
If you haven't seen Chapter 12, click here

Godrand, the City of Magic, has very advanced Civilization on Magic. Because of that, they can gain independence with the consent of the Empire.


It's midnight. Fahrenheit is approaching Godrand. It is the place of birth for Melodia and two little devils (These three make me remember Arale and two Gacchans. Courtesy of Dr. Slump from Akira Toriyama).

"Godrand is just over there!" says Hornet.

"Wah! Wah!" says Melodia, "It's my missing Godrand. My little devils are also very happy to reach Godrand and see their friends again!"

"Manyuu" says one devil. They can't speak human languages, but Melodia knows what they mean: Go! Go! Go to Godrand!

"HEY, Melodia! They shouldn't enter the bridge!" Hornet reminds Melodia.

"OK, OK. Let's go, little devils."

Meanwhile, all other soldiers have gone to sleep. But Tulus and Lash can't.

"I really can't sleep. I wonder why." says Tulus in bed.

"It's strange, Tulus. Why can't we sleep?" says Lash. Then he turns to Hicke-Bicke, "Hicke-Bicke!"


"Don't wake him up." says Tulus, "He's having a good sleep."

"OK! Tulus ......."


"I ... How can I say? I've got some strange feelings when I met the people in Hamarl ... How can I say?"

"Let me guess it, Lash."

"You know what I mean?"

"The people in Hamarl have a different look about warfare. like Taicho, he fights for his deceded wife. Lucani, she's a strong but attractive lady warrior. Donphan ... he always approaches ladies inside the battlefield. Jane ... she's quite pretty but she is as tough as a man."

"Yes, they're different ..."

"When we're still young, we're trained to be a MAN!"

"I really can't understand that."

"Neither do I."

Then they go to the bed again. Hicke-Bicke wake up, but it seems to be sleep sickness.


You're about to leave Fahreiheit. When you're ready, tell Sendack and the battle starts.

The Game

Objective : to kill Radia

There're only six enemy squads in the battlefield, but don't think it's an easy task. After killing the Zombie squad, the Magician squad will meet you. Since they are invincible for all but one kind of magical attack, and you can't check what kind of magic they're weak at, you should deal with them with great care. Their darkness magic is quite mighty.

After some time, the "flowers" inside the battlefield will blust and new enemy squads will come out.

The boss is quite tough, but it's not too difficult to deal with. He's weak at relief magic. Once I've got four squads/dragons surrounding Radia, and I cast relief magic onto Radia. The result: All my four squads/dragons have their HP relieved, while the boss' squad is damaged.

Maybe it's too difficult to deal with all the enmies on the screen. Try your best anyway.

Chapter 14: When Garuda wakes up ...
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Last Updated on 5/20/96.

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