
Fan Artwork for January 28th, 1999
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  Artist of the Week
Aki Aki's art, which frequently graces RPGamer, is beautifully haunting. Unfortuately, the webpage is currently unavailable, but I do encourage you to check back to see it when it goes back up. It will be worth it.
  Yep, I promised one...and it'll be here soon. In the meantime, try your luck..submit your URL (with your fanart) next time and Lorelai will choose the next Artist of the Week! Oh...your art must have been posted on RPGamer several times to qualify. I remember who you are...

Hi everyone! Boy, I think you guys are gonna get a kick out of today's update. I was having such a hard time choosing twelve that I finally said, HECK with it, and posted up fifteen! Hehe. Oh, by the way, many people were miffed because the Circle of Sages neglected to assemble on the second week of existence. Well, I BEG your pardon, but we DID assemble. In fact, I made a transcripted the meeting (aka made the page) myself! So, in cased you missed it...mosey on to a copy of my Circle of Sages, a la Lorelai.

Good news: Way cool art this week. And most of it's very un-anime! Good work. But I'm afraid there's some bad news too...Due to the huge amount of art I got, I'm afraid that some weren't looked at fairly because of the blatant disregard for my posting last week, How to get your Fanart posted. Again, I would really, really appreciate it if you would read that, and the FAQ, over again carefully. Just stating what the title of your fanart is in your e-mail's subject line would help me so much...

Well, anyway, on to the specifics. (BTW, if comments of your fanart are not's because you didn't send any in to me!) First, we have Erin Cochran, and her portrayal of Vincent. It was done a year ago, and she comments that she would have liked to make some changes to it, but still likes the overall impression of the drawing. And I agree; Vincent sure isn't kidding about that gun he's pointing at you.

Cory Helson gives us a huge commentary that almost rivals the quality of his emotional-packed portrayal of Cecil's Ordeal; it's too big to post here, but here's the gist of it:

"When looking for a setting for this picture, I wanted to chose a location that didn't appear in any previous artwork based on this character. I also wanted a scene where there was emotion to interpret that was not spoken in words. I chose Cecil's ordeal, fighting his past self, as the setting, since it showed an inner conflict. He didn't want to die, but he felt regret for what he had done. Perhaps he felt he was deserving of death, for all the wrongs he had committed when simply following orders. So, in my portrayal of Cecil, I showed him ravaged by battle, near death, finally acknowledging his past, and submitting to the possibility that he would die at this moment."

J. Stork also worked for hours on end to bring us a magnificent rendering of the popular Leviathan, from Final Fantasy VIII:

"I spent a good 3 hours trying to get the stars to reflect off the water; no beans. (Actually, I know why I couldn't get it to work now... Really annoying problem..) So, I just dropped the visibility, and cut the stars.. Doesn't look too bad, for a compromise. The water droplets are off, and I reused the ground from the other picture, but all-in-all, a good way to spend a friday. :)"

Thanks so much for your comments and praise about my own fanart, I appreciate it. However, I need some feedback; do you guys actually read it? It takes me a LOT of time to do so, I'm thinking of trimming some fat here. Tell me, are comments wanted? Or are you more interested in art, and e-mailing the artist if you want to know more?

Well, that's all I guess...thanks for all your comments on my fanart! It made my day happies =) Well, guess you guys know my entire name now (cuz I signed my fanart with it), so I'll just sign it thus...

-- Wei-Ling Lorelai Wu

Side Note: Critique Corner and Ask Lorelai postponed because of the incredible stress at Berkeley, coupled with the huge amount of work and time this update took. Also, someone e-mailed saying that "bishonen" meant "two-men." As in, same-gender couples. I thought bishonen just meant "cute," and that "yaoi" described male couples. Any light on this, japanese speakers?

Elly's eyes capture you

color pencils
Amber Michelle

Vincent holds you at Gunpoint

Final Fantasy 7
pen and ink
Erin Cochran

Ramsus gives you a glance

pencil, Painter 5

Lance is ready to strike


Meridian child

Seiken Densetsu 3
Paint Shop Pro

Link fends off his foes

Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Maria is quite proper

Paint Shop Pro

Cecil's Ordeal

Final Fantasy IV
color pencils
Cory Helson

Squall Leonhart in the flesh

Final Fantasy VIII

Leviathan rises out of dark waters

Final Fantasy VIII
Light Wave 5.5
J. Stork

Terra the Attractive Esper

Final Fantasy VI
Alvin Tenorio

Sephiroth and his Chocobo

Final Fantasy VII
Sandara 3

Leviathan hovers in the air

Final Fantasy VIII
Adobe Photoshop 5

Of Fairies and Elves

Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Paint Shop Pro
Natalie Goodridge

Female Monk in Casual Dress

Final Fantasy Tactics
ink, Photoshop
Soul / Count

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