03.17.2005 |
New Al'Taieu images and equipment shots |
Polka dot sky |
Someone left the stove on |
Gonna have wet feet |
Swimmers should like it here |
You know by now you have to go check it out |
A being of pure plaid |
Open the door |
Have to take the long way around |
Flood gates...of doom |
A bit decayed |
Why did the dragon have gloves? |
I don't think they're friendly |
New things for mithra to eat |
New harness |
Showing off new armor in Davoi |
Shiny gold |
Cutaru armor |
White stylings |
New uniform |
Another new harness |
01.31.2005 |
Official Al'Taieu Screens |
A bird's eye view of the new area |
Interesting new landscapes |
Familiar architecture |
A new foe? |
An unnatural storm is brewing |
I wonder what's going on here |
Follow the blue-brick road |
Running along a bridge of some sort |
Stuck a feather in his hat... |
Head for those trees! |
Looking out, over the plains |
The Great Wyrmking |
Better known as Bahamut |
Despachiaire |
Elder Elvaan |
Despachiaire talks to Prishe |
Nag'molada |
Intelligent Hume |
Please don't stare at the metal eye thing |
Justinius |
Remember kids, eat your Beaugreens! |
Rebellious Tarutaru |
What's so funny? |
Such raw emotion |
Are they behaving for once? |
Tenzen |
Noble Samurai |
Loyalty |
Tenzen ponders the "falling off the airship" trick |
Ulmia talks to Tenzen |
Sha'ir Manteel |
Barone Corazza |
Bison Jacket |
Another shot of the Bison Jacket |
A Mithra fights in her Bison Jacket |
Igqira Weskit |
Another shot of the Igqira Weskit |
A Tarutaru wearing the Igqira Weskit |
Cape Riverne |
Floating rocks |
A Paladin and a Dark Knight watch a Thief |
Staring over the edge |
The beauty of Riverne |
More strange floating rocks |
Mage meeting, no melees allowed |
Large chunks of floating rock |
Shady trees |
A cave and a waterfall |
Hey Dragoon, bet you can't jump onto those floating rocks! |
A Paladin marvels at the mysterious ruins |
Promyvion |
An eerie lake |
Green glowing gate |
Strange glowing orbs are found all over the Emptiness |
Ominous fortress guarded by creatures |
A windmill |
Nothing jazzes up a scary place like a giant skeleton! |
Are barrels and crates empty in the Emptiness? |
A lone Monk under some trees |
Tall trees |
Deserted city |
Vermillion Cloaks make Tarutaru tastier |
A fortress looms over a small mage |
A Wanderer looking mean and nasty |
A Hunter Antlion |
A Diremite. Be afraid, arachnophobes. |
A weeper in need of an antacid |
A massive Bugbear |
A Bugbear hunching over |
A Moblin Roundman up close and personal |
A Moblin Roundman walking into a cavern |
A Corse looking scary |
A gargantuan Buffalo |
Run little Taru! Ruuuuuun! |
A Moblin Groundman with his quest leaf blower |
Hmm, no leaves, must work well |
Pso'Xja |
An unusual stone structure |
Strange architecture |
More strange architecture |
A dizzying staircase |
Who designed this place? |
So, who wants to go in first? |
Fuchsia aura |
More glowing fuchsia objects |
Attohwah Chasm |
Palm trees and brown walls |
A narrow gap |
Could a Galka squeeze through? |
Ahh, some peace and quiet |
This looks like the perfect place for bungee-jumping! |
Uleguerand Range |
Beautiful snowfall |
Don't slip! |
I bet the Thief is cold |
I dare you to lick that chunk of ice |
Hey, how'd he get down there? |
The sun comes out |
Brr! I'm freezing my buttsy-wuttsy off! |
Tavnazian Safehold |
Please let that bridge hold! |
Hello? Anybody home? |
Let's make the Elvaan scout |
Will the bridge hold a Galka and an Elvaan too? |
What lies around the bend? |
Exploring can be fun! |
No one's home...let's steal their stuff! |
Bibiki Bay |
Looks like a paradise |
Bah, my feet are getting wet! |
A cool shady spot |
A boat! Let's go for a joyride! |
Strange rock formations |
The sun is so bright |
Those currents look strong |
Don't forget the sunblock |
Darn, I left my pants in my Mog House! |
Beautiful sunset |
Phomiuna Aqueducts |
An empty sanctuary |
Hurry up, pokey Paladin! |
Hey, how'd you get up there? |
Ulmia |
Ulmia cares for Prishe |
My name is Esha'ntarl... |
I have a random apostrophe in my name. |
05.13.2004 |
Chains of Promathia Screens from E3 |
Peaceful scenery |
Approaching a cavern |
Looks like one expensive night lite |
I'm getting cold from just looking at it |
A shoddy looking village |
Traveling down a mineshaft |
The Department of Safety would go medieval on this place |
Dusk approaches |
No, I don't believe you |
More conversation |
Front view of a mithra |
Creepy looking dude |
It doesn't look like these guys are going to mix well |
Looks like you're outnumbered, creepy dude |
Setting sail |
Panoramic view of a bog |
Watch your step |
View of a seashore |
Panoramic view of a cove |
Yet another panoramic view of a ship |
Looking off the edge of a mountain |
A worn out looking shack |
A serene looking pond |
Beautiful view of a mountain |
Looks like the tide's coming in |
Looks like a fire hazard |
Panoramic view of a subterranean area |
Magical going-ons on a cold night |
Scary looking...something |
A glowing orb in a snow covered cemetery |
A glowing structure |
Another view of the orb |
It's coming straight for us! |
A cemetery illuminated in purple light |
Orbs meandering around a cemetery |
I wouldn't want to mess with that |
Do you think it's alive? |
05.08.2004 |
Chains of Promathia Screens |
I swear officer I didn't see which way he went. |
Heading out for a cruise |
Area comes complete with 2 castles |
Might be a safe place for some fishing |
Looks like a storms a coming |
What happens when your moogle moves out |
I'm sure it is safe to cross... |
Pretty lake |
So which was is it to all the stores? |
Don't get crushed by the boxes |
I wonder how you get to the door |
Oh no the roof is on fire! |
I'm not really sure what the shovel is for seeing as how there are no floors |
Maybe they use it here. |
If the ground was really shooting out water I'm sure the island would sink |
Guess they are anchoring there |
Nice shadey area in the desert |
Pretty water |
Mmmm Galka White Mage |
Nice random dock |
I'm sure it's all a mirage |
Cruising into the mountain area |
Swamp like place |
Giant mushrooms |
Reminds me of Jurasic Park |
Same as before but from a different angle |
Now it looks like Lord of the Rings |
Snowy place |
It stopped snowing |
Chilly cave |
Canyon area |
A bit higher up |
And a bit closer in |
Biggest leaves ever. |
Probably have to sail in to get to here |
Some of them look like they have eyes |
Inside a dungeon |
Some kind of magical device |
02.25.2004 |
The Dynamis Areas |
Glowing is nature's way of saying "touch me.. I'm harmless!" |
No truth to the rumour that Ziegfried waits inside with Ultros |
A...tree |
Castle bleeds pink goo |
11.02.2003 |
Some screens to help you decide to take the plunge |
Barren land |
Tropical happy place |
Windmill |
The streets of Bastok |
Ifrit will help |
Group shot in the rare armor |
Hmmmm |
Death awaits you! |
Awww |
Looking over enemy territory |
San D'Orian building |
Nasty looking wizard |
Get the tonberry! |
Mrrr! |
Windows shot - Fighting the dragon! |
09.08.2003 |
Official media tour. |
Our guest character. |
Looks like a Red Mage to me! |
Dilly-dallying about. |
Orcish Cursemaker sighted! |
Stepping on to the burning circle... |
A San d'Orian knight. |
Just chatting around, nothing major. |
The Dread Dragon appears. |
Spotter really don't look that menacing. |
The Dread Dragon awaits. |
Lion appears waaaay too late to help. |
Resting after the dragon battle. |
Preparing for a journey. |
Mini-chocobo! |
Sea Monk or Sea Horror, both dangerous. |
Fighting pirates AND a hectopus? Dangerous stuff. |
Why can't the skeletons be smiling? |
A phantom joins the fray. |
Spellcasting skeletons = bad. |
Gone fishin'. |
You have arrived at Selbina by ship! |
A cloudy day in Selbina. |
Lighting up. |
About to fire... |
A homebrew fireworks show! |
A tiny firework. |
Lighting another... |
Better than the real thing. |
Does that not burn? |
The Tarutaru looks so cute down there. |
08.25.2003 |
Offical beta screenshots! |
Nighttime river in Gustaberg. |
Chocobo riding through Valkurm Dunes. |
Our fearless site webmaster! |
Orcish catapults. |
Sunset in Sarutabaruta. |
Junger Forest. |
Gustaberg waterfall. |
The drab Batallia Downs. |
Northern Bastok's sunrise. |
Midday in Sarutabaruta. |
Loitering in Valkurm. |
Riding through Batallia. |
Eveningtime in the Plateau. |
Crawler sighted! |
Puttering through Tahrongi Canyon. |
Partying in Valkurm. |
Zooming through South Gustaberg. |
Evening in Gustaberg. |
Monk vs. Giant Bee. |
Stabbing a jelly. |
Entering the Plateau. |
North San d'Oria square. |
Sunrise in North Ronfaure. |
Party killing a Goblin Leecher. |
An airship taking off from North Bastok. |
Reet. |
Prancing through Valkurm |
Nighttime in Sarutabaruta. |
The mountains! |
Jeuno looms in the distance. |
A night in South San d'Oria. |
More riding through Batallia Downs. |
The South San d'Oria fountain. |
Beautiful trees in North Ronfaure. |
The San d'Oria Burning Circle. |
Evil Spotter! |
The Dread Dragon looms. |
Jumping in to the boss battle! |
Party tactics versus the dragon. |
Lion makes her second appearance. |
06.12.2003 |
E3 2003 Screens |
Will you pick door #1, door #2, or door #3? |
I don't see any water nearby |
I sense an ambush |
They are speaking English! |
Finally it's my turn |
I hope it doesn't use Bad Breath |
This is my last arrow |
Lance, is your last name Bass? |
I don't want to group with you |
So... have any extra potions? |
The level 11 guy won't be much help. |
We don't want Josh in our group |
"Hey guys how's it going?" |
Yes, I'm not very quick on the uptake |
There is a fire breather behind us? |
Dang it, we should have taken a right at Zulkheim |
Create a handle |
Lets travel. |
Sign up! |
Swing and a... hit? |
It's the guild house |
Where are all the people? |
What a big hallway |
I need a new face |
And new hair color |
I need to find a server |
Blah blah blah "This guy is strong" blah blah |
I'm already a guy, but I can change my gender. |
I want to be 4'9" |
Which one did I want to pick again? |
Please don't hit me |
That light covers the whole room |
Which boat can you ride again? |
Bad area for a fight |
Ready for battle |
Summoning spell |
Ifrit joins the battle |
Titan stands ready |
Earth shaking |
Don't drop that |
Catch! |
Female summoner |
Ronso summoner |
Tartares summoner |
Sunset over the ruins |
Jungle covered ruins |
Very old staircase |
Stone column |
Watery landscape |
Party underground |
Interesting place for a bridge |
Nice view |
Coral cave |
Sea-like landscape |
Four against one |
Road side sign |
One very big pothole |
No swimming here |
Volcano pass |
Underground city |
Lots and lots of boxes |
Watery cave |
Underground hallway |
Nice decorations |
Don't I know you from somewhere? |
A castle garden |
Grand staircase |
Dusty old hallway |
A white knight runs in |
Surveying the stairs |
Library |
Lovely hat |
Conversing with the little people |
So, as I was saying |
Jungle talk |
Fighting some tonberries |
The tonberries go to war |
I'll bite your kneecaps! |
1000 Needles |
Casting magic on a cacatuar |
Can you read line one for me? |
10.17.2002 |
More PC Screens |
Standing proud |
Almost looks like a stuffed toy! |
"Come with me if you want to live." |
Riding the chocobos |
Casting magic |
Chatting |
Hectic battle scene |
Crossing the brook |
Dancing out of trouble |
Standing is fun |
Looking pensive |
Smells like chocobos... |
Bastok |
Sand'Oria |
Windurst |
Loitering under the streetlamps |
Lost in town |
Holding a conversation |
Seagal and Pump |
Fighting giant caterpillars |
An unhappy tiger |
Taking on a dragon |
03.21.2002 |
Another Assortment of Screens |
Standin' around the town |
A Chocobo stable! |
Man, I look cool.. |
Racing near a cliff! |
Kind of an odd-looking expression, there.. |
Staring into the flame |
Gathering at the top o' the hill |
Well, I think they'd be a good match! |
That's one mean-lookin' dragon |
That's one mean-breathin' dragon, too! |
It's a mean wind-blowin' dragon, as well! |
The mean lookin', breathin', and blowin' dragon charges up! |
Okay, is there anything it can't do? |
02.27.2002 |
CG Intro and Magic |
Pucker up, buttercup |
Big 'n' ugly |
Town at the base of the mountain arch |
Eerie lights |
*belch* |
Pretty lights |
Spell starter |
The beta version's title screen |
A Galka and his beard |
A few scenes featuring a Galka |
A Mithra woman |
A few scenes featuring Mithra |
11.29.2001 |
Truckload of screens |
In the Tuku Republic |
Bridge and waterfall |
A deserted mine-town |
Ore mine in the North |
Castle at Sandoria |
Mossy guidepost |
Rabbits in the woods |
With the Taltals |
River through the woods |
Creatures in Windasu |
Entering an old structure |
A small monster |
Looks familiar, no? |
A more technological region |
Discussing the changing city |
The mining folks |
Castle of a longstanding family |
Arguing with the royal family |
The Sand Rear Kingdom |
A crawling area |
Guardian of Windasu |
Beautiful Windasu scenery |
Chatting with a Taltal |
A Chocobo |
At the Chocobo stables |
Hume amid gorgeous scenery |
Another Hume |
Hume's chatting |
Running through the forest |
Screen displays can be removed |
A Marlboro...defeated! |
Elven are a proud people |
Elven in Sandoria |
A shrine maiden |
Beating on the Marlboro |
Alliance kicks Marlboro's butt |
Lookit the cute armor |
Cute yet tough |
A Marlboro! |
Looking stern |
Tender-hearted yet with depth |
Chatting in Vana Dale |
Conversing with an NPC |
Talking with Taltal NPC |
NPCs give maps and other items |
Vana Dale is a lively place for meetings |
Some serious networking |
Get the feeling you'll be doing a lot of talking? |
More varied characters than this will be present |
Players can tell you about their travails |
More friends means a deeper experience |
Making a party |
A bustling metropolis |
Parties have a specific leader |
11.26.2001 |
More dinky screens |
Odd forest critters |
Chocobo stable |
Iifa Tree |
Town overview |
Outside the walls |
Outsized |
Hectic battle |
I can smell the Bad Breath from here |
Hume |
Tartare |
Eruvan |
11.01.2001 |
Finally, some real screens |
Magic Box
A giant yak |
Prancing through a field |
Is there a cave behind that waterfall? |
Down a quiet village path |
Dramatic overlook |
Are we lost again? |
What's with all the little guys? |
Chat while you fight |
Morning glare |
Closer to the yak |
Another game with windmills |
Land of the clones |
Ready for battle |
Allan vs. Flying Axe |
Talking in the field |
A very sparse forest |
In the city |
Cool logo |
Cool logo and a planet |
FFXI's title screen |
Large creatures and small humans |
FFXI logo |
Chatting online |
Talking in-game |
A great view |
Into a cave |