
July 24 July 20 July 19 July 18
Sock 2

Things start up again tomorrow, so get ready to answer! Since I'm heading home for the weekend, I will warn you now that Friday's column will be going up early in the day; that is, before 4 pm EST, so make sure that you're right on top of Thursday's questions.

Today's Tips:

  • Some classes gain bonus unarmed attack damage at some level-ups. Thus, for people in high levels, you might actually do MORE damage by attacking with your bare fists than by attacking with some weaker weapons! Beware.
  • In general, it isn't possible to use two items in the same turn. However, if you found a way to use a Quick spell, then you might be able to take an extra action in order to pull off this feat.

One more day to go! Hang in there, everybody.


We had been in the Dark World for a couple of days, heading south, and enjoying a relatively peaceful walk, thanks to Elia's herbs. The world seemed to be quite like our own, except with a more dusky sky, and a deeper, somehow richer colour in the oceans. Perhaps it was an illusion.

We had just passed through a village of gnomes, called Trigg. There, they directed us in the direction we were headed. It became very apparent, very quickly, that Mazell was more than just a celebrity here; he was deeply feared, and not a single person was ignorant of his name. Was his aim to take over our world as well? There were so many questions.

As we passed over an open grassland, we could see steep mountains looming in the distance.

"That's it," dad said assertively. "Those must be the mountains where we'll find Mazell's palace!"

"And look!" Veronica pointed. A few twinkling lights were faintly visible at the base of the mountains, though they were many miles off yet. "It looks like there's a little village there."

As we changed direction and headed towards the settlement, the wind picked up suddenly. Shayla stiffened and then scanned the horizon.

"Everyone... look over there. What's that cloud?" Shayla asked hesitantly. It was hard to distinguish at first, but a small, black, blurry cloud appeared to be emerging from the mountains.

"A volcano?" Wooley arched his eyebrow almost comically before the colour drained from his face. The cloud was building and coming closer. As it did, we realized that it wasn't a cloud at all.

"Get ready, guys... we've got company." Shayla reached for her sword as the huge swarm of monsters approached...


How strange... a gate has materialized.

Battle Window              Points upon Revival: 50
insert battle theme...

Currently in Play:
  • The Watcher (Summon)

Action Window

Raaj gains a level, reaching Level 9!

Goddess Atma attacks! It's a critical hit!! Dimensional Demon-A takes 86 damage!
Jeremy V. attacks! Dimensional Demon-B takes 17 damage!
Draconn attacks! Electabuzz takes 18 damage!
Vyselocke attacks! Dimensional Demon-A takes 23 damage!

Dimensional Demon-A is defeated!
All SOCK Intelligence Agency members receive 59 Experience and 15 Gold!

The SIA makes an announcement:

"The SIA is in the middle of developing a private wiki to help gather information about SOCK2. If you're interested in helping out (and possibly learning a thing or two), please consider joining our guild at no risk--if you don't like it with us, we can arrange your departure from the guild nearly as quickly as you arrive. If you'd like more information before applying, please see"

Joshua attacks! Dimensional Demon-B takes 8 damage!
CW attacks! Dimensional Demon-B takes 21 damage!
MrMSty punches Dimensional Demon-B in the faces! It takes 9 damage!
Thinkfreemind attacks! Dimensional Demon-B takes 20 damage!
Electabuzz uses Thunderbolt! Dimensional Demon-B takes 61 damage!

Dimensional Demon-B is defeated!
ERROR receives 175 Experience and 44 Gold!

ERROR casts Fira! Electabuzz takes 28 damage!

Electabuzz is KO'd...
ERROR prevents others from obtaining any Experience points!

All enemies are defeated! Anyone else who tries to attack is too late!

Nightwolf uses Healing Herbs! Nightwolf gains 33 bonus points!
UFJ dances a jig!
Xlash uses a Warp Stone! Genjuu's and Xlash's points are switched!
Alael uses Healing Herbs! Alael gains 31 bonus points!
Macstorm uses an Antidote! Macstorm's poison status is relieved!
Jeffrey strikes out at Uncle Guido with ferocious anger! Uncle Guido takes 5 damage!
Genjuu uses a The Watcher Orb! The Watcher is summoned to battle!
The Watcher casts Libra! But Electabuzz was already defeated!
Lost Boricua uses a Wait Mode! The contest is halted in time for three days!

Note: The current scoreboard reflects all APGs and all actions up until this point! The contest will resume on Thursday's column, picking up exactly where today left off. Until then, I'll be adding hints and advice on Sock 2 pages, so keep tuning in!

Don't go it alone!

Guild of Magus

Creator: Sandy
Type: Invite Only
You will be notified in case you are given an invitation- you may not freely join.

Order of Beorn

Creator: Sundoulos
Type: Invite Only
You will be notified in case you are given an invitation- you may not freely join.

Brotherhood of Lief

Creator: FirstAid
Type: Open
You are free to join this guild as long as your total level is 4 or less.

SOCK Intelligence Agency

Creator: Joshua
Type: Semi-Open
The invitation is extended to any would-be agents wishing to use their attention to detail, deductive logic, strategic use of time, and/or general curiosity to collect intelligence on all aspects of SOCK2. The SIA aims to be a diverse organization so players of all classes and levels are currently welcome to apply. Please state your level of proficiency in your classes at time of application.

The Healing Shield

Creator: Bainick
Type: Open
May freely join if the following is fulfilled:
Must be mainly Defender or White Mage (To at least a 50:50 ratio of half def and/or wht mage:half other occupation/s), and have a lower or equal to level than Bainick.

...New stock every week!

   Trigg Item Shop   
Item Effect Price
Antidote Cures Poison. 25 Gold
Smelling Salts Cures Confusion. 25 Gold
Echo Herbs Cures Silence. 35 Gold
Metronome Cures Slow. 35 Gold
Healing Herbs Boosts Points by 25-40. 40 Gold
Flex Herb Cures Immobilize and Disable. 50 Gold
Gold Needle Cures Stone or Paralysis 75 Gold
Holy Water Cures Haunt or Curse. 75 Gold
Shuriken If "Throw" command is known, does 2-3x unarmed attack power to one target when used, ignoring defenses.
75 Gold

   Trigg Weapon Shop   
Weapon Equipped Effect Price
Wood Sword
Fgt 1
Power 10; Break% 5
20 Gold
Flame Sword
Fgt 10
Power 35; Break% 3
Fire-E damage
25% chance of burning targets
175 Gold
Ice Brand
Fgt 10
Power 35; Break% 3
Ice-E damage
25% chance of freezing targets
175 Gold
Fgt 10
Power 35; Break% 3
Thunder-E damage
25% chance of paralyzing targets
175 Gold
Wpn 3
Power 20; Break% 5
50% chance of hitting each monster.
300 Gold

   Trigg Armor Shop   
Armor Equipped Effect Price
Leather Vest
Def 1
Break% 5
Phys. Damage - 10%
20 Gold
Fire Armor
Def 10
Break% 3
Immune to Fire
100 Gold
Blizzard Armor
Def 10
Break% 3
Immune to Ice
100 Gold
Thunder Armor
Def 10
Break% 3
Immune to Thunder
100 Gold
Monster Guard
Arm 9 or Blu 7
Break% 10
Damage from monsters - 50%
350 Gold

   Trigg Accessory Shop   
Accessory Equipped Effect Price
Poisona Ring Prevents Poison 150 Gold
Peace Ring Prevents Confusion. 150 Gold
Blindna Ring Prevents Blindness 150 Gold
Insomnia Ring Prevents Sleep 175 Gold
Stona Ring Prevents Stone, Paralysis 200 Gold
Red Mage's Hat Disregard Weapon/Armor prereqs up to Level 5 400 Gold

Point Benchmarks
...Spend your points on rare items!

Benchmark Prize Choice
50 pts Fighter's Sword (Fgt 2; Power 15; Break% 1)

Wizard's Rod (Blk 2; Power 3; Break% 10; MagPwr + 10%)

Point Doubler (Doubles day's Pts when used)
75 pts Defender's Shield (Def 2; Break% 5; Absorbs 20 Pts of Dmg completely)

Cleric's Robe (Wht 2; Break% 20; Wht Magic Exp. Costs - 25%)

Gold Doubler (Doubles day's Gold when used)
100 pts AGG (Accessory: Gain bonus Gold when you write in a Q&A letter)

APG (Accessory: Gain bonus Points when you write in a Q&A letter)

AEG (Accessory: Gain bonus Experience when you write in a Q&A letter)
125 pts Everybody's Mace (Weapon: No prerequisite job level; Power 10; Break% 3)

Everybody's Guard (Armor: No prerequisite job level; Break% 10; Phys. Dmg. - 10%)

Wait Mode (Item: Freezes Sock 2 in time for user's choice of between 1 and 3 days.)
150 pts Guild Permit (Allows user to create a guild.)

Level-Up Star (Grants target with exactly enough experience to reach the next level.)

Blue Mage's Medal (???)
200 pts Point Doubler (Doubles day's Points when used.)

Gold Doubler (Doubles day's Gold when used.)

Exp. Doubler (Doubles day's Exp. when used.)
250 pts Staff of Aid (Weapon: Prereq. Wht 5; Power 5; Break% 10; Doubles power of Cure spells.)

Sneak Glove (Item: Steal a random item from enemy or opponent with 75% prob.)

Warp Stone (Item: Change points with another player, chosen at random.)
300 pts Mind Break (Armor: Prereq. Def 7; Break% 15; Magic Damage - 50%)

Goldgrabber (Weapon: Prereq. Fgt 5/Mer 12/Thf 1; Power 20; Break% 2; Gain 10% of target's Gold with successful attack.)

Hawk's Eye (Accessory: If equipped, Obscure and Obscurega spells have no effect upon you.)
350 pts Everybody's Lance (Weapon: No prereqs; Power 25; Break% 3)

Everybody's Shield (Armor: No prereqs; Break% 5; Absorbs up to 50 pts of damage completely.)

Thief's Medal (???)
400 pts Deep Pocket (Accessory: Increases Item Capacity by 2.)

Sneak Glove (Item: Attempts to steal random item from target with 75% probability.)

Iron Boots (Accessory: Prevents wearer from getting knocked over.)

Prize Shop
Want something special? Start saving up...

Prize Points Required
Nintendo DS Lite Carrying Case 1000 Points
Q&A Guest Host Position 1500 Points
DS or PSP game of your choice 3000 Points

Yesterday's Answers

b) King's Quest VI (40 Points)
The genie talked with an amusing sort of lisp, and he calls the Magic Map a "smap" in one humourous cutscene. Most of you got this right.

a) Chimera (40 Points)
The numbers on Chimera's card average 5.25, higher than any of the other options!

Today's Questions
Today's Consolation Points: 10

Lost Boricua's Wait Mode wears off on Thursday...

Submission Form

The contest will resume on Thursday...

Yay banner!

Click here for the Official Rule Guide!


1 Aurelius
Wht Lv 8
Points 673

2 Arpijy
Fgt Lv 7
Points 664

3 FoxKelfonne
Blk Lv 9
Points 660

4 LufiaLvr
Wht Lv 5
Points 659

5 Cacticus
Wht Lv 7
Points 585

Blk Lv 11
Points 570

7 Carabbit
Wht Lv 7
Points 567

8 Sandy
Blk Lv 10
Points 560

9 Tasukete
Blk Lv 7
Points 558

10 Raaj
Blk Lv 9
Points 549

11 Leaper
Blk Lv 10
Points 545

12 Mike
Fgt Lv 6
Points 543

13 Nightwolf
Blk Lv 9
Points 525

14 Brian J. Blottie
Fgt Lv 8
Points 520

15 Knighttrain
Blk Lv 6
Points 502

16 Alael
Fgt Lv 8
Points 502

17 Lost Boricua
Blk Lv 8
Points 500

18 Slashlen
Fgt Lv 8
Points 491

19 Jeremy V.
Def Lv 7
Points 482

20 JuMeSyn
Wht Lv 6
Points 470

21 Boojum
Blk Lv 8
Points 459

22 MrMSty
Blk Lv 8
Points 455

23 Draconn
Fgt Lv 7
Points 449

24 Ice^Tiger
Blk Lv 6
Points 449

25 Laurie
Wht Lv 6
Points 445

26 Leviathan
Fgt Lv 7
Points 438

27 DMJ
Fgt Lv 7
Points 419

28 Kharamain
Blk Lv 8
Points 418

29 Shinuzzo
Def Lv 6
Points 388

30 Xlash
Fgt Lv 8
Points 374

31 The Dark Chevalier
Blk Lv 6
Points 371

32 CW
Fgt Lv 6
Points 370

33 Gaijin
Blk Lv 7
Points 369

34 Jess
Wht Lv 8
Points 349

35 Arros Raikou
Fgt Lv 7
Points 343

36 Thinkfreemind
Fgt Lv 5
Points 343

37 Ken
Blk Lv 8
Points 341

38 Alexander MD
Fgt Lv 6
Points 335

39 Timbit
Fgt Lv 8
Points 328

40 Purelunatic
Fgt Lv 5
Points 316

41 Goddess Atma
Fgt Lv 13
Points 310

42 Waterfiend33
Fgt Lv 8
Points 292

43 Shadow Chancellor
Wht Lv 7
Points 291

44 Cloud_2049
Wht Lv 3
Points 287

45 Jeffrey
Def Lv 4
Points 275

46 Straadin
Fgt Lv 7
Points 262

47 Kolphyre
Fgt Lv 9
Points 261

48 Heltje
Fgt Lv 3
Points 256

49 Sundoulos
Fgt Lv 8
Points 242

50 BLG
Blk Lv 8
Points 238

51 Fang
Def Lv 8
Points 230

52 Maggie
Fgt Lv 5
Points 220

53 Ourobolus
Blk Lv 9
Points 200

54 Adam
Fgt Lv 7
Points 199

55 BigWook
Fgt Lv 8
Points 198

56 Belthasar2
Fgt Lv 6
Points 197

57 Flamethrower
Blk Lv 5
Points 191

58 UFJ
Wht Lv 9
Points 189

59 Koala Bob
Blk Lv 6
Points 187

60 Weretiger Rei
Wht Lv 5
Points 185

61 Seiryu
Def Lv 1
Points 169

62 Witecat
Def Lv 4
Points 167

63 Bainick
Def Lv 4
Points 164

64 Strawberry Eggs
Blk Lv 4
Points 160

65 Bucket
Def Lv 3
Points 158

66 Vyselocke
Def Lv 8
Points 146

67 SuperKyle
Fgt Lv 10
Points 134

68 FirstAid
Wht Lv 7
Points 123

69 IceNine
Blk Lv 5
Points 115

70 Macstorm
Def Lv 3
Points 105

71 Joshua
Wht Lv 7
Points 102

72 Genjuu
Blk Lv 9
Points 96

73 ~Sean~~
Fgt Lv 6
Points 92

74 Killa B
Fgt Lv 1
Points 85

75 Dracus
Fgt Lv 3
Points 80

76 Prism
Wht Lv 7
Points 64

77 Ish
Blk Lv 2
Points 64

78 JDX
Fgt Lv 1
Points 44

79 Patternscribe
Fgt Lv 1
Points 41

80 Alukien
Fgt Lv 1
Points 40

81 Erunion
Blk Lv 1
Points 40

82 Ziphakiel Valkrist
Def Lv 1
Points 40

83 Frammy
Fgt Lv 1
Points 30

84 Smiley Elf
Fgt Lv 1
Points 30

85 Tyraraven
Fgt Lv 4
Points 20

86 ProtoMan
xxx Lv 1
Points 20

87 Jwcooley
Fgt Lv 1
Points 20

88 Otaku Nick
Blk Lv 1
Points 20

89 Uncle Guido
Def Lv 1
Points 2

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