
fan art 14 Oct 2005
featured artist
Dan Flynn
Zelda fans will especially want to check out this delightful assortment of submissions by Dan Flynn. His artwork employs a wide variety of media ranging from pencil sketches to fusions of 2D and 3D components.
all links lead to link

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback about the new design. I tweaked a couple of items to make them look a bit nicer.

  • The Submissions. Congratulations to our first Featured Artist, Dan Flynn. Also a quick note about JunGaeHyuk's submission--it's based on the challenge issued to the OmniArt Quarter-Finalists and depicts Sora dismayed. Which maid? Dismayed. Hahaha, I know I'm not funny.

  • OmniArt 2005 Quarter-Final Voting Opens Monday Night! That's right; the long-awaited audience voting portion of OmniArt 2005 is just a few short days away. I'll be opening the voting booth sometime on Monday night, and we'll post an announcement on the front page of RPGamer when it opens. Out of the 21 Quarter-Finalists, 18 sent in entries, but only 12 will advance to the Semi-Finals with your support. Each IP address will be allowed to cast one ballot per day (no funny business; we're watching you!), and everyone who votes will be asked to pick their first, second, and third favorite pieces out of the 18. Voting will run through Thursday evening (exact closing time to be announced), and the results will be announced in next Friday's update. If you can't wait that long, we'll also be giving the results out on Thursday night immediately after the poll closes in Fan Art's IRC chat channel (RPGamer IRC FAQ | RPGamer Java IRC Client).

I think you'll all be absolutely amazed by the entries we received for this latest round. It's going to be a hard decision for a lot of voters out there. Good luck to all of the OmniArtists!

Nick Ferris is having a yard sale tomorrow. Come buy all of his wonderful junk!

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OmniArt 2005
Real Emotion
October 10, 2005
@ 11:59pm PST

OmniArt 2005 Grand Prize:
$600 Cash
Voting Opens Monday Night!

requests requests
  • More requests!
  • Riviera: The Promised Land
  • Sigma Star Saga
  • Phantom Brave
  • Fanimation
  • Costumes
  • Xenosaga 2 chaos
kweee's corner kweee's corner

anime girl of the week

in the gamecube
tales of symphonia

in the ds
cobwebs, maybe spider

in my living room
lots of junk

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