
Pet Peeves

Welcome. ^_^ You may not feel that way by the time you leave, but I said it anyway!

Well, I'm trying to be diplomatic, but it's hard when I'm talking about things I hate. I wrote this mainly to let you all know what not to send me. If you do, do so at great personal risk. In my effort to avoid becoming a "Microsoft personality", I have desposed with restrictions regarding sarcasm and similar attittudes as well as "generic" responses. Heh...... but I'll try not to be too scathing in responses to these letters -- believe it or not, I'm not a mean person! Just cranky when I get what I consider pointless mail, etc.

After this, I'll try to be more cheerful! ^_~ So...... on to my gripes and such.

  • Sending other people's stories.
  • Do NOT send someone else's story to me! If that person wants their fan fic on RPGamer, let them send it themselves -- I don't have time to contact these people about their stories, and I won't post them without the author's request. This sort of message only clogs up my Inbox and prevents me from reading the stories that have actually been submitted by the writers. In short, I'll say this: I will delete all submissions of this kind, no matter how well you supposedly know the author, or how much you think it deserves to be on RPGamer. Be prepared - you've been warned.

  • File formats - again.
  • Do not send your fan fic in the body of your message! I've said this a thousand times, and I mean it. ^^ It's enough of a strain on my eyes to read everything in word programs -- I don't want to have to read a story mixed with your introductory e-mail message. I then have to cut it, paste it, and convert it by hand, and that makes me cranky. It takes forever, and if you can't put out enough effort to put your story in a normal file, why should I? Keep that in mind. Also...... Read the submission guidelines before you send your story to me. Every file format my computer likes is listed there -- anything not listed there probably can't be read by my programs. I will delete any files that I can't read, without notification.

  • File formats
  • I've said it before, but this is the last time -- do not send files in LWP format!!! I can't read it, nobody else I know can, and I will not send a fan fic to someone for evaluation or conversion, no matter how kind the offer. It just wouldn't be right. So, any file in that format will be ignored automatically.

  • Xenogears
  • I like Xenogears. In fact, I love Xenogears -- it is by far my favorite RPG to date! It even beat out FFIV. So naturally, I will feel very cranky if I have to read a letter bashing my favorite game. I, personally, am a big reader. I can read one of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time books in two days or less. So obviously, I don't think Xenogears had too much dialog, or a bad translation/story -- aside from two grammar errors. ^^ The point? Do not e-mail me to tell me that the story was too long, of all things, or that you hate the game. That would be pointless, and while I respect your opinions, they're just opinions, and it isn't necessary for you to share them with me for no apparent reason.

  • Complaints Regarding Fan Fiction
  • This is my biggest gripe -- Do NOT send me letters complaining about someone's story! That is not my concern. I post stories because I like them, and because I believe they are at least reasonably well written. What you see up is what I consider the best of the best. However, once they're posted, they aren't my responsibility, aside from keeping the links working, etc. If you have a problem with someone's story, tell the author, not me!!! It isn't my problem! I didn't write it, and I don't know what the author had in mind, or even why they wrote the story. If you have comments on a story, or criticism, do not send it to me! I will respond in such a rude, scathing manner that you will probably hate me, and I would rather not let that happen. So if you forget most of what is on this page, remember this.

    Well, hopefully that wasn't so bad. These things have been bothering me for awhile, so I just wanted to get it out in the open. You have been warned. ^_~

    --- Amberyl

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