
Monorail! September 2, 2006

Congratulations to Al Kristopher and Scott J. Karr! SHAKIN'! by Al Kristopher won 1st place, A Sage's Final Journey by Scott J. Karr won 2nd place, and The Lunar Jewel by Al Kristopher won 3rd place. The new contest will be announced next week.

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By: Al Kristopher
Chrono Cross
Except for the rain, and the explosions of thunder, it really was quite a calm evening in Fossil Valley. Sergeant Bill Davis had patrol over the lower area, and on each entrance to the Valley he could see his comrades, Sergeant Frank Welsh and Sergeant Thomas Gefford. There was also Corporal Matra Molon guarding the entrance to the upper lair of the valley, where the skeletal remains of a dragon still rested, so it was unlikely that anyone would be passing by that area so casually...

A Sage's Final Journey
By: Scott J. Karr
Lunar: Silver Star Story
It was here, at the guild's library that he had first realized the only way to save the world. In all the texts he read, it was evident he couldn't 'undo' the travesty that had occurred, that was impossible. Only the Goddess could change such a thing and as it was her decision to destroy the world in the first place, it was evident he could not rely on her to fix this mess. No, the sage realized, it would fall upon himself to find a way.

The Lunar Jewel
By: Al Kristopher
Wild Arms 3
Legends told that whoever held the Lunar Jewel over their heart had their wish come true—so naturally, Maya Schrodinger was after it. Along the way, she would meet an old… friend.

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