
Lorelai's Artwork RPGallery - December 10th, 1999
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Hello and Welcome! Egads, I don't know why I do it. I have a final tomorrow, in a precariously grade-risky class, and here I am, in front of my computer, doing an RPGamer update. Geez. What kind of spell do you guys have over me? Oh, I know what it is. It's the fact that I haven't updated for a shade over two weeks. Sigh...yes, I do feel guilty when I skip an update!! *cries* Well, anyway, fanart always makes people happy ^_^ So here we go!

a Random Cookie from Lorelai

Tomorrow is my very last final!....TOMORROW IS MY VERY LAST FINAL!....If only I was sure I would do well. Aurugggggh. Yeah, finals week does that do you. Especially when you've got mondo-responsibilities like RPGamer hanging over your shoulder as you try to study ^_^

A Cookie for your Thoughts

  • The Art Corner: Update I've been working day and night on this page, and I'm glad to announce that I still don't see any reason to change its launch day: December 14th. Watch for us!

  • Ask Lore: Like always, I'm opening up my Lifestream e-mail to personal questions, whether it be related to RPGamer, my other jobs, my goals, nigel, my school, or my pet dog Bobby. Anything that's not inappropriate or too private. Go ahead, Ask Lore. ^_^ I usually answer by e-mail nowadays instead of posting my answer on this site, but you can still get to know me!

  • Art on IRC: come to and join #artcorner, the official channel for The Art Corner! I just registered it, so I welcome you to join. If you're a staffer (aka a critiquer) please be sure to drop by, I need to op you in the channel ^_^;;;

  • A Word on Today's Fanart: ....I think I'll let the readers discuss how terrific and wonderful the artwork is today, like all days. My brain feels like mashed potatoes right now, and so I want to shut up as soon as possible to prevent me from saying anything stupid.

    Wei-Ling Lorelai Wu

  • Tifa and Rinoa from Final Fantasy VII and VIII
    " Two Worlds, Two Fantasies "
    Artwork by Sydney Kyle

    Comments: In truth, this pic's a bit old, seeing as how it was created a couple of months ago when I was still getting the hang of Photoshop 5. I was trying to create a sort of FMV-like look for two of the latest Final Fantasy leading ladies, and this was the result. Ah, well, at least it looks kinda tolerable. ^^;; The original version was *way* bigger and had more resolution. There's an alternate red/blue version of this pic, as well as wallpaper versions, since it turned out so darned huge... ^_^

    Rydia from Final Fantasy IV
    " Rydia "
    Artwork by Guillaume

    Comments: Well, this is my first cg And web submission ever! I recently bought myself a scanner and photoshop 5.0 LE (after months of saving!) and there it is. The sketch was done in august and I started the cg in November. It took me about 10 hours to do (yeesh!), but thanks to a great tutorial I found on the net, I think it turned out pretty nicely. The original drawing wasn't made to look like Rydia, but when it was finished, I thought it kinda looked like how I imagined her. I've always liked this character because ff4 was the first rpg I ever played (I was 9 years old and didn't know a word of english). Well, I guess I'll stop boring you with the rememberance of my childhood, because I really want this posted! ^_^

    Rudy Roughknight of Wild ARMS
    " Rudy Roughtknight "
    Artwork by DA Guerier

    Comments: Done with a plain ol' mechanical pencil on 70 lb. paper. I love tortillions.
    Anyway...I think Rudy is a particularly neat character, and definitely one of my favorites. He's a case where the mute hero thing actually WORKS, and it worked really well, I think -- He doesn't need words to say what he means. And so in this picture I tried to get across that aspect of his character...I hope that worked. ^^;; I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, anyway..It started out as just an exercise in drawing people with closed eyes...but it ended up with me spending the rest of my afternoon working on this, listening to the Suikoden II soundtrack. ^^

    Masa and Mune of Chronotrigger
    "Legend of the Masamune "
    Artwork by DK

    Comments: After a few weeks in the making, I finally finished this fanart and I have to say it's my best one yet. It started out as just a little pick of Masa. After that had been sitting around for a couple of weeks I did a CG of him, and since that turned out good I came up with this pic to use him in^_^

    Rinoa and Squall of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Married... "
    Artwork by Laine

    Comments: i am...getting very violent XP

    Squall and Rinoa of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Am I Alone? "
    Artwork by Maggie Bradshaw

    Comments: Here's a little pic i did of Squall, and if you look closely there is a very faint Rinoa behind him. I do have to say that this picture my be a semi-spoiler, so take that into consideration when you click on the thumnail. Anyway, the picture may look very simple, but it actually took quite a while trying to get the mood and style to match what i was looking for. But, either way i hope you enjoy and i'd really like to hear any comments!!! (good or bad)

    Rinoa Heartilly of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Rinoa Heartilly "
    Artwork by Dinty

    Comments: Hmmm...what can I say? This is my attempt at drawing Rinoa from FF8 fame (in colored pencil). Most people are used to seeing her as a lively, upbeat person. Here, I was trying to depict her other side...her more somber self. The part of her personality you see in disc three (I think?). "...I'm scared," she says. I hope that I was able to do her justice.

    Squall of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Loner "
    Artwork by Mechafreq

    Comments: Was eating dehydrated coffee crystals. Could not draw the lines very well on so much caffeine. 0_o. Rushed this pic out in 3 hours after a sudden vision of inspiration--probably caused by the caffeine. I've been up for 30 hours. I can't sleep. I'm still shaking. I drew it all in 0.3mm pencil. Only Photoshop work was tint, the text, and the texture filter. Lotta "t's" huh? I don't see any underwear gnomes yet... *twitch* *twitch* AAAAAAAAA!

    Billy of Xenogears
    " Billy in a pensive mood "
    Artwork by Nutz

    Comments: It was practically 5am when I did this. I was going cross-eyed due to the lack of sleep, and heh, still I can't help but finish it. I really like Billy from Xenogears... he's such a cutie! Anyway, with all the obligations I have lately, I cannot make anything better than this. Colored pencils are actually the easiest mediums to use.. and the fastest too. Maybe if I get some free time I can actually make a quality pic of him. I hope that's soon =D

    Celes and Locke ofFinal Fantasy VI
    " How do I Love Thee? "
    Artwork by Mana

    Comments: This drawing is actually the second in a series of "SD" (Super Deformed) drawings I got an idea for after over-exposure to Final Fantasy Anthology. This particular one shows Locke fawning over a much-embarrassed Celes. ^_^; The drawing was done in pencil, then scanned in, and colored with the 'airbrush' in Paint Shop Pro 4.12.

    Ellone of Final Fantasy VIII
    "Ellone "
    Artwork by Meriko

    Comments: (Ink and color pencil.) This is my first attempt at Ellone, and oh boy, I have discovered that drawing flowing cloth is a pain in the patootie! I spent more time sketching in her shawl than anything else, including inking/coloring/scanning! Eep. Hope y'all like the result...I'm halfway pleased.

    Soushi of Thousand Arms
    " Soushi "
    Artwork by wulfmune

    Comments: my usual prismacolor marker stuff i have a weakness for femmy beautiful bishonen characters, naturally he was my favorite design in the game and i had to attempt to capture his prettiness.

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