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This is a major spoiler for FFT. If thou hast not finished the game, read no further. If you have, though, read on...

        What did you get?

James Masato

This is my interpretation of what might have gone through Delita's mind in the last scene of FFT...when he kills Ovelia.

I felt the knife pierce her chest. In that moment, everything I had done since Teta died caught up to me.

For the better part of my life, I have been used by others. I have been merely a tool in another person's plans...

Oh, now I realize what I have I used more and more people for my own purposes I have become what I hated...

Now, as I backed away, she fell on her side...the life gone from her features. I backed away, dropping the knife...

All this time...what have I been doing? Is it revenge? Is it just power? It must be...for my revenge on the Beoulves has long since passed...

And now I have power! Ramza never used anyone for anything in his life, and where did it get him...? I played for power, and I got it...but in doing that, the chance to exact my revenge on those who used me...I have lost my sense of humanity, of honor, and I believe, my very soul.

For how can a man with a soul murder the woman he loves?

But I have power...! I can get my revenge on those who would use me! The Beoulves, Larg, Goltana, all gone. But what did he get, fighting for what was right...?

I walked over to the far side of the ruins...and asked myself...

        What did you get?

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