
When Psycho Clouds Bring Raging Squalls, You Know The Tida Will Come

by Ersatz Sobriquet 

Now I'm just a little annoyed. I've played about all the Final Fantasy's except Final Fantasy II and III for Nintendo as well as IV. I always thought the series was pretty good. The graphics were always appropriate for the era, and the music was always top notch. But, I don't know what happened to Square after the success they reaped from VI, but after that game, in my humble opinion, the series just went downhill. Why? Oh, I'll tell you why.

I will be the first to admit this. I really, really, REALLY despised Final Fantasy VII. It wasn't the battle system, that was fine. It wasn't the GF's, no that was tolerable. But it was the story! I don't care what anyone says, but if you have to analyze a ending, umm well folks, that's just not fun. Maybe it's just me and the fact that the last boss was anything but difficult, that Cloud lost his mind more than I cared for, and for the first time in a Final Fantasy game, (well, at least here in the states) there was cursing. And it wasn't just mild language, but it was profane! They had to have it edited in the game! (I know I'm going to get shot on that one.) You had more elements switching back and forth than I cared for; Meteor, Lifestream, Sephiroth, Aeris' death, Sinra, the whole Mako eyes "is he or is he not infused". Too much!

Now, maybe I'm a old shtick and all. I do like plot twist. Just, you know. Good ones. And I also like good endings. Oh yeah. I really hated the ending. Usually when you beat a game, all the lose ends are tied up and you walk away, even if the story sucks, understanding everything. When you walk away scratching your head, then you go on-line to read about this guy who *thinks* he understands what the ending means in a game, and then gives you NUMBERED reasons, well, that just turns me off.

And then we have Final Fantasy VIII. I won't mention all the discomfort I endured from that game too much and I will even accept it as a true game if someone, ANYONE, can give me a legitimate reason why Ultimecia compressed time! What was the purpose?!?! How were you NOT compressed along with everyone else then? Luguna said something about if you just believe in yourself, you can make it through the compression. What, did the writers from Disney decide to fill from that point on? One more point I would like to mention is that the space scene really got me riled up. All this time, Squall was all, "Leave me alone, world!", and then after that, he was more limp than soggy vegetables.

Final Fantasy IX is a game I am truly enjoying. Is it because of it's roots dating back to the days with Nintendo? No, it's just good storytelling. Funny, sad, and the hero is NOT annoying. You actually see the band pull together, when they were so far apart from the outset. I find it particularly interesting the way they are developing Aramant.

And now, going on strong in the twenty-first century we have Final Fantasy X. The story doesn't seem to confusing, in fact it seems more simpler than most FF games. The graphics, of course do seem astounding, and the music will no doubt be spectacular. But, Square does have a knack for irritating some gamer, and I feel that it will come from the voice acting job. Just a hunch.

From all that was discussed, what I think the most important thing one should realize is that atmospheric names for characters spells certain doom, and that monkey men are cool. Simpler topics, and not trying to answer certain questions about the meaning of life is what makes a good Final Fantasy game. I for one, have no qualms about the making of a Final Fantasy XXX, as long as the story remains simple and easy to understand, than causing a storm that will set ablaze the hearts of many philosophers.

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