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Lucas Cersaine
Title: Defenders of Earth
Game(s): Disgaea 3
Characters: Gordon, Jennifer, Thursday, Kurtis
Medium: Ink, Gimp
Fan Art  
Download: [1086x678 (486.92k)]
Comment: This picture went through a lot of changes before arriving here, but I think I like it. I originally wanted to just make a high contrast picture of the Defenders of Earth, but then I started playing with filters on the GIMP, and here we are.
Title: The Lucavi
Game(s): Final Fantasy Tactics
Characters: Altima, Hashmalum, Queklain, Adramelk, Serpentarius, Zalera, and Velius
Medium: Pen and the GIMP
Fan Art  
Download: [1600x1097 (225.6k)]
Comment: The Lucavi from FF Tactics. I've been meaning to draw this picture for a long time, and I think it came out well. My only regret is that, as with so many pictures I do, some of their heads are too big. But, given that they're mostly monsters, maybe it's not as noticeable.
Title: Brave New World
Game(s): Final Fantasy VI
Characters: Celes Chere
Medium: Pencil
Fan Art  
Download: [514x707 (75.93k)]
Comment: N/A
Title: Interrupted Drink
Game(s): Final Fantasy VI
Characters: Locke Cole
Medium: Pencil
Download: [725x587 (107.57k)]
Comment: None
Title: The World is His
Game(s): Final Fantasy VI
Characters: Setzer
Medium: pencil
Fan art  
Download: [540x413 (56.55k)]
Comment: None
Title: The Empire's Weapon
Game(s): Final Fantasy VI
Characters: Terra
Medium: Pen & Paper, GIMP
Download: [1070x1260 (221.13k)]
Comment: This took forever, but I think it came out well. The title refers to the Magitek Armor, not to Terra(you'll note she's no longer wearing the Slave Crown).
Title: Green Glow
Game(s): Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Cloud Strife
Medium: GIMP
Fan Art  
Download: [460x600 (70.1k)]
Comment: N/A
Title: Fistfighter's Business
Game(s): Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Tifa Lockheart
Medium: GIMP
Fan Art  
Download: [472x472 (34.34k)]
Comment: This is Tifa in the Shin-Ra building, I guess during the first infiltration. She looks surprised for some reason...
Title: Infiltration
Game(s): Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockheart, Barret Wallace, Grenade Combatant
Medium: Pen, Pencil, GIMP
Fan Art  
Download: [949x863 (343.75k)]
Comment: This picture is intended to take place when the trio infiltrates the Shin-Ra building to rescue Aeris. This is the darker version because I felt it fit the mood better.
Title: To Destroy Everything
Game(s): Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Dyne
Medium: Pen, Pencil, and the GIMP
Fan Art  
Download: [724x788 (336.7k)]
Comment: It's a picture of Dyne contemplating both his gunarm and his desire to ease his pain through destruction. Note he holds Eleanor's amulet in his right hand. (I had to make up what it looks like, and it wound up looking a little like Tidus's amulet...oops.)
Title: Sins of the Father
Game(s): Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Hojo, Sephiroth
Medium: Pencil
Fan Art  
Download: [764x1000 (363.56k)]
Comment: Honestly, it felt almost cliche drawing fanart from FF7 nowadays, especially a picture with Sephiroth in it. But, I liked the idea of linking the two, and I figured there wasn't too much Hojo fanart out there, so there ya go.
Title: Blue Core
Game(s): Legend of Mana
Characters: Elazul
Medium: Unknown
Fan Art  
Download: [360x846 (51.17k)]
Comment: No comments.
Title: Belderiver's Master
Game(s): Odin Sphere
Characters: Oswald
Medium: Pencil
Fan Art  
Download: [967x647 (239.79k)]
Comment: The Shadowknight and master of the black sword Belderiver, Oswald. Again, I regret that line down his shoulder, but with my current scanning situation, that's the best I can get.
Title: Cornelius Of Titania
Game(s): Odin Sphere
Characters: Cornelius
Medium: Pencil
Fan Art  
Download: [534x821 (184.91k)]
Comment: The Pooka Prince of Titania, Cornelius, in all his rabbity glory. My only regret is the line created from the way I had to scan the image.
Title: The Only Thing Worthy To Give
Game(s): Odin Sphere
Characters: Oswald, Gwendolyn
Medium: Pencil
Fan Art  
Download: [605x699 (258.88k)]
Comment: This picture reflects the scene when Oswald first presented Gwendolyn with the ring Titrel. I've always loved that scene.
Title: Different Viewpoints
Game(s): Tales of Symphonia
Characters: Zelos, Sheena
Medium: Pencil
Fan Art  
Download: [812x908 (489.59k)]
Comment: I always liked the chemistry between these two. I could see this form of confrontation happening pretty often. I can also see Zelos' eyes straying a bit, hence the name.


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