
What Makes an RPG Popular?

by David Sanders

(On a side note, I would like to thank everyone who sent positive feedback to my first editorial.)

What makes an RPG popular? There are many ways to view it. It might be defined as sales (i.e. Final Fantasy 7), dedication to it (i.e. Final Fantasy 8), or longevity (i.e. Chrono Trigger).

Final Fantasy 7 sold over a million copies, thus earning it a place on the Greatest Hits list. It was acclaimed by magazines and owners alike. Now some people, for whatever reason, don't like it. Does that make it unpopular? Not in this writer's opinion. But do sales alone make a game popular? Again, not by my count. But they certainly do contribute to it.

Some people are adamant that Final Fantasy 8 is the greatest game ever. They will fight with a passion that I personally find remarkable. That doesn't mean they are jerks about it though. They simply don't care what you say, they still love it. Does that make it popular? Maybe, maybe not. I personally don't really care for the game, but that's just my opinion and I could be wrong.

Now what if a game like Chrono Trigger manages to still be talked about and like years after its release? I personally will still like it when Final Fantasy 9, 10 11, etc. come out. Other people, I hope, won't abandon this game when the next one in the series comes along. Does that make it popular? Quite possibly, but it certainly isn't the only contributing factor.

All in all, each of these things, sales, dedication, and longevity, help to contribute to whether a game will fly or flop. If your opinion differs, that's great. Differences are what make life, and gaming, so great.

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