
Fan Art - 07/02/01


In The Works

Current Projects:
Re-reading the Shannara series and working on my chain mail shirt.

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Zelda VI: Majora's Mask and Gemstone III

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- Artists: Last Updated 7/02/00
- Fanart 2001 Archive
- Fanart 2000 Archive


Filling In

Hiyo. I'm Alia, the suspicious character filling in this week for Silkenray. Silkenray should be back soon to do the next update.

A few might recognize me; I've submitted some pieces in the past, and I helped update the Artist's Archive section. I've been described as an "eccentric", so I suppose that I should leave it at that. I like random things, including airplanes, trees, modern German music, and goats. I also enjoy romantic walks on the beach have a webpage, updated very infrequently.

There are some wonderful pieces this update; the time spent working on them really shows through. I've had a great time subbing for Silkenray, although I was a tad bit disappointed with the small number of submissions. One thing that I would like to stress for everyone sending in artwork, please please please read the Submission Guidelines. It does not take long at all, but by using them it really speeds up the update process. To all who did follow them, thanks a bunch! If you forgot something, don't sweat it, but please remember to read through them before sending in anything else in the future.

Thanks to both staff and artists for bearing with me. Art for next update should be submitted to Silkenray, who should be back in the country soon.



New Fan Art - 06/13/01


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Aerith of Final Fantasy VII
"Eternal Blossom"
Artwork by Kagaya Rinoa

Comments: Aerith, the flower girl and the last of the Cetra. She had said, "I'll come back when it's all over..." Don't you see how she can be the only one for Cloud? Color pencil and Photoshop.


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Zidane of Final Fantasy IX
"Chibi Zidane"
Artwork by Topo chan

Comments: I've currently been playing FF9 and wanted to draw someone so I chose Zidane! I decided to draw him chibi-style and color the picture in PSP. Could have done on the coloring job but the background probably turned out the best. ^_^


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Din of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
"Din - The Goddess of Power"
Artwork by Birgit Prodinger / Nivrana

Comments: Hi there! ^-^ I'm still fascinated by "the legend of Zelda - the ocarina of time". (Such a great game! ^^) I drew this picture of Din (the goddess of power) while sitting in a train few weeks ago, scanned it and added color with the help of my PC. The thing above her hand is the magical spell "Din's fire" by the way.


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KOS-MOS and Shion of Xenosaga
"KOS-MOS & Shion"
Artwork by Duncan Burris

Comments: Well, I originally started out drawing this with Open Canvas, but I accidently collapsed all the layers halfway through and had to fix what I could in Photoshop. It's pretty much what I was expecting, but it took about three weeks longer to finish because of the mishap. Anyway... Xenosaga fanart! Enjoy!


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Lucca of Chrono Trigger
Artwork by LuccaLuvr

Comments: Hey, I just wanted to contribute this humble pencil doodle I made of Lucca. I hope it's good enough to be posted up in rpgamer. Thanks.


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Red XIII of Final Fantasy VII
"Red XIII"
Artwork by Evan

Comments: This is my first attempt at drawing Red XIII. I used Adobe Illustrator and I haven't found any tablets so I had to use the mouse! hehe...I hope you like it!


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Sephiroth of Final Fantasy VII
Artwork by Ruby Eye


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Miklotov and Camus of Suikoden II
"My Lovely Knights"
Artwork by Maëva

Comments: hello!!!!!!! this pic was colored with watercolor and ink! I really loveeeeeee Mikolotov and Camus! I don't know for you but suikoden 2 has really many good characters with many differents design and history! I love that! and Miklotov is sooooooo brave ^o^;; gyaaaaah ! (poor me I'm crazy ^_^;)


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Pip of Chrono Cross
"The Pipster"
Artwork by Dr. Jeffro MD

Comments: I thought pip was so cool from the game that i had to draw him! This is my second artwork and I think it turned out pretty well. I used paper and pencil and colored the drawing with colored pencils, thats about all there is to say.


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Will Knights of Saga Frontier II
"Will Knight"
Artwork by AnEmeigurl

Comments: This one was done in Markers this time. I got really bored and decided..hmmmm...I'll use markers....and so i did! well this is Will knights so enjoy!




Silk Strands

One of the sections of the column I love to see is this critic corner. Although I am hardly an expert, I do have a few pointers that may be worth listening to. One of the best ways to improve one's artwork is by getting comments from others. After all, after playing around with an idea for a while, a new perspective can help to smooth out the problems and point out areas to work on.

An area that I have noticed many fanarts seem to neglect is background interaction. (And yes, I am guilty of that as well!) Probably the main cause behind this is the very nature of the vast majority of published character designs out there. After all, how many shots of [insert any game character here] released by the publisher are totally without a background versus those that are complete pieces of art?

Background interaction involves not only the primary character (or two or three..), not only something behind him to define space, but also overlapping objects at varying distances to create a feeling of depth. It is not just a person sitting, but a person sitting in a chair, leaning on a table and carefully tracing a path on a map laid out before him, a nearly empty bottle and glass of wind by his hand and shelves full of books behind him. It is a person walking through a forest, trees closer to the viewer and further away, the nearer leaves hiding his feet and legs while other tree trunks are blocked by his body. In short, it is the difference between a really nice figure drawing and a stunning full piece of art.

Character drawings certainly do have their place with games as their purpose is to illustrate what a given person looks like. But they lack the spirit and demonstration of personality that a full piece can show. A shot of the villian sitting with eyes turned evilly upon the viewer is not even half as effective at portraying his blood-thirsty nature as a similar shot of him reclining in a massive iron throne decorated with skulls and faint traces of fresh blood, placed in the center of a great, dark chamber lit by a scant few torches and dozens of hideous creatures with glowing red eyes lurking in the shadows. While one aptly shows what the villian looks like, the other shows what the villian is.

So my challenge to everyone is to take a bit of extra time and make a complete piece of fanart involving some sort of interaction between subject and background. Pick your favorite character and show his personality, how he would act in a given situation. Don't rush it; go the extra mile to make that really killer shot of Frog swinging his sword so much better by fitting in a terrified Blue Mage hopelessly trying to avoid the blade all the while a Jinn dematerializes out of the walls behind the two, preparing a spell to catch the amphibian by surprise. Let's see if we can fill Silkenray's box up with them for the next update!

- Alia


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