
Fan Art - 06/13/01



News and Updates:

Off to a wedding, then to Europe to be with a certain special someone. Don't worry, I'll update while between trips! Also, two weeks from now Alia will be taking over for me while I'm away. I have enough art accumulated from the past month or so that I don't need any more for next update, so send your stuff over to her.



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Current Projects:Spending more time on an airplane than a person should...

Currently Playing:Ogre Battle 64


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  - Artists: Last Updated 5/12/00
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I just flew out of Philadelphia...

And boy are my brain cells fried! By the time most of you read this, I'll be on my way to a Renaissance-themed wedding in Ohio. Then, when I get back, I'll be heading off to London and Paris to spend some much needed time with the man I love when we're less than 3.5 thousand miles away. This would be the perfect romantic week if the rest of my family wasn't tagging along, but It's ok.

Remember, submit your work to Alia!



New Fan Art - 06/13/01


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Lady Beatrix of Final Fantasy IX
"Rose of May"
Artwork by Jessica Silver

Comments:Beatrix seems to be an overlooked character from Final Fantasy 9, so I decided she deserved some time in the spotlight. Too bad the picture quality got a little choppy when I reduced the size :( I also didn't have any idea how to draw "Save the Queen" so the sword is kind of pathetic. This is a pen drawing colored in Photoshop


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Zidane of Final Fantasy IX
"Still Have the Dream"
Artwork by Laura

Comments: I actually started this picture a few months back and gave up on it because I just couldn't get him to look right. Then recently as I was looking around at some pictures in that category and I experimented with this one some more. After much more work and agony than I would have guessed, I ended up with this. I think it's an almost decent portrait of Zidane (at least it is for the next week or so until I decide that it isn't ).


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Sephiroth of Final Fantasy VII
"Black Star"
Artwork by Chibi Selphie

Comments: This picture was waiting to be drawn for sometime. I new I wanted to draw a FF7 character and I always thought it would be Cloud (if any). When I started drawing though Sephiroth began to appear, and amazingly it was a really good likeness, so I carried on and this is the finished article.


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Rinoa of Final Fantasy VIII
Artwork by Ryuuzaki

Comments: I love Rinoa's sorceress/angel theme. :D I vaguely remember Lina Inverse in almost the same pose in the opening of Slayers Try...I guess that's where it came from. =) Don't quite remember. Rinoa is actually wearing a dress from an online RPG that I regularly play, since my avatar in that game is Rinoa anyway. XD


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Emeralda of Xenogears
"Sunset Emeralds"
Artwork by K Kirk

Comments: This is a portrait of adult Emeralda, reflecting on her past while she gazes over a valley at sunset. I'm particularly proud of the background, which was done entirely with the smudge tool. Comments are welcome. .


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The Hero and Luca Blight from Suikoden 2
"How to Roast a Hero "
Artwork by Pooka

Comments: Mwaa haa haaa.... Well, if no one else is going to send in Suiko-art, then Pooka here'll have to do it!! Mwaa haa!!! This is just...well, granted it's strange, but if you're familiar with the game then you'll probably get it. Hoo hoo hoo... DIE PIGS!!!


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Sydney, Ashley, Grissom and his evil armor from Vagrant Story
"Evil Armor"
Artwork by Maëva

Comments: aaaaahhhhhh.... one of my favorite sequence in vagrant story! I really wanted to draw a pic about it^_^ well, I 'm sorry because the colors are not really good (so luminous even thougt vagrant story has a dark atmosphere ^^; poor me). All has been made with my lovely watercolor (love it ^.^) and luminous effects with paint shop pro 6.


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Harle from Chrono Cross
Artwork by JP

Comments: I've had 3dStudioMax for about a year now, but haven't really started using it until a month ago. This is my first modeled character and I learned a lot in the process. It took me 8 days to get to this point and there's over 150000 polygons after meshsmooth. I chose to make Harle because she was an interesting character and wears relatively simple clothing (no hair or complex textures to worry about).



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