
Lorelai's Artwork RPGallery - September 5th, 1999
Korewa nan desuka.
  Artist of the Week
Audra Ann Furuichi
E-mail | Webpage

Audra started submitting artwork to RPGamer not too long ago, and ever since then she's been a dedicated artist to the ranks of the Fanart Forces here. Her past works include wonderful Xenogears CG's and today's posted artwork from Lunar: Silver Star Story. I especially appreciate the creative layout and symbolism in her Lunar fanart today; Lunar fans and otheriwse must see it! Congratulations, Audra!

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Hey there! Guess what! The new site for Critique Corner, officially named Prozac Cookies, is now under heavy construction; completion is imminent! My large roster of Artist Critics (AKA the Fanart Forces, hehe) has been established, though not carved in stone; I still welcome applications. I will notify all who subscribe to the Prozac Cookies Newsletter when the site is officially opening. (click the above link to subscribe; if you have already subscribed via my RPGamer e-mail you're on this list already so don't worry.) For a sneak peek at the site, head on over to and please be patient while I build the site!

The Latest from Lorelai

Wow, I'm very happy that so many people are interested in Prozac Cookies (the newsletter and website, not the actual, ah, cookie) and I'm so sorry that not everyone can be a panelist, but I will be accepting a whole lot of volunteers! Here is a list (by no means complete) of the people I've accepted (after several rounds of consideration) and who've sent me all the information I needed about them (not all accepted artists have yet). Again, the list is not complete, and nothing is written in stone. Feel free to apply!
Min Kwon
Silas McLeere
(Deranged) Laine
Arion McBride
Hanna Chen
Wai Chu Yu
Young Wang
Jennifer Zee
Maggie Bradshaw

Ask Lore

I'd like to know how you produce your work. I don't mean in a practical, physical sense, but the metaphysical origins. I'm guessing the art classes you've taken help a lot in having a good creative structure in your mind. Does that help when you're figuring out the piece you want to do, when you're planning the shapes, textures, lighting, etc in your head? Or do you do it from a more intuitive angle, where your hands simply become a medium for your mind's eye? Or somewhere in between?

Lorelai: Well, actually art classes don't really help me; when I'm trying to figure out what to DO, I go over all these storylines/scenarios in my head and then select something that I really want to illustrate because of it's power and symbolism or what not. Lighting, textures, etc. come after the general idea, when I'm actually drawing. I use concepts of light/texture that I've picked up from scenes of daily life, pictures I admire (from Waterhouse to Clio Saga) and/or common sense. Also, you may catch me looking at my hand while drawing to get the bone structure, and shading from it. I work with whatever model I can find, and when I can't find one (read: too lazy to get one) I use memory, where I store up many pictures as reference (hence the importance of observation.

A Cookie for your Thoughts

  • Newsletter: Thanks to the help of so many people, the opening of Prozac Cookies hovers on the near horizon! (ok, that made no sense) Anyway, if you're interested in subcribing to Prozac Cookies: the newsletter, which will be for updates and whatever use pops up for it in the future, then send an e-mail here. I use for my newsletters and I *think* they'll do the trick (still in testing phase). If you already subscribed via my RPGamer e-mail, you're on the list already, don't worry.

  • Ask Lore: Like always, I'm opening up my Lifestream e-mail to personal questions, whether it be related to RPGamer, my other jobs, my goals, nigel, my school, or my pet dog Bobby. Anything that's not inappropriate or too private. Go ahead, Ask Lore. ^_^ I usually answer by e-mail nowadays instead of posting my answer on this site, but you can still get to know me!

  • A Decision Made: After careful consideration, I believe that have enough faith in Prozac Cookies to give it it's own domain name. However, after college and rent it may take me awhile to gather enough money for the InterNIC fee. (I'm a college student, for crying out loud ^_^) If any Prozac Cookie fanatics are willing to *nudge nudge* help with this (or want more info), I'd be forever grateful. Of course, I know such a physical contribution is a lot to ask, so I have no expectations whatsoever.

  • Fanart Funnies: Sometimes I get fanart pieces that aren't quite suitable for the archives, but are deserving of a post anyway. Here are two hilarious pieces: This one's from Shinryuu, depicting the cast from Final Fantasy V: Poor Butz gets less women than...a woman! And here's one from Xenogears: Is Citan TOO much of a 'maternal' figure to Fei?.

  • Prozac on IRC: come to and join #prozaccookies, the official channel for Prozac Cookies! I just registered it, so I welcome you to join. I might not always be there, but I do intend #prozaccookies to be a nice place to chat about artwork, art advice, critiques, etc. Being the shrew that I am, I will probly keep strict order in the channel, so don't cause trouble ^_^;;; (possible servers:,,,

    Wei-Ling Lorelai Wu

  • Squall Leonhart and Rinoa Heartilly of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Squall and Rinoa "
    Artwork by Kellar

    Comments: After seeing the Eyes on Me music video at CNAnime 99, I just had to do a CG of Rinoa and Squall! Brush, ink, and PSP6.

    Tina Branford from Final Fantasy VI
    " One of a Kind "
    Artwork byRyuuzaki

    Comments: Look familiar? ^_^ I was inspired by that scene in the end movie of FF6. I tried to look for a town that resembled Narshe, but I wound up finding easier pictures to track on the web - the Northern Lights (otherwise called Auroras). That's the bright strip in the BG, and the white stuff was supposed to be snow, but it kinda looks like some metaphysical thing's goin on. Oh well. Either way, I guess it still looks fine to me. *shrug*

    Tales of Destiny Fan Artwork
    " Secret Bonds "
    Artwork by Shinryuu

    Comments: This is actually the first Tales of Destiny pic I've ever done, though I love the series with a passion. Anyone who've payed at least the first half would probably figure out why I've titled this pic "Secret Bonds". Saying anything else about it would be a spoiler.

    Quistis Trepe of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Quistis Trepe "
    Artwork by Kelilla

    Comments: Quistis looks to be my fav character from the game (at least until I play it ^^;;) so I wanted to do a pic of her. Drawn, scanned, CGed in Photoshop with mostly the paintbrush and airbrush. Took about three days , working at 300dpi... I'm not happy with the way the whip/chain/whatever it is turned out, but that's about it ^^;

    Aya Brea and Eve of Parasite Eve
    " Parasite Eve "
    Artwork by Becky

    Comments: I like the composition of this one. The background is a picture I took of the ocean (I started making these refrence files for different things, they come in *really* useful!) Parasite Eve is a fun game. I like the characters and the designs and everything, and the fact that it takes place in NYC (of course, chinatown looks a little hollywood but thats beside the point.)

    Alex , Luna and Nall of Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
    " Alex and Luna "
    Artwork by Wulfmune

    Comments: i liked this game mostly because of the characters and fun old style rpg feel i always liked the pictures and scenes with the childhood friendship between the two main characters. very nostalgic.

    Luna and Lucia of Lunar: Silver Star Story and Lunar II
    " Lunar Cycle "
    Artwork by Audra Ann Furuichi (Artist of the Week)

    Comments: For some reason, I felt inspired to draw the heroines of Lunar: Luna from Lunar and Lucia from Lunar 2. When I thought about how to structure the picture, the only thing I could think of that seemed interesting was the "lunar cycle". It felt like a nice way to tie the two games together.

    Asellus and White Rose of Saga Frontier
    " Love and Charm "
    Artwork by Meriko

    Comments: I'm rather proud of this one, really. It actually came out 90% the way I wanted it to, which hasn't happened with any of my other fanart. :) This is a pen and color pencil of White Rose, with Asellus as a sort of background thought. A bloody, menacing (?) rose from Chateau Aguille separates the two "sisters." I was quite moved by White Rose's simple love for her fellow arch princess compared to the charm spell Lord Orlouge had over her.

    Citan Uzuki of Xenogears
    " Gentle Doctor "
    Artwork by Kristie

    Comments: This is one of my few pictures in which I colored it on the computer ( I have a really basic program ) and it actually turned out rather well! Citan has to be one of my favorite characters in the game on and off the battlefield (and since I just finished the game, I HAD to draw a picture). Oh, and by the way, just for a tidbit of's a BIG PAIN in the rear to find the right colors for him. Agh. ^_^ (this is my second piece of art in here...maybe there'll be more someday.)

    Gau of Final Fantasy VI
    " Gau "
    Artwork by Laura

    Comments: This happens to be the first time I have ever drawn Gau. I guess I really used my artistic license on it. The costume is not anywhere near the one that Amano depicted him in, even though I was looking at the whole time I was drawing...*sigh* I just thought this looked better on him.

    Celes Chere of Final Fantasy VI
    " Restless Aria"
    Artwork by Blademoor

    Comments: After a fairly long hiatus from doing Fan art (and just art in general... =P) I thought I'd return with a piece from one of my favorite games. This came to me during a late-night flash of inspiration (yes, I climbed out of bed just for this... =P) I hope everyone like what I've done with this piece... =) It's also another practice picture in the use of colored pencils.... (with cheap pencils from Wal-Mart... =P)

    Arty of Lufia II
    " Hunter of Virtue "
    Artwork by Ryuuzaki

    Comments: Hey! I think this's one of my better ones! ^_^ ...but Arty's right-handed! And his pants have too many stripes....makes him look like something of a nerd. The hair turned out...somewhat like I wanted to this time...! Not exactly what I envisioned, but close. I think I'm getting better at drawing guys! ^_^

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