
99% Chance of Hyper Mode! October 19, 2005

   Cycle and Scheduled Disasters continue this week, along with two new fics from Star Ocean 3 and the Chrono series. Don't forget to send your submissions into!

  New Fanfiction - October 19, 2005  

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By: ImagineGal
Ten years after the game ends, one of the Chosen Four has been separated from the group... (Chapters 13-16)
It’s time for another long-term update! First up is the Cycle. As you may remember, our previous entry was full of praise and even went so far as to wipe away many of the negatives mentioned in our initial review. After a couple thousand more miles on the odometer, we’ve got some new things to tell you. First, we had one unscheduled maintenance visit. But, that was because Jeff has problems doing simple tasks like making left turns in the rain. Next, gas mileage has consistently decreased as we’ve put miles on it. Not a huge complaint, but as the days of cheap oil slip away, it’s a point to consider. Lastly, the all-wheel drive is more than competent in adverse weather. Actually, it’s downright fantastic.

Scheduled Disasters
By: Simon
In the waning years of the third era of Tamriel, a prisoner born on a certain day to uncertain parents is being sent, under guard, without explanation, to Morrowind, ignorant of the role he is to play in that nation’s history. (Chapters 13-16)
Moving on, next we have the Scheduled Disasters. The electrical problem we had before reared its ugly head once again. We hopped on the internets and started perusing forums to see if this was a design flaw or our crappy luck. Turns out it’s the latter. We took the ScheDis away from Bob shortly after our previous update and handed it off to the younger (and infinitely cooler) Scott. Whereas Bob used the vehicle’s massive interior to do mundane things like shuttle kids to and from school, Scott took it to Vegas twice. After both excursions, he noted the air conditioner was excellent and the engine ran consistently cool, even when he was in stop and go on the Strip at midday.

Time's Tale
By: Zachary "ASV" Lewis
Chrono Cross
A short, about 15-line poem, chronicling the events of Chrono Trigger leading up to Chrono Cross.
Time’s Tale is presented in a very conspicuous translucent-green glass 10oz. bottle but what’s inside is anything but. It pours a distinct golden amber color and the head is approximately an inch and a half thick. Carbonation is stellar and its retention is pretty good as well. Taste is dominated by the hops, though the malt balances it out quite a bit. Widely available in grocery stores, restaurants and liquor stores.

By: Adnama
Star Ocean 3
Misty Lear, who dwells outside of the Urssa Lava Caverns, receives a very interesting vistor in the form of a man calling himself "Albel the Wicked."
We stopped at the Epiphany in Xanadu on Thursday for lunch. The restaurant was approximately three-quarters full and some kind of large party was seated just before us. I was a bit worried about this (who wouldn’t be?) but it turns out I was getting all hot and bothered over nothing as it took about twenty minutes for our food to arrive after we ordered. I had bangers and mash and the little lady had fish and chips. Mine was slightly above average while hers was fantastic, easily the best in the tri-county area. The staff walked a good line between friendly and professional. Will definitely stop here again.

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