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Randel Wiley
  Title: The Raging Emperor
Game(s): Breath of Fire IV
Characters: Fou-Lu
Medium: flash, photoshop
Fan Art Featured Submission
Download: [Download (341.06k)]
Comment: Fou-Lu is the epitome of awesome evil to me. I hit a block and didn't work on this for more than a year until I was inspired by an artist who worked on the '90s Batman cartoon and recently did paintings for an Akira exhibit.
  Title: The Little Feena
Game(s): Grandia PSX
Characters: Feena
Medium: Flash
Fan Art Featured Submission
Download: [Download (226.06k)]
Comment: "I had a lot of fun with this one. I always thought Feena's character design looked a bit like Ariel from The Little Mermaid, so I decided to snag a segment of "Part of Your World" and redo it with Feena as the character. Enjoy!"
  Title: Nash of ''Vain''
Game(s): Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
Characters: Nash
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (106.35k)]
Comment: "I'm so revved up with the PSP release of Silver Star Harmony that I felt inspired to do a Lunar-inspired piece of art. This time the subject is the ever-charming Nash, a level 3 apprentice from the famous magic city of Vane. I've always been told I looked like him, so I modeled some of his features after myself."
Title: The Jazzercising Hero
Game(s): Secret of Mana
Characters: Hero
Medium: Flash Vectors
Fan Art  
Download: [1280x768 (424.47k)]
Comment: I've always loved Secret of Mana since I was a kid in the 90s and wanted to make a desktop wallpaper based on it. I was aiming for something vomitously cute. If anyone wants a 1024x768 size, please visit my deviantART page for the cropped image. Thanks!


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