
Fan Art - 03/03/01



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  - Artists: Last Updated 9/24/00
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"Real Job"

I'm here. That's a good thing. I'm bored. Very bored. Bored and hungry... Low blood sugar and too much time makes Silky go crazy.... I just forwarded an email quoting myself quoting myself quoting myself singing the Addam's Family theme to myself. Drew a couple of character portraits for an online game or three, can't think straight. Rambling. LOST AT WORK! better shut up before I embarass myself further. Talk to you later, ok? Ok, I love ya, byebye...




New Fan Art - 03/03/01


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Ursula of Breath of Fire 4
"Foxy Soldier"
Artwork by K Kirk

Comments: Ursula is such a cool character! It's not often that you see such strong females in RPGs. Her design is interesting too - she's the only oriental-looking fox woman in all of role-playing! Comments are welcome.


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Alucard of Castlevania, Symphony of the Night
Artwork by Raadei

Comments:Comments about your fanart: Done with ink and colour pencils ^^


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Zidane of Final Fantasy IX
"Love Sick"
Artwork by Anchella

Comments: Poor little Zidane! He's having troubles with women (well, one in particular) and doesn't know what to do about it, other than hang around in a bar and mope. He's so sad even his tail is drooping! Taken from one of the "awww" moments in this great game ^_^


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Freya of Final Fantasy IX
Artwork by Snowdon

Comments:Originally drawn maybe a couple weeks after the game came out when a friend pointed out that he couldn't find any Freya fan art. Since Dragoons rock and Freya's just a cool character and a cool design, I was happy to fix the problem.

When I drew this, there wasn't much to use as reference for her design, and so there's a lot of mistakes, but it's still a decent picture.


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Shu of Suikoden II
"Strategist's Block"
Artwork by A-Chan

Comments: You know, it's been said before, and I'll say it again; there's not enough Suikoden/Suikoden II fanart out there! Furthermore, I don't think I've ever seen a fanart of Shu, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. *evil laughter* Ahem, I didn't really do him justice, since Shu is a very cool character and this is a semi-lazy job, but I felt someone had to do it! Maybe I can inspire others to get some Suikoden art in circulation... ^_^


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Rastaban of SaGa Frontier
"Shadow Knight~Rastaban"
Artwork by Sakana

Comments:My first fanart submittion in none-CG mode! I should imporve more on my water-color skill...>_< This is just a simple potrait of Rastaban. This is a he, not a she....^^;; I really like green hair chatacters.


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King Dragon of Dragon Quest
"King Dragon"
Artwork by James Gray

Comments: The original and most classical RPG villain, the King Dragon (Dragonlord or DracoLord in the US), is so cute and seriously lacks artist interpretations. The few I've seen destroy how cute he looked originally in the game. My interpretation is to show how cute and young he looked.


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Blank of Final Fantasy IX
"Featuring Blank: Now in Monochrome!"
Artwork by .n.a.t.e.

Comments: Poor Blank. No one ever draws any pics of him. I may not be qualified, but I care! I even gave him a much-needed pair of pants.



Silk Strands

Never fear, loyal readers! If you don't have the latest art program, it doesn't make you any less of an artist. In fact, it is duly impressive when you see an absolutely gorgeous picture drawn in MS Paint or the equivalent. Sure, it may not have the best filters, lighting effects, or even anti-aliasing, but this shouldn't be a problem for a resourceful artist. If you find yourself in a position where you don't have as good a graphics program as you are used to, here are some tips:

  • Use larger brushes. This helps eliminate the jagged-edge look which plagues MS Paint. My personal favorite is the 3 pixel round brush.
  • Don't fuss over colors. What I mean by this is that, by putting various colors next to eachother, colors that aren't exactly perfect, you can often create a better sense of three-dimensionality and light than if you'd used an airbrush tool in Photoshop.
  • Try not to stray too far from the basic pallete. If you do, there may be some loss of color quality when you save it.
  • Early airbrush tools are tacky, plain and simple. Though they work in some places, namely backgrounds, when working on something detailed like a face they tend to make forms muddled and unhappy.
  • Zoom in. Often. I personally recommend a 4X zoom. It allows you a good view of the pixels, while adding necessary control.
That's about all. Just remember, it's not what program you use that defines you as an artist, it's how well you use it!



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