
Lorelai's Artwork RPGallery - November 15th, 1999
The Road Not Taken
  Lorelai's List

  • Finish The Art Corner

  • Draw new RPGamer logo

  • Re-organize collection of AOL CDs coasters

  • Tickle Nigel's tummy

  •   Chat with Li'l Me!
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    Hello and Welcome! I bet you all gave up on me, huh? Think I succumbed to the evils of the "Updates every 2 weeks" Plague? Well you're wroooong! Here I am!!! A bit a late...but at least I'm here. Hope you enjoy today's large number of fanart: Also I hope you've noticed that now has a stable index.html that will have ALL the latest information that you, the fanart fans and artists, need to know. NO MORE EXCUSES! ALL THE INFO IS THERE!!! *ahem* Ok, moving on...

    a Random Cookie from Lorelai

    This is the very last time I will say this: I will NOT accept fanart submissions that do not follow the submission guidelines anymore. (Yes yes, Amber's military ways are rubbing off on me ^_^ I love you Amber!) But anyway, when I get submissions that deviate from the guidelines, it only confuses me and delays fanart updates. So...from now on, I will ask you to resubmit if you don't follow the Submission Guidelines, which are now written CRYSTAL CLEAR on the Fanart Main Page (

    A Cookie for your Thoughts

  • The Art Corner Progress, progress...the website's development is moving, fellas, but you can't see it because I don't upload until I'm done ^_^;;; gomen!!! Thanks to those with infinite patience. For the latest updates you can always subscribe to the mailing list: send a blank e-mail to I'll keep you posted every time I finish something.

  • You go away and you die! Oh, a minor note to those who think TAC is detracting from my RPGamer updates time: (1) No, it isn't. Has it occurred to you that maybe, just MAYBE I have other web projects and something called real life? and (2) You know, it's none of your business how I manage my time. Everyone, *please* trust that I use my best judgement ^_^. Sorry if I sound bitter. I had a bit of a tussle over this subject a while ago. (Lorelai dunks her head in a bucket of cold water)

  • Ask Lore: Like always, I'm opening up my Lifestream e-mail to personal questions, whether it be related to RPGamer, my other jobs, my goals, nigel, my school, or my pet dog Bobby. Anything that's not inappropriate or too private. Go ahead, Ask Lore. ^_^ I usually answer by e-mail nowadays instead of posting my answer on this site, but you can still get to know me!

  • Art on IRC: come to and join #artcorner, the official channel for The Art Corner! I just registered it, so I welcome you to join. If you're a staffer (aka a critiquer) please be sure to drop by, I need to op you in the channel ^_^;;;

  • A Word on Today's Fanart: Despite the new policy, soon to be old policy, you will notice many RPGamer veterans on the column today. That's cuz good fanart is good fanart, new policy or no. However, expect some variety soon, per the new RPGamer Fanart Regulations.

  • Siggies: So I'm too lazy to make any more creative sigs. Bite me. ..... OW!!!!

    Wei-Ling Lorelai Wu

  • Final Fantasy Tactics
    " Sunrise Promises "
    Sketch by Aimo // CG by Katsura

    Comments: This is a collaboration project between Aimo san and myself, thanks to Aimo's wonderful FFT sketch, I can try out some new techniques in cg-ing I always wanted to test. The cast is the magnificent FFT gang ^_^. Aimo's sketch, while is faithful to the original character designs, also gave them a new look and new personality (Ramza is not as girly as he was in the game! ^_^). I used a quite strong colour scheme this time, in order to convey a brave/ heroic atmosphere. The colouring style for the hair and the texture for the cloths are purely experimental, thus they still have a lot of flaws, hopefully I can learn from this and improve on this the next time round! The Media is pencil/ ink with PhotoShop 5.5

    Shiva and Ifrit from Final Fantasy VIII
    " Guardian Forces"
    Artwork by Madolin Peek

    Comments: This pic. took some time to do, cuz I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the background, but as you can see it all worked out in the end.

    Rinoa and Squallof Final Fantasy VIII
    " I Don't Need You, But I do "
    Artwork by Maggie Bradshaw

    Comments: After playing the game a while, I had the urge to do a little diddy of the overall outlook of Squall and Rinoa. Squall and his overly stoic attitude and Rinoa with her feelings of having to be a part of something bigger. This was origioanly done in pencil and then colored with PS5. I think it came out ok, but SQualls legs are too short . And, it's a little hard to tell, but behind Squall it says " i don't need anyone..." and behind Rinoa it says " But i do." ^_^ i hope you enjoy!! all comments are welcome!!!

    Jowy of Suikoden II
    " Jowy "
    Artwork by Hanna Chen

    Comments: Suikoden II is such a great game, ^_^ Jowy is my favorite character in the game.
    BIG SPOILER MESSAGE (highlight to read): *** and I find it really sad he and the hero has to become enemies. T_T Ohhh... I hope the ending is a happy one! ***

    Locke Cole of Final Fantasy VI
    " Locke "
    Artwork by Laura

    Comments: Hmmm, Locke again. But it actually looks more like him this time 0_o, at least I think so. In this pic Locke is thinking about Rachel *sigh* - um yeah so that's why hes got a sad/forlorn expression on his liddle face. Originally I had tears running down his cheeks but I decided to ditch that because it did look kinda dumb.

    Mewtwo of Pokemon
    " Mewtwo "
    Artwork by Sandara-3

    Comments: This is Mewtwo, the most powerful of all Pokemon. And if you have watched , you'll realise that he has a very sexy voice as well. ( i refer to the japanese version and no, i'm not crazy...) for all non-chinese, the four words below mean : the strongest, most worthy of respect, etc.

    Rinoa of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Art Ka Delic "
    Artwork by Eiji Gen

    Comments: Usually I don't exert much effort on background but after this artwork I now realized what great impact is the background to the picture. The background is based on the magic the gathering cards I've been collecting (the swamp). I don't know if Rinoa's my favorite character, but I really like Aya Brea of Parasite Eve. Darn I wish I have that Wacom Tablet so I can make the backgound more detailed. It's hard using the mouse, oh well I hope I can wait till december.

    Sephiroth of Final Fantasy VII
    " Squall and Rinoa "
    Artwork by Claire

    Comments: I did this pic a while ago. I must admit I'm actually not one of those ardent Seffie-worshippers. He's one of the most awesome characters in any video game, but romantically he doesn't quite do it for me. (Don't kill me!) He's just a bit too, how shall I say... one chip short of a bag? Still, the concept has _definite_ potential. I like the hair. And the leather. And the straps. So here's a piece of him being his crazy self, hopefully with a bit of sensuality. A pencil drawing, inked with.. ink... and then CG'ed in Photoshop. These were my early days with Photoshop--be merciful! Someday I hope to do justice to Cloud. And maybe Seifer. Thanks!

    Setzer of Final Fantasy VI
    " Gentlemanly Gambler "
    Artwork by Ryuuzaki

    Comments: A request to portray Setzer as a handsome gentleman-type. He's VERY beautified in this...really. And he looks a lot like Alucard. @_@ Didn't realize how similar they were till now...

    Squall Leonhart of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Squall Leonhart"
    Artwork by Elaine Fair

    Comments: Squall is pretty- I just love that odd way his hair reflects light. He's not quite realistic enough here, but think he's plenty beautiful, and isn't that what counts? His expression is softer too, not that anti-hero sulk. I mean, we've all had enough of that, haven't we? ^_^

    Tifa Lockhart of Final Fantasy VII
    " Lonely Dreamer "
    Artwork by Kathy

    Comments: Here's my first try at a realistic sort of pic. Tifa's supposed to be alone, daydreaming in her bar, 7th Heaven. may notice that Tifa's bangs are backwards. I didn't realize this until the picture was pretty much finished, (*stupid*, *stupid*), so I just left it... Overall, I think this came out pretty well, though. I like her face and hand, and I think the wood came out nicely. But my dad took one look and said it looked like an underwear advertisment! *sigh* Poor Tifa. Maybe I should have made her shirt looser...?

    Squall, Irvine, Quistis of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Critical HP "
    Artwork by Kellar

    Comments: Since I just recently beat the game, I felt compelled to do another FF8 piece. So here it is, a conversation between Quistis, Squall and Irvine (my party). Again I'm trying to get out of "posing" pics, so I did a little one page comic which you won't understand unless you've played through the game (and maybe not even then). It's a CG'd ballpoint pen drawing, which I modified on the computer so as not to get messy white-out all over my book... BTW, this is how I played through most of the game... he he. Using Squall's limit break in every single fight is the ONLY way to play!

    Aya Brea of Parasite Eve
    " Bleeding... "
    Artwork by Sakana

    Comments: A rough sketcing of Aya Brea...done within 30 minutes time!

    Terra Branford of Final Fantasy VI
    " Terra Transformation "
    Artwork by Tsunami

    Comments: I hope you find some improvements on this one over my previous work. Terra/Tina is just so neat (^^)

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