
MU - Artwork
06.17.2003 Sketch Art
Big...hammer Ship meh! Can we be Friends?
Which One is the Monster? Bird Demon Riding Time!
Crouching Dragon. Yes, literally. Majesty Minotaur
A Very Dark Knight Armor Sketch Dragon Head
06.20.2003 Some choice monsters and a banner
Fairy banner. What's that movie called? How'd you like to meet that in a dark alley?
Skeletal archer. Umm... beats me. Compensating?
Oh, hey boss! No, I'm not slacking? Look at all these great blurbs! White biting things. Ice monster.
We get these all the time in Canada. They get those in the Vatican City. Those too.
Them, not so much. Rocky. "Hey, let's go touch it!"
Zap! Flying demon. Angry demon.
Angry, horse-like, scythe-wielding demon.
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