
Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Impressions

I didn't know what to expect when I first heard of Four Swords for GameCube. Having played it, I thought it was an absolute blast. The system is very similar to the original GBA Four Swords, with several improvements.

The demo we played required four GBAs, but when the game is complete, it will support 2-4 players. The game uses Link to the Past's graphics and gameplay engine, and it works out really well. The likely reason for not using Four Swords' engine is because that was reserved for the Zelda puzzle game, which does not fall under our coverage.

The most impressive part of the game is the GBA-GC connectivity feature. All players are seen on screen, and the GBA is not used when exploring the overworld. However, once you enter a town or the underworld, you control your link through the GBA. This results in an amazingly fun play system, and you're always kept on your toes. I'd recommend this game to all multiplay fans once it's released.

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by Joseph Witham    

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