
Impressions - The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords (GC)

Aside from gaining the knowledge that I kick major expletive at the game my four-player demo of the GameCube version of Legend of Zelda: Four Swords, the other satisfying bit of information I came away with is that the game rocks.

The potential of Game Boy Advance to GameCube connectivity may have found its first true show of power in this title. When on the surface, or in the top layer of a dungeon, you view the game from the television where all the typical hack-and-slash rupee stealing action and puzzle solving runs wild in the zooming camera. If you manage to fall off a ledge or wander down the stairs, however, your GBA comes into play by moving you onto its screen for the action to continue.

The game was a blast on the Game Boy Advance by itself. The brilliant use of the television and the GameCube are set to make it a party classic. Bring out your swords and kill your friends. The rupee quest is awesome.

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by Zachary Lewis    

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