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Dead Fishie
  Title: The other Rozalin
Game(s): Disgaea 2
Characters: Rozalin
Medium: Colored Pencils , Background-Stock image edited in
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (42.46k)]
Comment: Slight Spoiler for Disgaea 2. I wanted to Draw Rozalin when her other personality takes over, all her bows make her look less creepy then I wanted.
  Title: You look pretty, Dood
Game(s): Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
Characters: Etna and a Prinny
Medium: Colored pencils
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (376.18k)]
Comment: I had the urge to draw Etna dressed up, and I threw in a hopeful Prinny in too.
  Title: Ladies of Dissidia 012
Game(s): Dissidia Duodecim: Final Fantasy
Characters: Terra, Tifa, Yuna, Lightning
Medium: Colored Pencil, Pen
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (1419.08k)]
Comment: my Pen ran really bad on Terra. Trying to Get more shading in, I know it's still lacking. Tifa's arms are a bit off too. >_<
  Title: Cloud of Darkness
Game(s): Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Characters: Cloud of Darkness
Medium: pen, marker
Fan Art Featured Submission
Download: [Download (427.13k)]
Comment: /
  Title: Onion Knight
Game(s): Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Characters: Onion Knight
Medium: pen and colored pencil
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (438.47k)]
Comment: "Sketched while on hold with tech support for way too long. "
  Title: Cosmos
Game(s): Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Characters: Cosmos
Medium: pen, marker
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (729.53k)]
Comment: My pen ran badly inking this, and I forgot her veil, sorry.
  Title: Moogle Claus
Game(s): Final Fantasy
Characters: Moogle
Medium: Photoshop
Fan Art Featured Submission
Download: [Download (125.07k)]
Comment: Just a cute little Holiday moogle
  Title: Cid Wallpaper
Game(s): Final Fantasy
Characters: Cid
Medium: Digital
Download: [Download (186.4k)]
Comment: Just a Cid Wallpaper. Why? Because you can't have Final Fantasy with out a Cid
Title: Smite
Game(s): Final Fantasy
Characters: White Mage
Medium: Unknown
Fan Art  
Download: [634x797 (260.47k)]
Comment: No Comment
  Title: Abandon Ye All Hope
Game(s): Final Fantasy II
Characters: Emperor of Palamecia
Medium: Mixed media
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (961.01k)]
Comment: The Emperor standing at the gates of hell. The Quote is from Dante's Divine Comedy. Sorry if I gave you all flash backs to High School English class.
  Title: Kuja
Game(s): Final Fantasy IX
Characters: Kuja
Medium: Colored pencils
Fan Art Featured Submission
Download: [Download (689.17k)]
Comment: "Kuja really needs pants. "
  Title: Kidnapping at the Opera House
Game(s): Final Fantasy VI
Characters: Setzer, Celes
Medium: Colored pencils
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (823.39k)]
Comment: Okay, So I'm playing FF6 again. My First attempt at Drawing Setzer. I tried To get Celes' expression to show "see it's all going according to plan", and I know, I need to do more shading.
  Title: Sabin Leaves Home
Game(s): Final Fantasy VI
Characters: Sabin
Medium: Photoshop, pen and ink
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (841.35k)]
Comment: More FF6 Art. Young Sabin Leaving home before he ends up looking like "a body builder who strayed from his gym". One of my few attempts at coloring in Photoshop.
  Title: Older Relm and Gau
Game(s): Final Fantasy VI
Characters: Relm, Gau
Medium: marker
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (775.58k)]
Comment: Just kinda for the heck of it drawing. Thought it's be fun to draw a Teenaged Relm and Gau. This what happens when I'm bored and it's raining, again.
  Title: Feathers
Game(s): Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Zack Fair, Cloud Strife
Medium: pen and colored pencil
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (612k)]
Comment: Not my best Cloud ever, but I liked how Zack turned out, and lookie a background for once.
  Title: Zack at the ebach
Game(s): Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Characters: Zack
Medium: Digital, digital photo
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (70.28k)]
Comment: Just in time for the end of the summer, Zack Fair at the beach.
  Title: Trio
Game(s): Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Characters: Angeal, Genesis, Sephiroth
Medium: Mixed media
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (306.87k)]
Comment: I really haven't seen a lot of Fan art of either Angeal or Genesis, so I thought I'd give it a go.
Title: Geisha Dance
Game(s): Final Fantasy X
Characters: Yuna, unknown
Medium: Unknown
Fan Art  
Download: [611x798 (106.7k)]
Comment: n/a
  Title: Face the music
Game(s): Song Summoner: The Unsung Heroes
Characters: Ziggy
Medium: Markers
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (589.13k)]
Comment: This little game has been what i've been playing on the train


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