
If you haven't seen Chapter 16, click here

The four Sacred Dragons are surrounding Yoyo inside her room.

"Why ... Why are you so impatient, Yulmungald?" says Livajasan.

"This human girl has been pushed to the limit." says Yulmungald, "She losed conciousness after gathering us and using our power."

"But the New Era's Door isn't opened," says Garuda, "The Door shouldn't be opened if all of our power isn't gathered."

"I can't understand either," says Yulmungald, "Maybe this Door won't open."

"What is Bahamut doing?" says Valitra, "It doesn't like what we're doing."

"Yes," says Livajasan, "If Bahamut isn't here, maybe we can avoid the mistake we've taken in the past."

"Shouldn't we wait?" says Yulmungald, "Would the Door open?"

"But if the Door doesn't open, this girl ... no, we'll also ..." says Valitra.

"This human girl can't say anything now." says Garuda, "Can she be the Dragnar?"


Yoyo is still sleeping. Matelight, Taicho, Sola and Sendack are looking after her.

Three little devils enters the room. "Lash has something to tell Matelight."

Then Lash's voice appears, "We can't obey Matelight any more. Now we'll direct the Rebels. There's nothing to worry to Princess Yoyo and all others."

Then the three little devils leave the room. "What are they saying, Matelight?" says Taicho.

"Yeah, what are the Dragon Squad doing now. Taicho, please take care of Princess. I'll see what's going on." then Matelight leaves the room.

Meanwhile, the Dragon Squad have locked the door of the shops. Lash starts talking.

"Don't you see, Byuu?" says Lash, "We've grown up since the liberation of Dafila. It should be OUR time. Do you agree?"

You say yes/no. "Anyway we've grown up, but Matelight always treats us as kids. Let's do something to show our determination."

You follow Lash. "I'll be the leader. This may be the last time we buy stuffs." You're in front of the Armor Shop. REMEMBER: You can't return to this shop after leaving, so think twice before you leave.

Matelight then knocks the door. "Hey! What're you doing here. Open the door!"

Lash doesn't listen, and proceed to the Weapon Shop. After leaving the Weapon Shop, Matelight says outside, "Do you understand? You're insulting me."

Lash walks towards the door. Matelight says, "I ... I only think of Princess Yoyo when I'm in the battlefield. Yoyo is now ..."

Lash thinks of a while, and proceed towards the Item shop. After buying, Matelight says, "I'm crazy of Yoyo. I can't do anything without her, and so I force you and Byuu to be far away from Princess."

Lash thinks of a while, and says, "Don't listen to him! He's lying. He only wants us to obey him one more time. Let's feed the dragons." You follow Lash to outside, but Tulus doesn't follow.

Lash starts to feed the dragons. After feeding, you return inside. Suddenly the sky is shaking. Matelight enters the shop and chases you. You go outside.

The sky is then divided into halves. There's a black hole over Fahrenheit, sucking everything into it. Lash and you are nearly sucked. Fortunately, Matelight saves you and you all returns into Fahrenheit.

Taicho then appears. "Princess has waked up."

Princess Yoyo walks in. "The New Era's Door has just opened. The Sacred Dragons did it. They tell me in my dream ..."

"Please don't talk anymore now," says Matelight, "Now we should defend our ship." He looks at you and Lash.

"Hey, let's go, Byuu and Lash!"

"Matelight, we ..." says Lash. Matelight didn't bother, and goes out. Some devils land onto Fahrenheit. The battle has started.

The Game

Objective : to defeat the boss

The battlefield is quite small. It's even an easier task, but mind of the Uricon-like soldiers because they are very powerful. Use Yoyo's Sacred Dragons may hurt a lot of enemies, so use it often.

The boss' HP is quite large, so be careful.

The large gate over Fahrenheit is closing.

"Look," says Matelight, "The gate is closing. It's dangerous here. Let's go back!"


Emperor Zauzer is still resting in his bed. Palpaleos is watching the sky.

"Do you notice the change of the sky, Emperor Zauzer?" says Palpaleos. "Do you understand it all?"

"Palpaleos, go to the balcony and watch the sky with me, for the last time."

"For the last time?"

Then they're at the balcony.

"It's so bright," says Zauzer, "The sky is shining, because of the dream and the Legend."

"Zauzer ..."

"Palpaleos, am ... am I human? Am I the Emperor of human?"

"Zauzer ..."

"I've met a kid who's very like me. "I'll fight and sacrifice for the Emperor." This Empire is built by me. Every kid born in the Empire has a mind to fight. They're walking the same path as mine. This is my everything, the thing I desired."

Then he turns to Palpaleos. "Palpaleos, you have something in your mind that you'll sacrifice your life to protect, even killing me. General Palpaleos, head towards Kahna and join the Rebels to protect the sky."

"Zauzer ..."

"This is the order of the Emperor of Granbelos. Don't question! Go to protect this thing inside your mind."

Palpaleos walks away, but he's still thinking about Zauzer.

"Brightness of the sky," says Zauzer, "Do you understand the depth of darkness, the darkness at the buttom of my heart?"

Chapter 18: The Place as Promised
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Last Updated on 5/29/96.

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