
Fan Art - 07/25/01




News & Updates


As Silkenray announced last week, she's stepped down from the position of Fanart Director to pursue other roads. I, Merripen, will now be taking over the section, and wish her all the best in her endeavors, artistic and otherwise. Should you wish to contact Silkenray, her email address will remain operable for a while longer, and you can contact her at


In The Works


Current Projects: Reforging Fanart into my own twisted realm

Currently Playing: Beta testing various things


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Artist Listings - Updated 7.25.01


"mention this to me
          mention something, mention anything
               ...and watch the weather change."

Greetings, and welcome to Fanart. I am your host, Merripen. Some may know me from past fanart columns, or as a part of the RPGamer News staff. Upon Silkenray's departure, I'm pleased to say that I shall now be handling Fanart on a full-time basis. I will also continue to work on an occasional news story, but most of my time will be spent here.

As is obvious, the section has undergone and will continue to go through some cosmetic and organizational changes, but Fanart will essentially remain unaltered. I would, however, like to try some new things in the coming weeks and months, including ways for artists to get more feedback on their work, and the commencement of some special events (check back next week for more on that). As well, I hope to reinstigate a weekly Fanart Q&A column, which you can read more about in Shards.

For now, I hope you enjoy this week's Fanart selections, and I look forward to conversing and working with you all in the future.



New Fan Art - 07/25/01


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Rinoa Heartilly of Final Fantasy VIII
"Valse pour la lune"
Artwork by Kagaya Rinoa

Comments: Rinoa during the Waltz. "Valse pour la lune" is French for Waltz for the Moon. If you have any comments about this artwork, feel free to contact me! Colour pencil and Photoshop.


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Dekar of Lufia II
"The Child Dekar"
Artwork by Kitt

Comments: Just a little sketch in colored pencil of what Dekar would look like as a child.


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Flik and Nina from Suikoden II
"Groupie Attack!!!"
Artwork by Bunnie

Comments: Poor Flik, how much longer must he put up with Nina? I thought this was one of the funnier sub-plots in Suikoden. Check out these two's combo attack if you haven't already, it's pretty silly. Yeah, and that cat is in the game too, he can be found wandering around in front of your castle. What kind of cat says "Ho hum" anyways???


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Reeve of Final Fantasy VII
Artwork by Teri Stearns

Comments: There's just not enough Reeve fanart out there, ya know? Here's my little contribution...


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Locke of Final Fantasy VI
"Deep in Thought"
Artwork by Laura

Comments: I was encouraged by a fellow Locke fan to do this piece of art (you know who you are)...I only regret that I couldn't put Celes in the picture as well. In the initial sketch she was in the picture, but I just couldn't get her to look right. The picture was also much larger to start with (showing Locke's entire body) but I cut it to what you see now because too much of the detail would have been lost if I had zoomed out that much. Well, I hope you like it.


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Freya Crescent and Iron-Tail Fratley (and a Red Dragon) from Final Fantasy IX
"Freya and Fratley"
Artwork by TJB

Comments: An experiment with lotsa colored pencil. I'm still not very good at motion or depth yet, but it's a start. This picture was given as a present to Meriko Robert.


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Cecilia of Wild Arms
"Cecilia with a bamboo staff"
Artwork by Nix

Comments: After completing Wild Arms, I was really keen on the dynamics of the characters. Also being a avid player of the Final Fantasy series. This is an impression of Cecilia with not her exact clothing as shown in the game. It was a bit debatable whether to add ink... but I liked the vagueness that just pencil lines created. Hope you like it!


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Sierra of Suikoden II
"Moon Rune"
Artwork by Maëva

Comments: This pic was colored with my markers and with paint shop pro 6 for the background and the moon rune. I realllllllly love that rune because I really like the moon too^^; Yeah! And always my little Sierra (I want the same clothes as her !)! This character is really cool and interesting! And I love violet color! ( I think I was a vampire on another life °_°; )


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Mel, Dio, and Keruru from Tales of Phantasia
"Time to Recharge"
Artwork by Cyllya

Comments: I wanted to draw something with as much cuteness as the game itself. It's Japanese, so I don't know too much about the characters' personalities, but I don't think this is conflicting. I got the idea from the fact that there are no inns in the game. The characters' HP get refilled by walking into their house, so they're never unconscious unless they get knocked out in battle. I figured they have to sleep sometime. ^_^




It's good to be back. I truly do enjoy being in Fanart, getting to see the wonderful art submitted each week. While I regretfully can't bring you as many images as I would like (blame those non-broadband users), I hope you've enjoyed this weeks's additions to the RPGalleries.

In past columns, I ran a sort of Fanart Q&A, where readers could write in with art-related questions to ask of me and information to share with other artists. While I hesitate to call myself an authority on the topic, I am very interested in it, and have four years of education at a visual arts school and a veritable library of information and resources. Thus, I would like to pick the column up again, beginning with next week's Fanart update, and encourage you all to write in with questions. The topic can be on art in video games, classical artists, technical photoshop stuff, or even my own work. Pretty much anything regarding art is a valid question. I will answer at least a couple questions each week, and hopefully this will become not only an effective way to share some of what I've learned with you, but also a place for our artists to come for discussion on such topics.

So if you've got a question you'd like answered, please send it in. You may either include it along with your fanart submission, or just submit it to by itself. (If you are submitting a question without fanart, please enter "shards question" in the email subject line.)

I look forward to another batch of beautiful work next time, and we'll see how the Q&A column works out. Also, be sure to check back next week for something special.




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