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XYYZ February 11, 2008
Past Updates: 02.04.08 | 01.28.08 | 01.22.08

Pride and Glory Danakir Odeiron

Editorial Excerpt: "If there is one constant that is inevitable in any and all games, be they RPGs or otherwise, it is the presence of a protagonist."

Gaming with Depth Stew Shearer

Editorial Excerpt: "The games that stick, I feel are the ones with stories and characters that draw you in..."

From the Editor's Desk

Thanks to our newest editorialist Stew, our senior editorialist Sarah, and a few other wonderful folks, the editorials section has one of the first backlogs we've had in quite some time. My apologies to anyone like Danakir that has had to wait on their submission to be published. I promise that everyone will have a chance. Do not let the backlog fool you though. It can vanish before you know it, so please keep the editorials coming.

This week Danakir brings us some thoughtful discussion on the use of protagonists and antagonists in RPGs. Stew shares his thoughts on how important a compelling story is to a game, specifically in a RPG. Both are thought provoking, so I recommend reading them at once.

For me, I finally finished Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom this week. The review will be coming shortly, though I doubt anyone will care. At least I finished it in time to be ready for Lost Odyssey. I've placed Final Fantasy Tactics on the back burner for just a little while in order to get some play time of Rondo of Swords in. If you are curious about it, I should have a preview of it ready soon. On the non-RPG side, I'm continuing to play through both Guitar Hero II and III. Fun stuff. That's it for now, so check back next week for more editorial goodness.

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