
Lorelai's Artwork RPGallery - August 13th, 1999
Oh Really.
  Artist of the Week
Maggie Bradshaw
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Artist of the Week goes to Maggie Bradshaw! Maggie started submitting a few weeks ago, and I accidentally put her under her mother's name, Joan Bradshaw. I just wanted to clarify right now that it is MAGGIE who brings us the art in the Bradshaw family! Check out her wonderful picture of young Rei this week! Awesome work, keep it up, and I'm sure your fans would love to see more of your work soon...welcome to the RPGamer family! ^_^

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No "Hello and Welcome" this week cuz Lorelai is very, very cranky. It was a terrible week for me: I had finals, five web projects (I work as a web and graphics designer) and MOST of all, several people got on my case because I missed an update. People, this is the first time I took an unannounced week off in HALF A YEAR. So I'm not perfect, but I certainly don't expect mail telling me that I don't update enough! You'll have to forgive me of everything I say today...I don't mean to offend anyone or anything. It's just that I'm not feeling my best, nevertheless I wanted to bring you an update before I was TOO late. ^_^

From The Heart Updated 8/17/99!

Man, I apologize for that stream-of-consciousness of pure ranting I updated last time. =) I was really pissed, my blood pressure must have blown a couple of vessels. I'm sincerely sorry, I will never foist my personal anger upon you again. As it is, Amber Michelle and I have collaborated on a letter to you, the fans of this column (and hers!) because we are trying to address and issue that pertains to us. please read the following message...from the Ladies of Interaction =) .

Inspired Lorelai!

Sorry, I've got an enormous headache and I'm not very inpsired at the moment since it's 4:00 in the morning and I wanted to get an update in before I either blow up or melt down...Now, I know I said a lot of things I'll regret in a few days, but I guess it helps to turn the safety valve on sometimes. Heaven knows some people like to send abusive e-mail just for the hell of it...maybe it's those that pushed me over the edge, I dunno ^_^;;; But you DO know I still love you all no matter what, right? =P ah, am I being coherent? No? I think I shall go to bed now.

-- W. Lorelai Wu

Cookie Reruns

  • Newsletter: Anyone interested in subscribing to my soon-to-be-circulating newsletter, based off of the discontinued "Critique Corner" (well I haven't named the newsletter yet...I need suggestions) please send an e-mail to with NEWSLETTER in the subject line!

  • Ask Lore: Like always, I'm opening up my Lifestream e-mail to personal questions, whether it be related to RPGamer, my other jobs, my goals, nigel, my school, or my pet dog Bobby. Anything that's not inappropriate or too private. Go ahead, Ask Lore. ^_^

  • E3 pictures: You know you want to see em...ha, yeah right. Well if you wanna see some general pics of what E3 was like on the inside, click here and here and here. No, no pictures of me. Well actually, one...see below.

  • Gifts for Lorelai!? For my birthday, veteran RPGamer artist Young Wang painted me a picture! Xenogears fans, this painting is going to look VERY familiar to you! A GREAT BIG virtual HUG to Young Wang, the sweetest Lacan/Fei/Kim I know!

  • There's more! Here are some other cool presents I got from RPGamer visitors overtime: A sweet midi from Jeff Chermak (for my birthday), a Winamp skin by fellow Artist D. Kartoon (He knows how much I love Billy!) and a cute Anti-Defrocking jacket, modeled by one and only Billy Lee Black, from Primera...ahh, I mean, BabyKefka! =) THANK YOU ALL!!!

  • Lorelai Studios: I'm trying to start an online studio art page, and I was wondering if anyone knew a place that gives out catchy URLs or ad-less server space. I'm not about to humor InterNIC by registering or anything and shelling out $70...can anyone help?

  • Aeris Gainsborough of Final Fantasy VII
    " Healing Wind "
    Artwork by Meriko

    Comments: Ta-daa - my first attempt at fanart! This is Aeris from Final Fantasy VII casting her first limit break, Healing Wind. I used a nib pen and black ink for the sketch, and color pencils for the fill-in. I was so upset when she (spoiler beeped out) I almost threw the game here she is, immortalized in art!

    Alucard Tepes of CastleVania: Symphony of the Night
    " In the Moonlight "
    Artwork by Jen Zee

    Comments: This piece is the latest work I've completed. It portrays Alucard on the roof of Dracula's castle on a windy almost-cloudless^^ night. The moon provides lighting for the backdrop, and the flying buttresses are there just to create a sense of 'openness'(incorrect spelling I believe ~_~), while letting the viewer know that Adrian is most definitely not floating/flying around^_^. Anyway, except for the outline (which is done in pen, and the thicker line across the hem of his cape is _not_ a mistake ^_^), the whole piece is coloured pencil.

    Aya Brea and Eve of Parasite Eve
    " Angel Dance "
    Artwork by Young Wang

    Comments: Aaah.. I love Corel Xara. It's such a nice program.. though, a lot of people I've talked to about it say it's an awful program. =;.;= I do have to admit, it's really odd to get used to. Anyway, this whole pic is done in Xara and it's completely made in vectors. I even made the fallen statue in vectors. =} In retrospect, I should hav made Eve more pale.. but I didn't feel like resaving and reuploading.

    Ashton of Star Ocean: The Second Story
    " Untitled Portrait "
    Artwork by Ryuuzaki

    Comments: (Ink, watercolor, Photoshop) One of the few guys I've drawn that actually looks like a guy....sort of...well, you can tell he's a guy, right? ....I'm getting better at guys! This was originally a request to make him look more confident than the copyrighted picture. I must say he DID look pretty pathetic in that...

    Citan Uzuki of Xenogears
    " Master Swordsman "
    Artwork by Sandara-3

    Comments: (no comments available)

    Digger William Knights of SaGa Frontier 2
    " Go! Go! Digger! "
    Artwork by Sakana

    Comments: Please meet Digger William Knights!

    Rei of Breath of Fire III
    " Young Rei "
    Artwork by Maggie Bradshaw

    Comments: Yet another attempt at CGing! this one if of Rei form Breath of Fire 3. People always do the Rei that's in the booklet and the guides, but no one has ever taken the time to look at the screen and do a picture of Rei when he was a silly young rascal! This pic was hand drawn and colored with photoshop. Enjoy!

    Rinoa Heartilly of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Rinoa the Cover Girl! "
    Artwork by Karura

    Comments: I don't really have anything to say... Except they really took a long time to finish... ^^;;;;

    Elly Van Houten of Xenogears
    " Battle Apron! "
    Artwork by Sandara-3

    Comments: an SD of elly.... hope ya like it... oddly enough, there is an accessory in Xenogears that's called "Battle Apron"...?!

    Selphie of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Selphie "
    Artwork by Hanna Chen

    Comments: This is my first requested piece. ^_^ I didn't know this character until I did the drawing. I love her hair! This drawing was done in pencil crayons.

    Shiva of The Final Fantasy Series
    " Shiva "
    Artwork by Charles Bloom

    Comments: Shiva is probably my favorite summoned monster from the Final Fantasy series. I noticed that in each game she looks different, so I thought I would continue that tradition. I'm just learning Photoshop, but I think this looks okay...

    Katt, Rei and Tiga of Breath of Fire Series
    " Meet the Family! "
    Artwork by Petra Rödig

    Comments: The picture shows the "cats" from Breath of Fire 2 & 3: Katt, Rei and Tiga (i don't know how to write this guy...Tiga or Tigga???). Meow!

    Meliadoul and Izlude Tingel of Final Fantasy Tactics
    " Siblings "
    Artwork by Jen Zee

    Comments: This picture isn't old, but it's not exactly new either...The ink outline is done with a brushpen, and the colours are of course coloured pencil^^. Anyway, this is basically a picture of the Tingel siblings under branches of a cherry tree. I was inspired by the game, and a certain road I had driven along recently, so I decided to create this piece. The border around the two is in the Alphonse Mucha Nouveu style, which I happen to _love_ ^_^. And the character's two zodiac symbols are enclosed above along with some gray stone I added for touch^^;;;. That's about all I think^^.

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