
Fan Art - 01/16/01



News and Updates:

Kittens are like that. Honestly, yes they are! Haven't you read the book? No? Nevermind. In other news, I appear to be filling in for Kalia, at least temporarily. More on that below.



In The Works


Current Projects: Trying to find a good free or low cost server for my website which will allow me to use my domain name. Frankly, I'd be surprised if one existed.

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia


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  - Artists: Last Updated 9/24/00
- Fanart 2001 Archive - Fanart 2000 Archive


The Curtain Rises

Hello, happy happy world. I am Susan Emplit, alias Silkenray, whom you might remember from our very own Media Central. I'm going to be doing Fanart over the next couple of weeks. Maybe if I'm a good girl, I'll be here permanently. Time will have to tell. Anyway, since I'm one of the many RPGamer staff members who doesn't have a bio, I suppose introductions would be in order for those among you who don't have any clue who I am. My full name is Susan Elizabeth Emplit. I'm a Sophomore at Delaware County Community College, majoring in Interactive Multimedia, I think. My hobbies include painting, drawing, playing with HTML, singing, acting, and playing with Photoshop. Some of you may be wondering what my qualifications are for doing fanart. Firstly, I am a semi-regular submitter to the section. I've been running my own section, Media Central, for about 6 or 7 months, with some success in that area. In addition, if you look in the upper left hand corner of any page on RPGamer, you'll see one of my creations, V'lanna the RPGamer Dragon. That is roughly all about myself. I humbly hope that I'll meet with your approval, and live up to the standards set by my predecessors. Thank you.

By the way, Google will be sending me the other artworks which were sent to him that I haven't recieved yet. In addition, Kalia will be forwarding the art in her posession to me. Therefore, be patient if you've sent either Google or Kalia a piece of art, and it hasn't been posted yet. Chances are I haven't gotten it yet, and sending it again will only clog my inbox.




New Fan Art - 01/09/01


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Vivi and... friends ^_^ of Final Fantasy IX
"FF9 Spoiler"
Artwork by Stephanie Louraine

Comments: All right, I'm not really sure that this is a HUGE spoiler, but it is a spoiler for the ending of Final Fantasy IX. If you haven't beaten the game yet, I suggest you don't look at this picture. Besides, if you haven't beaten the game, it will probably not make much sense. And... just to add, I really love Vivi... ^_^ (as a side note, also, someone else is taking the photo in this picture. eh. just so you know *sweatdrop*) Ok, so it's not the best picture in the world stylistically, but... isn't it CUTE!?


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Various FFIX weapons
"T.G. Cid's Adventurer Supply"
Artwork by Kris Schnee

Comments: Well-prepared heroes don't search the world for the best equipment -- they order by mail! Here's a page from a catalog you might find in the world of Final Fantasy IX. This is my first art submission to RPGamer.


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Kuja of Final Fantasy IX
"Mist on the Horizon"
Artwork by Alia

Comments: He came. I saw. I drew. :] I still think that the Iifa tree looks like a giant booger.. Drawn several evenings ago with Spectracolor pencils and pen detail. I know that it needs serious light source / cast shadow work, but comments & criticisms are welcome!


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Sydney Losstarot of Vagrant Story
"That Menacing Look"
Artwork by Nutz

Comments: It's been a long while since I made my last RPG fanart! Well, here I am again, doing cheap artworks with my cheap pencilling techniques. Hey, the guy's almost naked, how can I resist not drawing him? hehehehe


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Viper from Azure Dreams
"Viper's Dinner"
Artwork by Lightsoul

Comments: This was a request from a guy who wanted a picture of the monster Viper standing over some broken eggs, which it likes to eat. The eggs look really crap, but...sniff...doesn't mean I didn't try.


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Kid of Chrono Cross
Artwork by Ren

Comments: Hope every one enjoy this game…and this scene.




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