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Title: At Peace
Game(s): Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Vincent
Medium: Digital
Fan Art  
Download: [640x800 (276.68k)]
Comment: Vincent, chilling in a tree :)
Title: Link the Handsome
Game(s): Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Characters: Link
Medium: Unknown
Fan Art  
Download: [336x396 (28.75k)]
Comment: No Comment
Title: Fate
Game(s): Raven Blade
Characters: Aeris
Medium: Photoshop CS2
Fan Art  
Download: [900x594 (201.86k)]
Comment: I watched Advent Children again and wanted to do an illustration in homage to the game :)
Title: Futch
Game(s): Suikoden II
Characters: Futch
Medium: Unknown
Fan Art  
Download: [422x474 (56.34k)]
Comment: No Comment
Title: Mysterious Wonders
Game(s): Xenosaga: Episode I: Der Wille Zur Macht
Characters: KOS-MOS, chaos
Medium: Unknown
Fan Art  
Download: [526x475 (249.14k)]
Comment: No Comment


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