
Ebb and Flow
March 23, 2004

The Mark of tuinte U P D A T E D    A R T I C L E S


Untitled 2
   by Jason Gallagher
"I don't think that our good friend Henry has bothered to accurately describe exactly why enhanced graphics and sound take away from the gameplay experience. And I, brave as I am, am going to attempt to tell you why enhanced graphics and sound enhance the overall game experience."
· Rebuttal to: Untitled

Change for the Better
   by Edward Wittlif
"Games continue to evolve. They grow and change. RPGs in particular are subject to change... Some people would view this evolution as a terrifying factor in RPGs that will ruin the genre... But what this change offers is variety."

Classic Editorial - February 2001

Guess what I've been doing while you were hiding...
   by mskills
"The question that needs to be considered is this: are random battles really a "bad" thing? Even if you agree with that statement, have you considered whether or not optional battles are "better" than random encounters? While these may be simple questions, the implications may be anything but simple."

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Editor's Comments

   Welcome to this week's editorials column. This week we present you with a rebuttal by Jason Gallagher to one of last week's articles, as well as a discussion about change and its importance to the RPG genre by Edward Wittlif. There's also an interesting classic editorial by mskills on the subject of random battles.

   I hope to see you all back next week, and I hope to see at least a few new editorials in my inbox by that time.


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