "Please, to the cabin."

"What ...... What about me?" asked Matelight.

Yoyo laughs. "Yeah, you help me to watch what's happening on Campbell."

"Aye, Princess." says Matelight.

Then you enter the cabin. "I'm very surprised," says Yoyo. "You all fight with Granbelos bacause of me."

Yoyo continues, "Sola's right. I only think of myself. I've totally forgotten what you all have done to save me. Everyone's working very hard. Now I'll safe." "But I'm really very scared. I don't understand why I'll become Dragnar. `Gather the power of the dragons and become Dragnar.', I don't know whether I'm suitable to become Dragnar. Yes, I'm really sorry I'm wasting your time."

At that time, Sendack is just at the door. "No, no, no!" thinks Sendack. "Yoyo shouldn't put her love in the battlefield. I, as the captain of Fahrenheit, should stop that ...... No, no, no! Other people will think that I'm too stubborn."

Then she enters the cabin. "Princess, there's nothing strange on Campbell."

"Nothing?" asked Yoyo. "Yes, Sendack. I wanna know about the legend. The Legend of the Holy Dragon. Zauzer had told me about that before, but how can he know about that?"

"You wanna know about the connection between Kahna and Campbell?" asked Sendack.

"Yes." replys Yoyo.

"Zauzer had met the Empress of Campbell before. She's the younger sister of the King of Kahna. She's also from Kahna, and so she knows the legend. Okay! I'll tell the crew about that." then Sendack leaves the cabin.

You leave the cabin with Yoyo. "What's the situation, Matelight?" asked Yoyo.

"There's lots of Imperial soldiers on the lagoon."

"The Empire starts to notice our movement," says Hornet, "Soon there'll be another battle."

"What should us do?" asked Sendack.

"We're very far from Kahna, and so we must fight to settle on Campbell." says Yoyo.

"Yoyo!" Matelight is a little bit surprised.

"The basic of warfare is to get enough supplies." says Yoyo.

"Ye ... Yes!" says Matelight. "Byuu, let's get ready! By the way, Princess, how do you have such knowledge?"

Yoyo doesn't answer and leaves. Now you're free to move. As usual, you can buy some stuffs (new stuffs) or feed the dragons. Also check the two rooms adjacent to Yoyo's room. Someone sells medicines and poison mushrooms. These can also be used to feed the dragon, and you can increase their attribute in poison attack.

When everything's ready, tell Hornet and Fahrenheit will approach to Campbell.

The Game

Objective : to kill the boss.

Don't think that this mission is easy. At first there're just a handful of enemies. However, the boss will get reinforcement later in the game. Avoid standing on bridges, as some magicians will cast Thunder magic on you and the bridge will be broken. Beat the red magician behind the boss first before fighting with the boss (it's similar to Chapter 4). As said in Chapter 4: watch your HP, be prepared to lose one or two of your soldiers.

Chapter 7: Legend of the Dragons
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Last Updated in 5/8/96.

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