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  Title: Fuzzy Pickles
Game(s): Earthbound
Characters: Ness, Poo, Paula, Jeff, Camera Dude
Medium: HB Pencil, cheap paper
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (800.79k)]
Comment: Feast your eyes on this lovely bit of scribbling! Lovingly hand-drawn in standard Japanese HB pencil on cheap art paper.
  Title: Mr. S-Santa
Game(s): SaGa 2
Characters: Mr. S
Medium: pencil, colored pencils
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (1210.78k)]
Comment: Anyway, this piece was sketched in pencil, then colored with color pencils. Obviously, it's Mr. S from SaGa II (Final Fantasy Legend 2). I kept the colors as close as I could to what's seen in the promotional material for the remake.


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