
  Fan Art - 05/26/03  

   Review, Duh!  

1. Time - Gong gong bo--wait. OK, normal chimes, nothing big.

2. Scars left by time - Beginning softly as the song originally is then flowing into a guitar, I can't help but notice this is a song that emotion was poured into. Much like Stephen Kennedy's awesome arrangements on the PMM album, this track seems to just have the emotion of the game itself pouring into it. I could honestly listen to this track forever and appreciate it just the same. The electric guitars only add to the feel of the game itself. Without a doubt one of the more emotion-driven pieces on the album.

3. Parrallelism - Ok, first let me say I'm a huge fan of this song on the OST. This track, althought it sticks to the original lacks a lot of the emotion of the first track. The jazzish beats do add to the original composition very fluidly, almost to the point of creating its own song. I don't think the emotion really shines in this song. On to the actual mix itself, it does seem to capture the basic essence of a jazz number and it incorporates it very nicely into the frozen flame song. It isn't until around 2:10, though, that I begin to truly appreciate the instruments and that only lasts for a few seconds. IF I had to say a better timeperiod for this song, I think a trance/newage would have hit the song more on the head.

4. The Boy Feared by Time - Ok, first I detest urban beats. This song has those beats and it's tragically hard to overcome the fact they are there. I think it truly comes together, though around :50 when the tempo actually runs into a rock number. That is when I can honestly say the song comes into its own, but then it slips back into the urban beats only to come back out. Then, for some reason, I'm treated to a Vegas showroom. The guitar playing is supurb, I must add. All instruments near the end lend nicely to this piece. If not for the urban beats I would probably enjoy it more.

5. A Hero's Judgement - I'm actually sitting in the courtroom with a band playing this song. When the guitars kick in, my ears start to ring and I truly do appreciate this song. I can actually imagine more of the scene with this song. The rock feel of the song truly does the Chrono Trigger track justice. The sinister plot that was happening during, the corruption of the system, while still having some innocence at the beginning--truly this song captures the scene itself nicely. If I would could hear any songs played live from this album this would be one. Great job on this track, awesome audio.

6. The Girl Forgotten by Time - I hear the beginning and I can just imagine the land-bound people, which speaks to the artist as doing a great job. As the song progresses I begin to pick up some of the emotion of Schala's theme. As someone once said somewhere, I don't know a Mitsuda fan alive that does not love Schala's theme. The tropic feel, while having some feeling of the more rough instruments then the gentleness of others seems to sum Schala up rather nicely. I think the calypso(what I'm hearing, mind you. I haven't read liner notes) beat was just fantastic. Another song I would stick on repeat while working on projects.

7. Wings of Time - Lounge act. Every time I hear this song on the OST or on this album I think of a lounge act. I must say this is on par with Schala's theme and Scars of Time. The sax is just awesome and lends very nicely to the piece, the drums work just picturesque, and the piano is just superb. I would put this song on repeat for hours upon hours and probably not be tired of it. To the artists on this one, you should probably be proud of this piece so much you do more like it. God, I love that sax.

8. To Times Once Forgotten - Listening to the beginning, I think the song lacks something until around :38. It doesn't have the punch you would expect, but as it gets into the song a beautiful arrangement is found and the emotion of the piece truly begins to shine. Some pieces are given this great swell of emotion in the song. Stephen Kennedy's Cayenne was one, and I think this piece is very close to that. I personally would have enjoyed the instruments with more of a booming presence, but I gertainly enjoy what is present. The music here, for some reason or another, screams emotion at me. What you do at 2:54 or so is just awesome...swelling the music and bringing in the marching drums truly does a great deal for the piece.

9. Telmina(yes for some reason I use the Japanese name) - The guitar, foremost is a great touch. It's not my personal instrument of choice, but it does capture the essence of Telmina rather nicely. I think the piece lacks emotion, though.

10. Song of Feeling - Darn tootin its a song of feeling. There's some feeling here, and it's very present. However, the instruments lack something. I think whoever did these instruments has a good amount of talent, but I don't really care for this song. I think with something else with what is there then it could have been a lot better.

11. Good to be Home - I'm waiting for a songstress to start singing with this song. I can imagine someone taking up the notes and just singing to this song. The beat is absolutely awesome, and the instruments add all the more feeling of a great pop ballad. Awesome rendition of Home in my opinion. It has pop feel, relaxation, and guitars--it sums up home to a 'T', this song would probably go on repeat when I go to bed if only I could go to sleep listening to music. Very soft, very soothing in a sense, and the electric guitar subtracts none of that subtle softness.

12. Journey For Her Thoughts - There is emotion in this piece, but until 1:00 I'm not really grabbed and made to listen to this song. The instruments are way too soft for my liking, I have to turn my speakers up to hear them and even then I am hit with a loud boom and it honestly hurts my ears. I think the use of Girl Who Stole The Stars was nice here, and at 2:00 you guys truly seem to find the essence of the song...a young girl who is destined to never truly love someone, but to constantly be at a duty to others. She's beauty and she is grace, but the fact she must serve a greater purpose takes from that. The OST song itself has such emotion in it, there isn't much need for applying emotion but at 3:24 you seem to find that emotion with the song takes a stronger feel to it. I can honestly say the song drags some up until this point. When it gets there, however, I am not left with wanting more, it does its job and it does it well.

13. To Good Friends - The second this starts my ears perk up and realize the piece. From the very beginning I can recall scenes from the game as if I had played Chrono Trigger yesterday--that is what a song should do. The piece only gets better from there as it passes into an orchistrated feel. However, whatever at 1:20 scares me, but breaks it up nicely until the second 'bu-dum' which leaves me going 'Ok?' then it picks back up into a pop ballad which seems to just pop up, pardon the pun. The little interlude there didn't really fit with the song, in my opinion--however the song certainly was very nicely done if it recalls scenes from the game. Very nice indeed.

1. Space - LOOK MA! I'M IN SPACE! *floats*

Word of caution - I haven't played Xenogears so I can't comment on any simularities to the game and any captures emotions.

2. The Fighting Priest - As this starts I feel a sense of a wandering person who is searching in a sense, and the guitars do a great job of capturing a sense of peacefulness. This seems to be anotehr one of those sleeping soothing numbers, well until you get to 1:17. The song picks up and only serves to better the number. I think this is another one of the better arrangements on the album, and I certainly would listen to it over and over for a while

3. June Mermaid - It is a given the piano has untold amount of emotion in it and this is no different. My spine shivers as I listen to this song, and I can almost feel a sense of sadness. The piano is done very nicely, the emotion literally pours from this piece and I would honestly put it on par with Stephen Kennedy's Cayenne arrangement from the PMM album. Short of a word to show what I think of this track: Awesome. Simply put...awesome. This song is probably one of, if not the song I coudl say is my favorite. Composer: Can I have your love child? On top of that you threw in a violin, screw the asking...GIVE ME CHILD! Simply awe-inspiring piece.

4. Navigation is Key! - BUM BUM BUM dum BUM! Military song if I ever heard one, I tell ya. I just feel like I should be saluting someone already and saying "SIR, YES SIR!", oh and the 'HEAVE HO!' I'm imagining FF4 Dwarves, which is scary. I think this is a fun piece, and is done very nicely...but isn't my cuppa. Get the dwarves away from me.

5. Gentle Wind - Gentle indeed. I'm already relaxing by the pool here. I think as far as emotion, I'm not hearing a whole lot but the instruments themselves come together nicely. I can just imaging grabbing someone by the arm and making with some heavy duty dancing to this song. Much on the goodness here, but it isn't really one of my favorites. I would certainly listen to this song on repeat...anyone wanna dance?

6. Star of Hope - You can shake the heavens with elevator music? No wonder it drives us insane. Certainly not on par with the annoyance that is John Tesh riding 80 floors up with us, but it just doesn't really strike my fancy. I do commend the piano player on this--you did an awesome job. Another one that just isn't my cuppa. It's lacking presence and emotion throughout almost all of the song, by the time you get halfway through a song it is no time to THEN start the song having a 'soul', it only makes the song that much longer.

7. Shake the Heavens - Ok, this song is already making me shiver! The violins are absolutely haunting, the bells are just awesome. The use of the piano here reminds me of Tubular bells of a sort. This song is just too haunting in it's softness of instruments and the presense of the piano and the chord strikes. Then we hit upbeat, and I'm reminded of FF8's The Extreme, which is a good thing. The music here is just absolutely awesome, and I'm in love as soon as we hit the upbeat music with the flutes and piano hitting chords. If I get any more in love I'm giggling like a school girl. 3:40 on is done right on par with the rest of the song. All of the instruments are just spectacular. I almost feel as if I am listening to an orchestra play this piece live. The silent yet very present background adds a huge sense of haunting to the arrangement. I must say, this is a track that many a person should be proud and many a person should hear and know that it is an awesome piece of mustical arrangement.

Overall Impressions - Some of the track really got off the beaten path of the original tracks, and some hit it so dead on it makes me in awe. Overall, I think this is a great CD and a great deal of work that has paid off.

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