
Fan Art - 04/09/01



News and Updates:

Greetings once again. I know I said Silkenray would be here again soon, but, well, she's not. In fact, she's more not here than she was last time, having taken off a while to visit a country much prettier than this one. So for a few weeks I, Merripen, will again be filling in for her in the Fanart section.

It is wonderful to return. I find it quite pleasant here.



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Current Projects: Manifestations of Subconsciousness through Sacred Geometry and the Golden Section

Currently Playing: Lunar 2 (slowly)


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  - Artists: Last Updated 9/24/00
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Dawn Before the Rest of the World

"Yes, I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can find his way by moonlight, and see the dawn before the rest of the world."

- Oscar Wilde

The weeks following my last update have produced some very impressive fan art, and I am glad to bring it to you now all at once. We have a couple unique visions of classic Final Fantasy characters, as well as the first work of Yuna from Square's next installment to the series. As well, there are some anime-styled works, a pending doujinshi cover, some hilarious Vagrant Story antics, and a mystifyingly beautiful Chrono Cross piece that I somehow can't seem to take my eyes off of.

They are all wonderful, and worthy of RPGamer's gallery. I present them to you now, that you might enjoy them as well.



New Fan Art - 04/09/01


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De Rol Le and Mota of Phantasy Star Online
"Facing a Demon"
Artwork by Ultema

Comments: My first submission to RPGamer, and also the first piece I've done completely by hand in CG... no filters! I've always loved De Rol Le's music, and the boss itself was pretty darned hard... Then all at once I decided I felt like drawing it. This came out ALOT better than I thought it would... just goes to show what you can be capable of when you put your mind to it. I'm really proud of this!


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Jinny, Premiere, Robert and Gustaf of SaGa Frontier II
"The Last Party!!"
Artwork by Sakana
Medium: Ink and screen tones

Comments: The last party of SaGa Frontier 2. I like four of them very much!! I use this piece of work as the cover of my SaGa Frontier 2 doujinshi. Those screen tones made me half die to complete this picture...!!


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Yuna of Final Fantasy X
"Yuna of FF10"
Artwork by elfkin
Medium: Ink and Photoshop 5

Comments: I absolutely loved Yuna's outfit, especially the flower detailing. I had a heck of a time recreating the effect, but I think I did a pretty decent job of it.


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Female Player from Dragon Quest III
"Not Just a Bunny Girl"
Artwork by James Gray

Comments: The players of Dragon Quest III are actually known as goof-offs in the American Dragon Warrior III release. They look like bunny girls (probably based on playboy bunnies) who are known to give heroes a "puff-puff" in all the games throughout the Dragon Quest series. "Not Just a Bunny Girl" is based on the SNES graphic of the female player and a scanned anime picture of a female player I found online. Players may seem useless because instead of fighting they are known to sing or cheer on companions instead, but for some reason that makes them all the more fun to draw.


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Ryu of Breath of Fire IV
"Dragon boy Ryu"
Artwork by AnEmeigurl

Comments: background is kinda plain...but i cant seem to think of anything else these days..i'm a little burnt out...more like my light bulb isn't turned on yet.


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Tifa and Aeris of Final Fantasy VII
"Gentle Glow"
Artwork by K8 M.

Comments: This is my best picture of Tifa and Aeris. The background is CG, their skin is colored pencil and the rest is marker. And in the [strange] words of a friend of mine: "Dude, that would make a wicked expensive tatoo!"


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Main Male Character from Seiken Densestu IV
"Knight of Mana"
Artwork by Landale
Medium: Colormarkers, white ink, CG

Comments: Okay, I havenīt really sent in any fanart for a LOOONG time. I thought that Maybe I should because itīs fun to see your own fanart at other places than your own site...and thereīs a bigger chance that people will see em. This is the Male Character from SD4..I named him Azbel after Asbel of Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä. I was so happy that he was a pretty boy^^ not a pretty girl^^ (He looks TOO girlish *_* not like a bishounen) The white little dots all over the place is latest addiction^^
Oh and my site has moved from simplenet to


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Terra Branford of Final Fantasy VI
"Toki no Hourousha"
Artwork by Annie Felis
Medium: Prismacolor Pencils

Comments: Remember me? Heheh, I haven't sent in any art lately, because I've been lazy. I've done so much fanart that it's sick expect plenty coming from me. Anyway this will hopefully be the main graphic for a new site for my fanart/fanfics that will be entitled "Toko no Hourousha" (the wanderer of time), and it'll be Terra-themed. I tried something different with this picture. The art itself is my own new style (no more long faces/small foreheads), but the lines and coloring are a mixture of Hanna Chang's and Meriko's, er...sort of. o_O Well, close enough.


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Ashley, Sydney, Grissom & Dark Crusader of Vagrant Story
"A Little Help Here?!"
Artwork by Ann Marie Dunne

Comments: This pic was inspired by what has to be one of the coolest game fights ever -and one of my favorite parts in Vagrant Story ^-^. Of course in the first play through Sydney didn't exactly do all that much in the way of fighting, just threw in a cure or prostasia whenever the heck he felt like it and kind of stood around at a safe distance and let Ashley, Grissom and that Dark Crusader thing do all the fighting, he was practically leaning on his sword -hence this picture.
To be fair though Sydney was more lively in subsequent play throughs but by then the image was refusing to go away, and besides, Ashley's hair is just so damn pullable!


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Schala of Chrono Trigger
"Under Cerulean Skies"
Artwork by Alia

Comments: Possible compositional spoilers for the series. I was inspired primarily by the Chrono Cross intro: Yet even then, we ran like the wind, whilst our laughter echoed, under cerulean skies...


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Locke Cole, Cloud Strife, Zidane Tribal and Squall Leonhart of Final Fantasy VI - IX
"Final Fantasy guys"
Artwork by Nanami Yuki

Comments: Hiya. This is my first attempt to draw some of these characters. I don't quite know how Locke looked like, I drew him according to some Japanese fanart I saw. Well, hope you guys enjoy it. You're welcome to email any comments to me.




I have but a brief suggestion for today's closing, and that is in regards to ownership of images. As artists, we must have mutual respect for one another's work, and I'm sure most of us find the idea of stealing another's work nothing short of appalling. However, there are many people who do not bear the values of an artist, something I have recently discovered firsthand. When we release or digital work onto the web, a name or logo can too easily be removed, and may not be sufficient for identification. Be sure to watermark your images as well; even though nothing is perfect, a good watermarking within an image can be the evidence you need to prove that someone is using your image without permission.

An idea crossed my mind, and although I'm not sure how it will turn out, I thought I would try it anyhow. Should it please the readers to do so, I would like to extend this portion of the fanart section to answering art-related questions for the remainder of my stay here. These may be questions regarding art within video games, classical artists, technical photoshop stuff, or even my own work. While I am not exactly an authority on the topic, I am very interested in it, and have spent the last four years at a visual arts school. I don't intend to turn this into an artistic shade of RPGamer's Q&A column, but it should be an effective way to share some of what I've learned with you, the readers and talented artists who have been so kind as to share your own gifts. So if you've got an art question you'd like answered, please either include it along with your fanart submission or send it straight to Be sure to specify that your question is for MerripShards.

I truly had hoped to create some art of my own to include with this update, but alas, it simply didn't turn out that way. Perhaps I will find an opportunity during the coming week to complete some work to share with you, though I make no claim that it will deserve to stand among the beautiful art already present here. I'd like to again thank all the artists who submitted their work, and encourage everyone to continue creating. I look forward to next week's submissions.

Until next week, take care, and find your way by moonlight to see the dawn before the rest of the world.

- merripen



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