
Art and Lore - July 17th, 1999

Welcome to Art and Lore, RPGamer's Fan Artwork Gallery -- installment 7/17/99! Hint Hint: Lorelai turns 19 on the 26th of July. Hint, Hint.

Anyway! ATTENTION FAN ARTISTS! There are several updated information pages that you NEED to peruse before you send in any more fan artwork! Click here for Submissions Guidelines and click here for tips on how to get your artwork posted. This link is also available in the sidebar on the main page of Fanart (where you just came from).

Ask Lore: You're doing one heck of a good job managing the fanart so I've got to ask you this : Do you have a life outside of rpgamer??? no offense but hey you're doing great work... so i wonder :)   ||   Ask Lore!

Heh! Yeah, I do have a life outside of RPGamer. I go to UC Berkeley, where I'm a Music / Art double major. Right now I'm in summer school too, taking Classics (Greek Myths) and Near Eastern Studies. I live in an apartment with Nigel (say hi Nigel!), which is where I do my updates. Ah the pain of bad phone lines. So, I guess to answer your question, I have a life outside of RPGamer, but it's not much more than school and web work. and Nigel. Gooood Nigel. =D

  • Remember, to submit art to Lorelai, send the URL of the picture or attach it to the e-mail, to Lorelai. My e-mail address for fan artwork is and for personal RPGamer contact, it's

  • Like what you see? Wanna e-mail an artist? Wanna relay comments, job offers, whatever? Send comments via Lorelai, with "attn: (artist's name)" in the subject line. I will relay it in full (BCC) to the proper artist and CC back to long as your e-mail is not (1) A harassment, (2) a nasty, inappropriate flame, or (3) blank. =) If you don't receive a CC within one week, re-send your request.

  • Questions? E-mail Lorelai at aforementioned address. E-mailing Lorelai is subject to the same circumstances as e-mailing a fan artist (Hopefully that was redundant...) ^_^

Joan Bradshaw
- Vincent "Dashing" Valentine -

Final Fantasy VII
- Aeris "Where's my Materia?" Gainsborough -

Final Fantasy VII
- Sephiroth -

Final Fantasy VII
Joan Bradshaw says:

Profile of vincent- medium: india ink pen, from final fantasy 7. background: vince is one of my fav pics, but inever liked how they always coverd up his face, i thought he was most likely a very attractive man, therefor my pics of vince show his face, such as this one here! hes such an awesome char, he shouldnt be clouded over like that.

Aerith loosing her materia- medium: pencil, from final fantasy 7. background: i just thought id try and do a dramatice picture of aerith for a change, i guess this os kind of her death scene, but she sure doesnt look very upset! as you can see the materia comming out of her hair bow as it comes unravled

one winged angel-medium: pencil, from final fantasy 7. background: this too is a pretty old pic but i thought and i would make the " one winged angel" but wouldnt he just fly in a cirlce? eh who cares..i just wanted to draw him topless (LOL)

- Bart Fatima -

- Billy VS Vincent -

Xenogears, Final Fantasy VII
- Billy VS the Wels -

Sandara-3 says:

this is my first Xenogears pic! ^_^ it's Bart, and his whip. actually, the whip was harder to draw than Bart himself. oh, well. ^_^

another fanart...T_T;;; this one has Billy in it, so i thought [Lorelai would] like to see it. anyway. medium : watercolor , photoshop5

Hanna Chen
- Margie and Chu-chu -

- Bart -

Hanna Chen says:

[the first pictrue is of] Margie holding Chu chu, without knowing she is not just a doll... [no comments for Bart's portrait]

Audra Ann Furuichi
- Maria Balthasar -

- Elly Van Houten -

Audra Ann Furuichi says:

I was flipping through the guide book for inspiration and started drawing Maria. I liked how it turned out so I just waited until I had access to a scanner before giving it to her. (It turned out, I had to break down and buy one... 9_9;) It was pretty much done in inks, markers, and a little bit of colored pencil. I've been fooling around with different media to see what kind of effects I could get. As it turned out, the image looked a lot brighter in Photoshop (another program I'm trying to figure out...) so I put her against a gradient/cloudy background. It's one of my first attempts with making a "complete" image so to me it seems a bit "blah". ^_^; (I am my own worst critic. o_-)

[regarding Elly] I've been fooling around with Photoshop some more and finished this drawing I did of Elly some time ago. (Oh the wonders of having a scanner at home!) Sorry the background is some generic cloud thing... I have to see if I can come up with something more original.

- Aeris -
RT Brown
Final Fantasy VII

RT Brown says: I've been wanting to paint this sweetie for a long time. This is Aeris as I would imagine I would see her on the streets of Midgar. My interpretation though original doen't vary much from the game character. I just wanted to make her a little more real. The original painting (as I would call them) was a 20 meg TIFF. The face alone filled the screen of my 19" monitor. The reason I did this was to be able to go in and do the tiniest of details. Example: all the hairs were drawn in one by one after doing the basic blocking in of the hair mass with a larger brush.

- Handing over the Black Materia -
Petra Rödig
Final Fantasy VII

Petra Rödig says: I was just playing FF VII again and came to the scene, were Cloud hands over the black materia to Sephiroth. When I see this scene, I always try to imagine what's going on with Cloud. He don't want to give Sephi the materia, he fights against something deep inside himself... but he looses this battle. But what was wrong with him? And after Cloud gave Sephi the materia, he didn't know why he did it and he don't want to believe what has happened. I decided it had to be something, he would never do as the "normal" Cloud. And then there was this thought: Sephiroth is a really handsome guy and the girls go crazy just from looking at him. So, why shouldn't this also happen to a boy?! Or maybe it is a warning? In some stories the bad guy kisses his next victim. Maybe Sephi want to say: "You're next. Don't try to run away, you can't escape. I'll find you and then... your time is over." [ * not suitable for audiences sensitive to yaoi-flavored pictures * ]

- Want a sip, Darling? -
Natalie Goodridge
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Natalie Goodridge says: Stippling is one of my favorite techniques in my artwork, even if it demands a great amount of time and patience. But Alucard is one of my favorite characters, and I thought the detail that stippling allows would do him justice. Of course, the size of the file lacks in this detail a little. I'm quite happy with how it turned out and I only modified it slightly using Paint Shop Pro -- the black border, e-mail signature, and changing his pupils. (Without this he would have looked like he'd put bella donna in his eyes!)

- Richter, Maria, Adrian -
Christine "Kestrel" Houser
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Christine "Kestrel" Houser says: This is a group shot of (from left to right), Richter Belmont, Maria Renarde, and Adrian "Alucard" Farenheights Tepes. I drew Maria's costume a little differently than normal, because I thought it would look nicer. ::shrugs:: This was a little tricky to do, because I wanted to show the relationship Maria had between the two men. Richter's her brother in law, and so, appears distant, but Alucard is a dhampire, she a mortal. He holds his sword over his shoulder, at the ready, but still looks back. The big question when I beat the game was, "Hey, what happens next?!" I canna answer that question, but I was inspired to draw some of my best fanart!

- The Sacred Relm -
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Tana says: "Darnit Link, don't give her the Ocarina! Kiss her Darnit!;quot; As I screamed at my T having finished the game I borrowed from my brother. So he didn't do what I told him too, but it's still a great scene. Plus, there aren't any of Nintendo's official artwork of Princess Zelda as an adult, besides as Sheik. So having looked at as many screen shots as I could, and official artwork, then mumbling about which tunic to have Link wear, and trying to decide what to color it with, I FINALLY finished this pic and I'm darn proud of it. Now if I only knew how to animate so that Link would do what I wanted him to....^_^

- Fei and Elly: Forever Love -

Sandara-3 says: ( no comments )

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