
Into the Darkness
July 21, 2003

The Mark of tuinte U P D A T E D    A R T I C L E S


Adding that Last Dimension
   by Gabriel Putnam
"Are 3D games inherently superior to their 2D counterparts in terms of the potential for display of graphics? Yes should be the obvious answer. However, even at this first question it already becomes somewhat less cut and dry. In a purely theoretical sense, 3D engines have the ability to produce scenes which are the rival of real life. You can get close to this level of graphics in a 2D product with still-lifes, static structures, and careful tricks of mapping and paths, however, you will never have the freedom to explore such a scene from every angle or focus on those aspects which you the gamer find interesting."

   by Ravi Jain
"The story of a video game defines it precisely, it describes the world, environment and battle situations the player will encounter, it determines the mood and quality of the music and graphics from fun and upbeat to graceful waving sounds and awed visuals, and even in some cases it defines the battle system; the weapons of the time period, the skill of each character, and the scenarios which will be played. But the overarching concept of most video game, most novels or movies, is the concept of the hero, and his heroic journey to believe protect what he thinks is just right and moral in the given situation."

Saving the World at Puberty
   by Gabriel Ang
"These days, lead characters and the rest of the cast tend to range from their early 20's to as young as six! (Eiko in FFIX). Some people before might have wondered how people that young could go off and save the world, but nowadays it's no surprise to gamers to see really young heroes and heroines. The real reason why game companies decided to put the characters, at least most of them, in the teenage range is beyond me, but I have a few guesses as to why."

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Editor's Comments

   Welcome to this week's installment of Editorials. Today I present you with three editorials. Gabriel Putnam again graces us with another interesting editorial, this time about the 2D vs 3D debate. Ravi Jain has submitted a well organized essay about character development, and Gabriel Ang returns with an article about something we've all likely thought about at one time or another.

   There was a time in the history of RPGamer's editorials column that direct discussion on the message boards didn't exist. Back then, the rebuttals flowed in, because that was the only way to respond to a given editorial and have your voice heard. Nowadays, you can do that just as easily on the message boards. Please, continue to use the boards as you have been; I've been nothing but delighted by the response the forums have received. However, if you really want your thoughts to be heard, go ahead and write a rebuttal instead of an extravagant message board post. It will likely get more reads that way.

   Remember to send your editorials to Cortney for next week's update. I'll be back in August.


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