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Delphine Pryde
Title: Cloudia
Game(s): Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Cloud
Medium: Photoshop
Download: [600x618 (62.64k)]
Comment: Every FFVII artist has to do at least one piece where Cloud crossdressed.
Title: Blushing Kimono Yuffie
Game(s): Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Yuffie
Medium: Photoshop, pencil
Fan Art  
Download: [480x618 (99.37k)]
Comment: Just really wanted to do a pick of Yuffie in a kimono. She's blushing because she just got the attention of a special someone.
Title: Older Yuffie
Game(s): Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Yuffie Kisaragi
Medium: Graphire Tablet, Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0
Fan Art  
Download: [312x600 (33.56k)]
Comment: First digital drawing I've ever done using a Tablet (Only done 3 without a Tablet). The base drawing was a really old sketch I had of Yuffie, but I think I managed to spice it up quite a bit! ^_^
Title: Fan Art
Game(s): Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Aeris
Medium: Photoshop
Fan Art  
Download: [425x459 (69.3k)]
Comment: Sister picture to my earlier 'Blushing Kimono Yuffie
Title: Sky Circle
Game(s): Kingdom Hearts II
Characters: Axel, Riku, Roxas, Sora
Medium: pencil, Photoshop
Fan Art  
Download: [480x606 (139.42k)]
Comment: They were supposed to be lying on the ground looking up at the sky but since it looked like they were in the sky instead so I changed the background, just think of them in a Wonderland type world where up is down and ground is sky,so...yeah.
Title: Welcomming Sunset
Game(s): Kingdom Hearts II
Characters: Aerith
Medium: Colored Pencils
Fan Art  
Download: [660x816 (204.44k)]
Comment: None.


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