
Fan Art - 01/09/01



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A Sad Farewell.

First off, Happy Belated Holidays to all of you. Anyway, most of you, if not all of you, have noticed that I haven't been able to make updates as frequently as I had hoped. I can no longer make empty promises. It's not fair to you or RPGamer. This was all simply a case of bad timing. If I had more time on my hands, I could have given Fanart the proper attention it deserves. But life has a way of getting in the way of the things you want to do most. So, it is with great sorrow that I pass the helm to someone more qualified. I had great plans, but just not enough time to carry them out. I have also met some very good people here at RPGamer and will regret no longer being able to be part of this team. I wish all of you well, and thank you for your support and infinate patience.


Googleshng: Quick little addendum here. No, there is not a sudden job opening for you to all flood webmaster over, yes there will be an update next week, and until Kalia's replacement gets a permanent e-mail adress here, you can just submit fan art to me and I'll make sure they get to where they need to go.




New Fan Art - 01/09/01


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Sydney Losstarot and Joshua Bardorba of Vagrant Story
"no title"
Artwork by Laine

Comments: i just finished Vagrant Story , and i really like Sydney's character , especially after the ending XD There is a SPOILER version of this pic with something extra on it *grin* for the spoiler version *cackle*


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The Hero and Nanami
"Big Sister"
Artwork by Pooka

Comments: Well, I decided I'd do a pic about this very important scene in Suikoden... For those of you who haven't played it, Suikoden II is a great game-- one worthy of much more Fan Art!!!! This was done using ordinary pen and colored pencil. It has a slightly different feel to it than some of my other work, being more loosely drawn and having more sudued colors. I thought that that best suited the atmosphere. Contact me- I'd love to hear what you think!!


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Eiko Carol of Final Fantasy IX
"Eiko! Eiko! ^o^"
Artwork by Kim "Nightshade Wolf" P.

Comments: This was just a doodle of Eiko, but after a long and painful coloring in photoshop, it turned out like this (complete with lousy background! ^_^ .. I like the coloring in her eyes and hair...that's all I have to say about it. I love Eiko. ^o^


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Setzer of Final Fantasy VI
"Freedom's Richest"
Artwork by Shinnentai1

Comments: Hi....I finally colored the pic I sent you orginally....the title is: Freedom's Richest Enjoy!


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Glenn of Chrono Cross
Artwork by Fenix

Comments: Emm... actually I *WAS* supposed to colour this in Painter Classic, but ended up with my trusty Photoshop 5 (I had no clue on how to use Paiter ^^;). 'Tis Glenn, one of my current obsessions ^___^ And, this is what happens when you draw in the dark.. O_o


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Justin and Feena of Grandia
"Justin and Feena"
Artwork by Kevin Smith

Comments: I had this planned for awhile but never got around to doing the drawing. It was done in pencil, inked then scanned. The coloring was done in photoshop 5.5. I depicted Justin and Feena visted by the spirits. I thought the finished product turned out quite well.


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Kuja of Final Fantasy IX
"Kuja of FF9"
Artwork by Sandara-3

Comments: It's the sexy and cute Kuja of FF9! ^_^


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Link from Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time
"Link - fighting"
Artwork by Birgit 'Nirvana' Prodinger


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Laguna Loire and Moomba from Final Fantasy VIII
"Memories of Loire"
Artwork by Arion Mcbride and Maggie Bradshaw

Comments: Mcbride's Comments: I can't begin to say how much I enjoyed making this. Working with Maggie was a real pleasure and she did a wonderful job with her part of it. Kudo's. It has such a nice atmosphere. I drew the munba in because everyone was so mean to those munba'sÊexcept Laguna.He impressed me for being such a kind man and treating them like they were human beings.ÊI love lots of characters but he especially strikes me. I hope you all enjoy. Thanks Maggie! ^_^ (P.S. - look at that big shiny gun, don't you want to send comments ?Ê=P )

Bradshaw's Comments:Wow! The very fist collaboration for me, Maggie, and one of the many for whom I worked with, Angel Arion McBride! I really like how everything turned out on this! especially the background! The line art was wonderful too, I just colored it. Anyway, it's Laguna sitting on a rock on a windy night, and thats the memory of a Moomba behind him... Enjoy! Question comments and critisisms are always welcome!! ^_^


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Crossover: Rinoa of FFVIII/Asheron of Asheron's Call
"Crossover Christmas"
Artwork by Ryuuzaki

Comments: My main character in the MMORPG Asheron's Call is Rinoa Heartilly. =) It's sort of like mudding, or an online RPG for those of you who don't know what an MMORPG is; however it's very graphics-intense (even my bro's 650MHz w/ Voodoo5 still has problems sometimes @_@). Asheron's Call is the better version of an Everquest type game. It's rather fun having everyone call me Rinoa. :D Thistledown is the server I play on. (There's too many people playing the game at the same time for one server to handle, so each server is a parallel world.)


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Rinoa of Final Fantasy VIII
Artwork by Leigh Bader

Comments: Oh my god, I drew one of the girls. 90% of all my drawings turn out to be guys, so I'm kinda impressed. And I've finally figured out how to do the cel-animation style, and I'm just sooo happy about that!!! I had to draw Rinoa with wings, I just have this fetish with people with wings for some reason. Well, maybe this one I'll like for more than a week! Enjoy!


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Rydia of Final Fantasy IV
"Rydia of Mist"
Artwork by Annie Felis

Comments: Here I am, behind in sending all my I send in my most recent pic. >_< I think I sent this in so it would stand out from all the FF9 artwork...a blast from the past, so to speak. I drew this while working The Nutcracker (Hey, YOU try drawing in a dark followspot booth), and colored it today 'cause I stayed home sick from work. So here's Rydia summoning the Mist Dragon.


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Sephiroth of Final Fantasy VII
"Sexy Sephiroth"
Artwork by Christine Houser, alias either Kestrel, or Kestrelmas

Comments: This is actually one of my worst pics I've ever done. I colored it with Prismacolor pencils, and had it all pretty and ready to be sprayed with fixative, then on to the scanner, when... WATER GOT DUMPED ON IT (insert as many exclamation points as you like, depending on how mad you think I got when I saw what happened). I tried cleaning it up with the scanner's program, but ended up making it look worse. I've devoted too much time to this dern pic. Yay. On to the point. It's Sephiroth, posing, and looking all cute and stuff. Yes, THE Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII, which, I may mention, I STILL have not beaten! So feel free to pelt me with Pixie Stiks at this point in time. Prismacolor pencils, liquid ink, and 'fixed' in PlusTek scanner program


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Vivi Orunitia of Final Fantasy XI
"Vivi the Lil' Black Mage"
Artwork by Professor Phroote

Comments: Well, it's Vivi...yeah! And Vivi's great! And anyone who does not feel sorry for that poor lil' Mage needs to check their heart for a pulse. Yay for Vivi!! ^_^


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Anastasia of Wild Arms: Second Ignition
Artwork by June Mermaid (formerly Mana)

Comments: Well, I never did finish this game, but I liked what I played. Most especially, I liked the character designs. ^_^ Anastasia was especially pretty, and I thought she deserved a pretty piece of art devoted to her. The words on the picture are a vague translation of the first opening song's title.. I just thought they looked nice. ^.^;;




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