
Disney Epic Mickey
Platform: wii
Rank: #5
Release Date: 09.16.2010
Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios

Disney Epic Mickey

Disney characters are not strangers to RPGs, but Mickey has been in the back seat in most recent offerings such as Kingdom Hearts. Now in what appears to be a mix of platformer, action adventure, and RPG, this classic mascot is back with top billing in Warren Spector's Disney Epic Mickey.

This title is not a typical RPG, at least not wholly. It features a blend of multiple genres, but is mostly a platformer that breaks into the RPG realm enough for RPGamers to be excited. The game has a morality system where Mickey can either be a Goody Two-Shoes Hero or a rough Scrapper depending on what choices the player makes. This also shapes what alliances Mickey can make as well as power-ups and side quests that are available.

While Disney Epic Mickey is easily debatable as to what genre it belongs in (though we're not encouraging that), what is really important is that this game has brought a lot of hype. Many of us are ready to get our paint and thinner out and help Mickey shape his new world. When this Wii title hits stores later this year, RPGamers everywhere might take notice of just how deep this game seems to be. To help get you through the days till this game's release, here is our E3 impression.

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