
Shining Lore - First Impressions

Shining Lore is one of NCSoft's many offerings this year. My first thought when I began playing the game, was that they took some definite cues from Ragnarok Online. The battle and menu systems are quite similar, and I slipped into being able to play Shining Lore in no time, due to the similarities between the two games. Perhaps more differences will emerge as the game moves towards release.

Playing the game is rather entertaining, and the graphics are superbly done. There's enough to keep you interested, but the enemies were a bit on the childish side. Unfortunately, it's very easy to get lost because the game's map feature is not very informative and quite hard to read. Sadly, the game is purely an MMORPG, with very little real story to redeem it.

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by Wesley Fonvergne    

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