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Jerry Gallen
  Title: Pau
Game(s): Dark Cloud 2
Characters: Pau
Medium: pen, colored pencil, pencil
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (99.55k)]
Comment: Found an unusual absence of art, even official, of Pau from Dark Cloud 2, on the Internet, so I came up with this fan art.
  Title: Warhol Meets Toriyama
Game(s): Dragon Warrior
Characters: Slimes
Medium: Colored pencils, pen
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (337.72k)]
Comment: "A piece featuring Akira Toriyama's trademark Dragon Quest slimes in a piece reminiscent of Andy Warhol's work"
  Title: Mieu
Game(s): Tales of the Abyss
Characters: Mieu
Medium: pen and colored pencil
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (108.39k)]
Comment: "Fan art I did a few years ago of Mieu from Tales of the Abyss."


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