
On a Dark and Chilly Night...

[02.25.2000] - I'm back with more! Right on time too, if you count the fact that I posted the last one at about 5 minutes til the 23rd... technicalities ;). Here we have 5 more pieces, including 2 from the prolific Joshua Maciel. "Why One Should Care" is a public response he has put together regarding some feedback he received. It expresses many concerns and offers several suggestions on how one can go about improving their own editorial writing. His second is a rebuttal against one of his own earlier editorials. Turns out you folks went out of your way to prove him wrong. :) See, people *can* change their minds!

JD Davis writes in with a incredibly deep look at the characters of FF8. I'll openly admit I never look this deeply into games, and only rarely books and movies. Never the less, the detail, though speculative, is quite impressive. Zechael's submission is more of a request. A plea to the gamers out there to just sit back, relax a bit, and smell the roses. Lastly, a rebuttal by Leah Raeder in response to "The RPG That Is Not An RPG".

[02.22.2000] - Expect 4-5 eds to be posted every other day until the inbox is cleared. :) I'm also setting aside some that are questionable, and I'm going to write the authors regarding improvements and changes in order to improve clarity and readability. New articles will have bright red dates for easy identification.

Bradon Blair gives us a rather nostalgic tale describing why the Final Fantasy series means a great deal to him. While little argument is present, it is rather refreshing to hear the thoughts of one so enamored with a particular game. I'd imagine most of us have been drawn that deeply into a game at least once. It's a good reminder of our roots, so to speak. Also in the Final Fantasy vein, Neko-chan discusses how well the women from Final Fantasy would survive in our modern society.

Casey steps back from the gaming forum and observes editorials in general. Nearly any submitter or reader of the column could glean some information from this insightful little article. Lastly, Howard furthers a question brought up in the last update. What in the world has happened to the quality of villains in recent RPGs?

Next up - Writing advice from readers, for readers, possibly with a few cents thrown in by yours truly. I will say this though: You all never cease to surprise me with the endless views on various subjects, and many of you are remarkably eloquent in your attempts to get said views written down clearly. Keep up the good work.

  - Hunter Wilcox
o/` well I dreamed I saw the knights in armor coming / saying something about a queen o/`

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Final Fantasy
The Mythology of Final Fantasy *spoilerish* JD Davis 2/25/2000
Why FF series is so successful... *spoilers* Brandon Blair 2/22/2000
About Women in Final Fantasy Neko-chan 2/22/2000
Critical analysis of FF8 *spoilers* Andy Kraft 2/9/2000
FFIX, FFX, FFXI Joshua Maciel 2/9/2000
Why FFIV is the Greatest RPG Ever *spoilers* Mephtik Zero 2/9/2000
Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy I *even more spoilers* Shayera the Starsword 2/9/2000

The way we see it
Role Playing Games Zechael 2/25/2000
Why One Should Care Joshua Maciel 2/25/2000
Editorial Abuse? Casey Columbus 2/22/2000
Why Are There So Few Good Villains? *spoilers* Howard Kleinman 2/22/2000
My problems with the "old school." Al Solomon 2/9/2000
The Essence of a True Villain *spoiler-esque material* Ajikazia Wonkycyber 2/9/2000
Opinions on Online Gaming David Liu 2/9/2000
Xenogears is the redemption of the current trend of RPGs Evan Khaleghi 2/9/2000
The Importance of Playing RPGs Joshua Maciel 2/9/2000

Corporate Politics
Forget it, Square is not coming back Andrill 2/9/2000
Wonderswan? Wonder no more... (what a dumb name for a system!) Elranzer 2/9/2000
Will we ever see another American Dragon Quest? Roto Densetsu 2/9/2000

Say what?! - Rebuttals
The RPG That Is Not An RPG Josh DeClerck 2/9/2000
"Untitled (It's a Pun)" Leah Raeder 2/25/2000
FAQ About the Plot of FFVIII Part II *spoiler warning!* Joshua Maciel 2/9/2000
Rebuttal to FF8 FAQ Part 2 Joshua Maciel 2/25/2000
I’ll Explain Exactly Why Final Fantasy Sucks Benjamin S. Avner 1/26/2000
Re: Final Fantasy Sucks Damien Prystay 2/9/2000
Final Fantasy Anthology - The TRUTH! Julia Simpson 12/14/1999
Re: Final Fantasy Anthology - The TRUTH! Lindsay S 1/26/2000
Re: FFA: The TRUTH (Should I buy the damn thing or not?) Kris Wolfe 2/9/2000
The RPG Mass Market dsanickl 1/26/2000
Oh for Pen and Paper... Steel Gunner 2/9/2000

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